


2006-10-13 19:33:50 | 日常
Im starving right now. gotta go back home soon and get something to eat..

These days i was doing some club activitis at Kobe Uni.
Im in a (sort of) volunteer group which.....for example, helps international students newly came to Kobe University, or organises some events for international and Japanese students to have chances to get to know more with each other.

Last week the new semseter has started. that means...lots of internationals have come to Uni. So i helped(hopefully i could) those people with filling in some complicated forms of bank account or foreign registration and the other stuff. Today we had a big garage sale-like bazaar.

It was really fun to meet and talk with new people. Especially after i experienced "Living a new life in a new culture", i was excited when i think i will be a part of their Japanese experiences.(hope it makes sense)
It was also a good chance to speak English....

Anyway, though im a kind of OTSUBONE in the club, i could enjoy myself so much!

from next week, i guess im gonna have very lazy days again..mmm




New month, new semseter

2006-10-03 17:01:55 | ノンジャンル
It is a surprise that I wrote down diary here only 3 times in September(!) , though I had plenty of time...

As I said before, I went to Hokkaido from 20th-23rd.
It was already a little bit cold there, so I regretted that i brought only one cloth with long sleeves.
On the whole. the trip was really nice!
Hokkaido is such a good place to eat nice food and relax...
Especially I loved the potato with butter and corn (JYAGABATA KO-N) we bought at OODORI park :d and chimps in ASAHIYAMA zoo!
My apology to my mum for insisting to have Russian dish at Sapporo. Hope it will become a good memory....

After coming back to Kobe, I have spent really relaxing days.
Met some friends from the same faculty of Uni.
Enjoyed MAKANAI (providing meal) at working place....
Not much done.

Then Uni started yesterday.
I could meet some friends who have come back from abroad, but there were not so many people there i know.
I was a bit sad cos i felt like im behind.
But after I talked with Se***** sensei (i think she is a teacher of the life!), now im feeling really relieved and i think i can take whatever easy.

Though I got an internet connection yesterday at last, I dont have PC at home at the moment (it will be fixed and come back soon. hopefully). That's why Im using this unfamilier MAC. I have to get used to it!


そんなこんなで、久々に日本語で書いてみると”なんて簡単に自分の気持ちが表現できるの!!”って気づいた。でも、日増しに低下していく英語力(というほど高かった訳じゃないけど)と戦うためにも、keep practicingでゆきたいと思います。ちゃんちゃん。