

24/4/26(金) アルバイト

2024-05-02 09:40:20 | 日記

起床 4:55

天気 晴れ、昼過ぎから曇り(起床時の気温 15℃)

日の出 4:54/日の入り 18:23

Today, I went to my part-time job in the afternoon. Today, I was the only staff member, so it was a bit of a rush.


24/4/25(木) アルバイトと塾

2024-05-02 09:37:45 | 日記

起床 5:25

天気 晴れ(起床時の気温 14℃)

日の出 4:55/日の入り 18:22

Today, I went to my part-time job in the afternoon. Then, in the evening, I went to work at the cram school.


24/4/24 (水) アルバイト

2024-05-02 09:35:19 | 日記

起床 4:55

天気 雨(起床時の気温 15℃)

日の出 4:56/日の入り 18:21

Today, I went to my part-time job in the afternoon.


24/4/23(火) 献血469回 ケーキ 紫式部講座

2024-05-02 09:30:21 | 日記

起床 5:25

天気 曇り(起床時の気温 15℃)

日の出 4:57/日の入り 18:20


Today, I went to Yokohama in the morning to donate blood (the 469th time). On the way home, I bought a pre-ordered cake at a cake shop in Yokohama and headed to Shioiri Station on the Keikyu Line.I attended a ``Murasaki Shikibu'' course at a venue in Yokosuka and returned home.

24/4/22(月) アルバイト

2024-05-02 09:27:38 | 日記

起床 5:25

天気 雨、午後から曇り(起床時の気温 15℃)

日の出 4:59/日の入り 18:19

In the afternoon, I worked part-time at an elementary school.