起床 5:50
天気 晴れ、午後から雨(起床時の気温 5℃)
日の出 5:39/日の入り 17:55
Today, I went to a ``colored pencil drawing class'' in the morning, met up with my family in the afternoon, and entered the base since it was ``Yokosuka Base's open day.''
It started raining in the afternoon and the temperature started to drop, so I only stayed for about 30 minutes before leaving the base.
It was about an hour past lunchtime, so a total of seven of us went to an udon restaurant called Kineya near Yokosuka Chuo Station, and after lunch we dispersed.◆ colored pencil drawing ◆ Inside Yokosuka Naval Base◆ Kineya (Udon specialty store)