
百戦錬磨 もう百戦越えてますけど その先に何があるのか

ロシア北極圏、燃料2万トンが流出 プーチン大統領が非常事態宣言⬅手当り次第惨状が起きる

2020-06-11 23:43:46 | 時事

  • 燃料回収作業に160億円 ロシア北極圏の流出事故 [ひよこ★] (6)
    社説+ 2020-06-06 11:56
  • ロシア北極圏、燃料2万トンが流出 プーチン大統領が非常事態宣言 [ひよこ★] (15)
    社説+ 2020-06-04 14:49

20,000 tons of fuel spill in Russian Arctic, President Putin declares state of emergency

見た瞬間 クエスチョンマークだらけになった
同化する気? 無理でしょ 頭おかしいんでは?

What do you mean by a return to God? Putin.
The moment I saw it, it was covered in question marks.
You're going to assimilate? You can't. You must be crazy.



Military Unity, including a return to God.
Regression can only be thought of as assimilation.

Not once in Iran did he utter these words.

Even Iraq is putting up with the recent derision of weakness.

The Russians and other Chinese mounts are so crazy that no amount of bombs will suffice.



In Iraq, where Obama is obsessed, he's putting up with ridicule.
There are people who are deliberately agitating for it to be a good thing. The Obama, Hillary and Bush relationship has created a disaster in that region for quite a while.

Why did Obama use the name Hussein and become a self-proclaimed Israel?
Does he think he's going to be liked? It's Babylon's proxy who rules there! You think that's a good idea? disgusting


北方領土に関し、交渉を無視したのは忙しいタイミングに持ち出した卑怯だからだ プーチン。

Then it would be the same in Russia.
The diversionary tactic they're doing in China is an imitation of what Russia used to do, right?

You don't see the people who are silent.
With regard to the Northern Territories, you ignored the negotiations because it was cowardice to bring it up at a busy time, Putin.
We've got a time bomb in Ukraine, and now that the freeze is thawing, the Arctic gas development is getting more sensitive, right?
I was offered 10 trillion dollars for gas development and I agreed to hundreds of billions of dollars, but it was written at the time that we could do whatever we wanted.


ロシア・ウクライナガス紛争 - Wikipediaja.wikipedia.org › wiki › ロシア・ウクライナガス紛争

search results
Web search results

Russian-Ukrainian gas conflict - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org ' wiki ' Russian-Ukrainian gas conflict
In addition, it has been decided to transfer to Russia part of the concessions in the natural gas pipeline owned by Belarus, where gas prices themselves have been kept low, in return for keeping gas prices low.

凍土が解けてきてんだ わかるか? 

In the Arctic, if you're going to put a plant on top of the frozen ground, it's going to be buried and the plant is going to collapse. 
The frost is thawing, you understand? 



You know the satellite images were released at the beginning of this year when there was flooding in Israel. If it were true, it would have been taboo in the US, but it was kept quiet. As long as the information was life-threatening. The whole time, the atmosphere around the UK, Ireland and Iceland would have been funny. The bears would have been migrating, and all hell would break loose in Russian territory.

The Arctic is affected, John.
You didn't think we were prepared for this. If you start to get angry, you're going to be blind.


The Sino-Chinese hit men are young men who have mastered Russian military operations. Russia is not irrelevant. I'm sure they've mentioned the word "werewolf game" before. Let's do the same thing, shall we? I rarely lie, so I change my mind immediately. I'm too quick to keep up with people who are not intelligent enough.


The Chinese and the Chinese-Chinese are using their lack of wisdom as a good thing and dragging people down on a topic that has stopped being dimensional. That kind of stopping of thinking might be playing out in a werewolf game, but it's the kind of stopping of a person who's not living up to his or her potential. It's just acting out. By the time the UK decided to leave the EU, Putin's relatives were already in the EU. The EU and the UK are at war, and I'm the one caught up in that war, and the EU has Russia as a military force. Rely, the British are going to use it in China.
I'll expose everything we can assume.

もうわかった ロシアはEUと

Then the camp that prepared Russia-gate for Trump
is around the Obamas, and the Russians are whoever is in the Obama camp. Is it connected to. The environment where nuclear power was shrinking in the US and Russia and China were able to invest in capital equipment was a problem for Rockefeller. So you can turn upside down the environment in which the raggedy rice cake fell from that shelf.
Not all who are active are winners, and silence is also part of the activity.
I get it now, Russia is with the EU.
The UK has been working with China.
Verbal Agreement on Military Commissions
It's not easy when the country is so big.
But I don't want to be hijacked. 


2020-06-11 23:16:45 | 時事

【米抗議デモ】オバマ前大統領「これはマラソン。諦めるな」…討論会でエール ★2 [みんと★] (310)
ニュース速報+ 2020-06-07 16:58 

もう 機嫌悪すぎて何でも出る
オバマはじめ ブッシュの時もヒラリーの時も警察の対応 改善しておくべきで

今 ただでさえ、これだけの危機的場面で、とんでもなく足手まとい

いや 酷い仕打ちされてきたほうならば、理解もできる

今軍人らは 自分達のポジションが見えているんだろうか

[U.S. Protests] Former President Obama
"This is a marathon. This is a marathon, don't give up.
Breaking News + 2020-06-07 16:58

I'm already in too bad a mood to get anything out of it.
We should have improved the way we handled the police during Obama's time, during Bush's time, and during Hillary's time.
It's not fair to hit on Trump's timing and make a big deal out of it.

Right now, even at this critical juncture, we are severely hamstrung.

Still, people who can't tell you the damage if it's not now, and I can't take it anymore! And a snappy one.
is eventually going to get out of control, but we're busy, too. 
No. If you're on the wrong side of things, it's understandable.
I'm not sure they realize the position they're in now.

諦めるな!? 同性愛の人が日本の国籍を乗っ取り、遺産泥棒を推進する事に対し抗議する

Don't give up! Protest against homosexuals hijacking Japanese nationality and promoting heritage theft.
Furthermore, Trump's past policy has been to process your entry and get in, and nowhere else. It's not funny though. The fact that the cops were kept in the dark about their problems is a fundamental one that has accumulated and grown since the Bush years. If you call it black racism, Obama can't even be president.
How do you explain that?


Essentially, it's the neglect of corrupt cops and the discrimination against blacks that is misleading.


Furthermore, even corrupt cops and even criminals can get plea deals. How cowardly is this too much of a dark area that should have been in the Obama era! Do you want it out now? Obama is in the company of China and the British royal family, and Russia is among the people involved.
Obama is a self-proclaimed Israeli and a Rothschild agent, position-wise. The Rothschilds are trying to get him to do the telecom and electricity trade in Japan with China's involvement.
And the UN is working on it. This is where the Rockefeller's move comes in. Obama the low man.

NECがソフトバンク系の団体と契約? やっぱイギリスなんだ 駄目と言ってる事業をゴリ押ししてるのは。

2020-06-11 21:59:25 | 時事
If you're really persistent, you're in England.

I couldn't read the word "don't want" in England.

MASAYOSI SON  money is made by the British.

【NEC】アジアに光海底ケーブル 22年末に完成 日本と中国、タイなどアジア地域内を結ぶ [首都圏の虎★]

NEC to complete submarine optical cables in Asia by the end of 2010, linking Japan with China, Thailand and other Asian countries. ⬅I don't need it.

1首都圏の虎 ★2020/06/11(木) 16:03:31.75ID:44nfqkA/9>>32>>63>>82>>103


2020/6/11 16:00 (JST)

このサイトまで単語をいじりだした イギリス最低だな
イギリスのアームは100%MASAYOSI SONと中国だ

This is an insane way to get data across China.
Masayoshi Son's Vision Fund is a subcontractor created on the pretext of selling the British arm. 
You're the worst in Britain for messing with words on this site.
MASAYOSI SON is half of the arm.
The other half of the arm is in China.
The British arm is 100% MASAYOSI SON and China.
Do you understand this in America?


That's how much I want to claim monopoly rights in the UK.
It's annoying that they say they're going to do this with proper security, because it's so predictable, but can't you read?
I can understand if you're going to use it at your place and then start talking about it, but I'm going to lay it out at people's places and my place is Fareway. We're not going in! And that's a bit of an invasion, isn't it?
You know, it was yesterday or the day before yesterday that the British told you they would consider it at the NEC.
I hate the MASAYOSI name so much that I hate it already.
This guy is a spy, and you're just using him? UK.

【国際】イギリスの半導体設計大手アームが中国合弁会社のCEO解任発表 合弁会社側は否定 説明食い違い、内部対立か ニュース速報+ 2020-06-11 07:49
中国、イギリスに警告 「英国よ、調子に乗るな」 (306)
ニュース速報 2020-06-10 09:19 (6 res/h)

全部茶番 大うそつき支那とイギリス


Arm, the UK semiconductor design giant, announces the removal of its CEO from its Chinese joint venture, the joint venture denies it. Discrepancies in explanations, internal conflicts? News flash + 2020-06-11 07:49
China warns Britain: "Don't get carried away, Britain" (306)
Breaking News 2020-06-10 09:19 (6 res/h)

The whole thing is a farce. The Big Lie, the Chinese and the British.
The sooner we get the Hong Kong people to immigrate, the better.
We don't need to cable China.
It's the UK that's turning China into a factory.
I wrote about it last night, and I'm sure the British are in a hurry to make a deal today.
It's the British and the Chinese who are letting their children mine cobalt in Africa.
Mobile phone material rare metal

過酷な児童労働があなたのスマホを作ってる? : アムネスティ日本 ...www.amnesty.or.jp › campaign › archive › drc

Is Harsh Child Labor Making Your Phone? : Amnesty Japan .... .www.amnesty.or.jp ' campaign ' archive ' drc
Cobalt is one of the rare metals that is essential for mobile phones, laptops and digital cameras. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the main producer of cobalt, workers and children are forced to work under harsh conditions every day. We mine cobalt. Sometimes it can even kill you.


The last time the Congolese fiasco at immigration was in China.
It's China and the UK that are connected by cobalt mining.
I've been working on it for a while.
I'll find out as much as I can.


What kind of a setup is a contact for people and areas with no money. I'll give you an allowance and ask you to do this. Or a case where you ask them to do this because you'll give them another treatment.
There's no way the Congolese will suddenly come out of the woodwork.
Then the Turks. This is another case where they received a large amount of mask production orders from China, but only recently came out because of the swap issue.
The British are behind the Chinese.
It's crazy that half of the arm is in China.
This is still an anomaly of what's happening, being a genuine British person.
You don't know.

=ポンペオ米国務長官 (57)
ニュース速報+ 2020-06-11 09:10

[Hong Kong] "Hong Kong National Security Law
British financial giant HSBC, which has announced its support
'Hate' to China and get nothing in return
=U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo (57)
Breaking News + 2020-06-11 09:10

ようするに、イギリスはMASAYOSI SONを使った中国ルート 
国連は並行し竹中平蔵ルートで欧州連合と中国・ロシア 欧州連合にプーチンの娘が入り込んでる
キンペーはMASAYOSI SONを飛ばして直接サウジ接近

In short, the UK used the Chinese route with MASAYOSI SON. Beyond that, maybe Obama.
The United Nations is running a parallel Takeshina Heizo channel through the European Union and China and Russia. Putin's daughter is now in the European Union.
Kimpey skips MASAYOSI SON and approaches Saudi Arabia directly
International financial investment and name hijacking theft cases of people who are at a disadvantage if the US wins Trump and wants their name.

レアメタルの加工でいったん中国を通さないと加工出来なくしたのもイギリスとオバマの外野 オバマはケニアと言うより、自称イスラエル人だ。

It's also out of the UK and Obama's out of the country that made it impossible to process rare metals once they had to go through China. Obama is more of a self-proclaimed Israeli than a Kenyan.
Obama was the key word for the Israeli contact between Britain, Israel and China. The British royal scandal was also covered up by Bush, Hillary and the Obamas. However, when it comes to Trump, it can't be done. The British thought they were already at a disadvantage in the war, and Putin's relatives got into the EU because of the EU withdrawal incident. If it was, Britain is in trouble. I think you're almost right about this. My own hunch. The black
racism fiasco is also an Obama-Chinese outsider. When I planned to use it against Trump, it was explored and spread by me. I'm in a hurry to run out of time for that even more.


国家機密がすぐ解析されるんだから、追いつくのに必死なのはロスチャイルドのほう? 四方八方爆撃できるんだけど もう起きてるよ。

Britain, China and Russia are in the key words, so it's Rothschild.
America's Trump neighborhood has noticed something unusual and is moving around.
Is it Rothschild's that's struggling to keep up, since state secrets are being analyzed so quickly?
I could bomb them in all directions, but it's already happening.


Wrong in other countries. The US is one of the factions of the Obama, Bush and Hillary factions of the Israeli axis. Now Trump is another faction competing with that faction. Don't look at America as one. Why was Israel's Obama so obsessed with Iraq? Both Israel and the French military just wanted to have a monopoly on Babylon.
If we don't have a monopoly now, the money is gone!!!!!
There are many people in the world who do not do this.
Do you think it's acceptable?

What is Operation Babylon? Weblio Dictionarywww.weblio.jp ' content ' Operation Babylon
What is Operation Babylon? Air military term. In 1981, when Israel attacked the Osiraq nuclear reactor under construction near Baghdad, Iraq Air attack operations conducted.

イラン人、ヤクザに「覚醒剤いらない?」と声をかけてしまう 島を荒らされたヤクザと渋谷交差点で乱闘⬅

2020-06-11 20:59:16 | 時事

イラン人、ヤクザに「覚醒剤いらない?」と声をかけてしまう 島を荒らされたヤクザと渋谷交差点で乱闘 (444)
ニュース速報 2020-06-11 03:04 (2 res/h) 


本当は薬物売買で生計立てたい訳ない ただ信仰のため。


It's hard to tell which is the yakuza composition.
I was the one who used to write to the Kudo-kai to come up to Tokyo, but this is what will happen. A development that could be made by Kudo-kai, who can't match up with Yamaguchi-gumi. The incident happened even though I knew the drugs were bad.

I am very good at prison patrol.
I'm stronger now than I used to be! I say.
It's not just the Iranians, they're coming from Africa.
Mercenary troops.
It's all connected at one point.
I don't want to make a living dealing drugs. I do it for faith.

I'm sure he's resistant to the corona.


People of faith have less girl trouble anyway. In addition, they don't talk much and don't really know what they are thinking. What they see makes them human. I'm the first to say if you want to see just a few decades. It's been nine years now.

この前の土葬騒ぎでもはっきりしたけど、インドネシア・中華人はどこまでもイラン差別激しいね。あの人達は多分、嘘つきが嫌いだよ。もしかして、この人達はジョークが通じないから嫌!とか、顔色を変えないからとかありそう。滅多に笑わない雰囲気すらある。しかし、宗教を前面に出さない部分では日本に同化してる。苦労してきただろう 迫害において。

As the last burial fiasco made clear, Indonesian-Chinese people are highly discriminatory against Iran to all intents and purposes. Hey. Those people probably don't like liars. Maybe it's because these people can't take a joke, I hate them! Or maybe it's because he doesn't change his face. There's even an air of seldom smiling. But they are assimilated to Japan in the part of the world where they don't put religion at the forefront. You've had a hard time in persecution.


If you can read Japanese, you know it's a recent development. The persecution of the Iranians is like the persecution of the Heike. The more I get worked up about it, the madder I get, and I've seen enough of the attacks on Iran in 5chan to know that the more they happen, the more the Saudis get hurt. It's an eye opener.


After all, the Heike who were hunted in Genpei were not Arabs. Even if you look at this atmosphere. The resentment in the mountains matches the persecution of the Iranians. The return of the grudge. The same is true for me.


2020-06-11 19:28:54 | 時事
It is unclear whether Masayoshi Son is Korean or Chinese. This is a way for a man who is not Japanese until he is born and dies to make money by stalking.

I found it today and I thought, oh, I knew it.


I did a search for Akatsuki before and the company that came up with it, and Masayoshi Sun was advertising and doing PR for it. It is a company I have no connection with. The first time I started using the name Akatsuki was in my second blog on
Yahoo! He didn't use words. I looked it up and that company was founded in 2010, although my own initial Yahoo blog was around the same time and close in time. Totally irrelevant. I was looking for this before, and I had a feeling Masayoshi Son was going to be a PR guy for sure. The ad was out today. He seems to think that if a stranger happens to use the same name, it will have a publicity effect, and he's been doing this kind of thing for a long time. had offered to quit.


Masayoshi Son used his own Yahoo! to erase the data he wrote as if it were his own, to make Alibaba bigger and invest I thought I was advising the British about it, but they didn't quite understand. Maybe it wasn't. It's annoying to me that tThere's only one. I have nothing to do with that Akatsuki company. But I don't know why there were a lot of job ads around today. There are a lot of Chinese, Chinese and
Koreans like this company who just want to recruit people by smelling the relationship between them. The fact that there are so many job advertisements today means that Masayoshi Son is making that company, Akatsuki, do something. I'm spreading the word because I'm not involved in it. The company is based in Shinagawa, Tokyo.he investors would move on to the fact that if a stranger came out with the same word, it would be a good publicity stunt.
There's only one. I have nothing to do with that Akatsuki company. But I don't know why there were a lot of job ads around today. There are a lot of Chinese, Chinese and Koreans like this company who just want to recruit people by smelling the relationship between them. The fact that there are so many job advertisements today means that Masayoshi Son is making that company, Akatsuki, do something. I'm spreading the word because I'm not involved in it. The company is based in Shinagawa, Tokyo.


There's something to be said for Masayoshi Son putting a PR ad on a company called Akatsuki. The immigrants who are doing that kind of thing are the only ones who are going to be investigated more and more for their background, and that company, Akatsuki It turns out that the CEO of the company is a graduate of Hitotsubashi University. Heizo Takenaka is also a graduate of this university. And the EU, Beijing, and the United Nations came up in connection with this university. So much for the rednecks who think that they can only use the name, expand on their own, and use young people. I hate it, and I think about it every day.


Hitotsubashi University and the United Nations, which Masayoshi Son discovered by promoting an unrelated company named Akatsuki. The rednecks are flocking to name crunching.


I kept warning myself from the beginning not to be a pacifier. It just so happened that this company was founded when I started my first blog, and I took advantage of the fact that it's hard to draw a line It seems to be a publicity stash of zainichi and intellectuals.


From today's developments, it's easy enough to find Hitotsubashi University and even the United Nations.
A stranger pretending to be a stranger to your people? A publicity stunt? Don't you understand what irritates you? Who are you? Hey, guys! I would say.


How can a group of rednecks be held accountable if their loved ones are later persecuted because of it?

赤の他人だから単語や内容を真似して、便乗しても迫害リスクがないんだ。当の本人再度の立場に立てるのか? パクリ集団は!!!!もう大昔から名前や名義を盗まれたり被害にあってるのがこの環境でよくわかる。それだけ我が家系は昔から生きるのが大変で名義は赤の他人に盗まれたりしてた。

You're a stranger, so you don't have to risk persecution by imitating words and content and taking a flight. Can you put yourself in the position of the person in question again? The crunching crowd! I can see in this environment that people have been stealing and victimizing names and titles for a long time now. That's how hard my family has had to live with, and my name has been stolen by strangers for a long time.


Damnation is everything in Japan, including the disasters that happen to such people. Can the Japanese people now understand the harshness of it, just as our family lineage was hard to live with? When other countries take us out and impersonate us, and when other countries become wealthy, that's what our family lineage suffers for so long. The thing. If you're going to be destroyed in this way, you'll find that it's not easy to impersonate or parrot to.

【経済】竹中平蔵が語る、東京が世界一の都市になるために克服すべき「3つのポイント」 (537)
ビジネスnews+ 2020-02-10 15:35




Heizo Takenaka talks about the three points that Tokyo must overcome to become the world's largest city (537)
Business news+ 2020-02-10 15:35

I feel like a non-Japanese person is unfolding a delusion
The United Nations is paying for this?

Masayoshi Son and Heizo Takenaka are the key words

These people's concept has no benefit to me.
The money dances in their dreams and the important part is a group of intellectuals who can't do the important part without being able to do it. I hear that Japan has hundreds of times more universities than any other country in the world. It is a wonder that the number of people working in the workplace decreases every time there are more people with a university degree.
We must destroy it.

グーグルが単語を表示変えたりしたので、こっちの翻訳を使ってる。今出したくないんだけどな また翻訳がおかしくなったら別の機能に移動しなきゃいけない。自分はやること、なすことこれだけ苦労あるんだ。パクリ便乗の人たち、こんな事がその人らはない。盗むのは安全で楽でいいね?それだけ恨まれるんだ、つまりは。

Google changed the display of words and so on, so I use this translation. I don't want to get it out now. If the translation goes wrong again, I'll have to move to another feature. I have such a hard time doing and doing it. The crunchy flight people, this is not their thing. It's safe and easy to steal, right? That's how much they resent you, I mean.

憎まれるヤツが憎まれるとこに投資をしてる。こちらで判断しなければ、いくらでも成りすまし仕放題なんだね、我が家系の不幸はこのような部分からもよくわかる。パクリで便乗してる人間や企業は大学出ました、この役職につきましたとプロフィールを並べウィキペディアのような所に出てきて、自分だと家の過去を探せない。ああ、つまりこうやって徳川、幕府界隈は常に自分達がやってきたと書物にしたんだ。卑怯で汚い赤の他人 日本語が読める 名前が一緒など、匂わせる共通点を用いて成りすまし売名で財や名声を作ったストーカーのような役人。力がないから続かない、あるのは相続権利を維持する執念だけ。これと結託するのは物乞いチンピラ商人。昔から同じ手口をやってるんだな。

I'm invested in the guy who gets hated where he gets hated. If we don't make the decision here, you can impersonate as many people as you want, the misfortune of our family is this. It's very clear from the part. The people and companies that are taking advantage of the crunch, the people and companies that are taking advantage of the crunch have a profile that says they got a college degree, they got
this position. It comes up in places like Wikipedia, and if it's me, I can't find the past of the house. Oh, I mean, this is how the Tokugawa and shogunate circles have always made it into a book that they've been doing. Cowardly, dirty strangers, able to read Japanese, with the same name, etc., using smelling commonalities to impersonate and sell their identities. Stalker-like officials who made their fortune and fame. They can't last because they have no power, all they have is the persistence to maintain their inheritance rights. Colluding with this are begging thug merchants. You've been doing the same trick for a long time.


I found a connection between Heizo Takenaka and the UN because of the PR for a company called Akatsuki. Yahoo! Worst of all. Takenaka Heizo is one of the UN's pipes.

国際連合は、第二次世界大戦を防ぐことができなかった国際連盟(1919年-1946年)の反省を踏まえ、アメリカ合衆国、イギリス、ソビエト連邦、中華民国などの連合国(the united nations)が中心となって設立した。1945年4月から6月にかけてアメリカ・サンフランシスコで開かれたサンフランシスコ会議で国連憲章が署名され、同年10月24日に正式に発足した。 

The United Nations failed to prevent World War II (1919-1946), the League of Nations On reflection, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, the Republic of China and other allied countries (the united nations), which was founded between April and June 1945. The United Nations Charter was signed at the San Francisco Conference in San Francisco, U.S.A., and the United Nations Charter was adopted in October It was officially inaugurated on March 24.


You know what I mean? The reality is that no matter how much money a group of intellectuals spend, they can only attract people who are construction workers. No matter how many politicians call out, there is no vital process, no nucleus, and the only people who can gather are name crunching thieves.