起床 5:25
天気 昼過ぎまで雨のち曇り(起床時の気温 11℃)
日の出 5:36/日の入り 17:57
Today I went to a ``driving school'' and took ``elderly driving lessons''.
The content of the course consists of ``lecture'', ``driving aptitude test'', and ``on-the-wheel instruction'', and those wishing to renew their regular driver's license must take all three. It takes about 2 hours and the fee is 6,450 yen.
However, at the driving school I took, it was ¥8,000. What's the difference?
At night, I went to pick up my family from the station.
◆ souvenir
Smoked Atka mackerel, a souvenir from Hokkaido
that I received from my brother.
I received it two years ago, but out of habit, my wife let it sit for about two years. As a result, by the time it was delivered to me, the expiration date had passed, and the idea of storing it below 10 degrees Celsius was completely ignored.
◆ From Kanagawa Shimbun
In the spring Grand Sumo Tournament, the new wrestler Takeru Fuji won the championship.
He is the 17th sumo wrestler in Higashi-maegashira and the lowest ranking wrestler in Makunouchi.
With a record of 13 wins and 2 losses, this is the first time in 110 years that the new team has won the championship since Ryogoku in 1914 during the Taisho era.