
百戦錬磨 もう百戦越えてますけど その先に何があるのか


2020-06-18 23:09:41 | 時事


UN = Britain + France and North America has always been a colony? I wonder where that article from today went.

フランスによるアメリカ大陸の植民地化 - Wikipedia

ja.wikipedia.org › wiki › フランスによるアメリカ大陸の植民地化フランスによるアメリカ大陸の植民地化(フランスによるアメリカたいりくのしょくみんちか、仏: Colonisation française des Amériques)は、16世紀に始まり、西半球でフランス植民地帝国を築き上げた次の数世紀続いた。フランスは北アメリカ東部、カリブ海の多く ...‎北アメリカ · ‎フランス軍 · ‎ヌーベルフランス · ‎南アメリカ

Colonization of the Americas by France - Wikipediaen.wikipedia. org ' wiki ' French Colonization of the Americas
Colonization of the Americas by France (French colonization of the Americas, or (French: Colonisation française des Amériques) in the 16th century. It began and lasted for the next few centuries, building up the French colonial empire in the Western Hemisphere. France is in eastern North America and much of the Caribbean ...
North America - French Army - Nouvelle France - South America

イギリスによるアメリカ大陸の植民地化 - Wikipedia
ja.wikipedia.org › wiki › イギリスによるアメリカ大陸の植民地化イギリスによるアメリカ大陸の植民地化(イギリスによるアメリカたいりくのしょくみんちか、英: British colonization of the Americas)は、16世紀後半に始まり、アメリカ大陸中で多くの植民地が設立した17世紀から18世紀頃にその最盛期を迎えた。その初期は ...‎北アメリカ · ‎北アメリカ大陸のイギリス領 · ‎中南米、カリブ海 · ‎カリブ海のイギリス領

British colonization of the Americas - Wikipediaen.wikipedia. org ' wiki ' British Colonization of the Americas
The colonization of the Americas by Britain (the colonization of the Americas by the British, or (English: British colonization of the Americas) in the late 16th century and reached its height around the 17th and 18th centuries, when many colonies were established throughout the Americas. I welcomed it. In its early days...
North America - North American continent British territory - Latin America, Caribbean - Caribbean British territory

アメリカ合衆国の植民地時代 - Wikipedia
ja.wikipedia.org › wiki › アメリカ合衆国の植民地時代
イングランド、フランスおよびオランダは西インド諸島と北アメリカ大陸の双方で植民地化を始めた。これらの国は海洋航行可能な船舶の造船術を持っていたが、スペインのように植民地化の強力な歴史は持っていなかった。しかし、イングランドのテューダー朝は ...‎初期植民地の失敗 · ‎スペインの植民地 · ‎イギリスの植民地 · ‎植民地の生活

The Colonial Era in the United States - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org ' wiki ' Colonial days in the United States of America
England, France and the Netherlands colonized both the West Indies and the North American continent. I started. These countries had the art of shipbuilding for ocean-going vessels, but like Spain, the powerful colonization of I didn't have a history. But the Tudor dynasty of England ...
Early Colonial Failures - Spanish Colonies - British Colonies - Colonial Life



植民地(しょくみんち、殖民地とも)とは、国外に移住者が移り住み、当事国政府の支配下にある領土のことで統治領(とうちりょう)とも呼ばれる。 古代史にはフェニキアや古代ギリシアにも見られるが多くは植民元との関係は維持しつつ独立した体制となっており、侵略によって獲得した海外領土の類型は古代ローマに見られる。

search results
Highlighted snippets extracted from the web page
A colony is a place where migrants move abroad and come under the control of the government of the country in question. A territory is also called the governing territory. In ancient history, we also see this in Phoenicia and ancient Greece, but most of them maintained their relationship with their colonizers, but were able to maintain their independence, and to continue to work on their own. The type of overseas territory acquired by invasion is found in ancient Rome.

Colonies - Wikipedia

植民地 - Wikipedia




The UN is very much at the behest of the upper echelons of Britain and France.

China for the past 20 years or so? The foundation of the U.S. military was formed because of the active role of the Japanese phony army under its umbrella, and the U.S. military was a member of the United Nations So you were asked to police under the auspices of the

Furthermore, when Obama was president, it was a given that China would be the next world police force? The Obama, Bush, and Clinton eras had already intended to move production to China, and the Japanese industry was not. You had it diverted, didn't you?


Some American servicemen would have noticed all sorts of strange things once they figured out this caricature.


What's more, I hear there's a growing number of Indians in the US right now?


In the first place, I was the first mover behind GE's demise in the nuclear field and Westinghouse's detachment from Toshiba.



Then it was China that started to build an outrageous nuclear power plant, complaining about CO2 reduction.
Post 311.
There are places in the U.S. that have started decommissioning, but well, not many.

It's safe to assume this was deliberately driven by Jewish wealthy capitalism, right?




Income is higher than the intellectual idiots in Japan, and China's population is 13 times the size of Japan's every time?
A simple quote to multiply the Japanese mouth by the Chinese mouth
These 13 times as many migrants, some of whom assimilated with the Japanese a long time ago.

It's so hard for me to tell which layer is friend or foe.
That's how many of them are even in the one population that I'm prone to puckering up.

What the hell is Elizabeth's fault for causing me so much trouble for so many decades!



Now they just want more of the "Japanese" mantle. Even if you can tell colored people apart by their looks, like in the U.S., you can't tell Chinese, Koreans and Japanese from each other anymore. I can't even tell them apart.
I don't even know what kind of Japanese people immigrated to the US.

Because of Elizabeth's hegemony.



To top it all off, Koreans and Chinese were given Japanese citizenship during the Empire of Japan. Some refused and did not take their Japanese names.

In such an environment, it is impossible to distinguish between friend and foe.
In a sense, it's incredibly unfair.

しかし日本ではそれ以前にも好きな姓を名乗れた 名前は一字もらえた



But before that, in Japan, you could take any last name you wanted. You got one name.
There were many appropriate times, and we don't know when those people were Chinese or Korean immigrants.

The key words for hiding the immigrants, and the reason why the hidden people were united in one thing, were "kammu" and "Israel".

It's the faith of the layer that has been killing us.

これ こっちで言う「在日は帰れ」と一緒ね



こんな事を疑った時 世界各地で踏み絵が行われるかもしれない

To the Japanese in America, "Go back to Japan!
That's like saying, "Go home, Zainichi.

Those people could be Chinese or Korean, especially if they are under the Empire of Japan!

What? Maybe he wasn't Japanese?
And you're a fluent speaker of Japanese? It sounded patriotic, but was it staged?

When you suspect this kind of thing, there could be a treadmill going on all over the world.



During the time of the Japanese Empire, Japan went to an area called Manchuria to build railroads and other infrastructure, and they had a security force in place. It seems that the first thing I did was to title the Manchu people as Japanese, right? At the time.
They also called it the annexation of Korea and gave infrastructure work to Korea and gave the title of Japanese to the Koreans at the time, so those who didn't reject them became Japanese.
And the same goes for Taiwan.

Those people have been calling themselves Japanese for generations.
For me, they are gaijin.



アグネス・チャンなんて、国連でエリザベスの派閥で日本にいるスパイだけど、のさばっている。香港に帰れと言われてるよ ずっと。これがエリザベス達の作ったイギリスの工作員達なのね。私に無関係どころか、アンタ誰?って話。

To me, if the gaijin people went abroad and settled, the result might be that the Japanese moved there, but this might be a foreign object of the Empire of Japan that Elizabeth planted.

If a faction created by our enemies to spy on us overseas on their own, it would work to Elizabeth's advantage and look bad to me.

Agnes Chan is a spy in Japan for Elizabeth's faction at the UN, but she's a standoffish one. . We've been told to go back to Hong Kong. So these are the British agents that Elizabeth and her friends have created. Not only am I irrelevant, but who are you? I'm talking about.

【宮城】仙台市上空に謎の白い球体 気象台「不明」 自衛隊「わからない」 国交省「引き続き注視する」⬅

2020-06-18 00:10:47 | 時事

【宮城】仙台市上空に謎の白い球体 気象台「不明」 自衛隊「わからない」 国交省「引き続き注視する」 ★17 [ばーど★] (98)
ニュース速報+ 2020-06-17 23:57 (1038 res/h) 

Mysterious white sphere in the sky above Sendai 
JMA: Unknown, SDF: Don't know.
MLA: "We will continue to monitor the situation closely




Last night in Sendai, Date

Did you write these keywords and they flew to you?

We had a missile strike a few years ago.

朝鮮総連 狙われてるんじゃない?

墓石削るような真似 祟りにあうぜ?

I think the Korean Federation of Trade Unions is on top of us.

You don't want to get cursed like that, do you?




Promotion of fundraising activities ⬅They are destroyed by me

Pachinko industry ⬅The pachinko industry is being destroyed by Abe, me and Corona.

The sex industry is cornered by the corona.





Corona from China! Why he did not make the statement that

What else is the Jewish National Skill? Sumo wrestler dies.

Horses can have the corona... or should.

The Jewish billionaires have always been in the direction that destroyed my family.




I think I'm a regular customer of the Jewish wealthy, and the people under their umbrella have always been rough and sickly with their money.

The type of person who likes to gamble, gets carried away and forgets easily.
Plus a lot of educated people who love hypocrisy.

You will be my prey.



たぶん エリザベスとの決戦だな





こんな者と戦争するのか 中国は近日の洪水どうしたのか
イナゴも来るぞ? サバクトビバッタも来るぞ?
台風シーズンだぞ? 地震も爆発もあるぞ?
鳥は飛行機を狙い 熊は山から降りてくる
猪は海を渡り 鹿は山の樹木皮を毟る

自分はいたって正常 ではまた

I'm as good as Elizabeth.

It's considered a stress reliever.

Maybe it's the duel with Elizabeth.

When it comes to a fight to the death, it's just a matter of getting it done.

Is this Japanese? And the world was astonished.

Actually, there was a big flood in England last year or so.
We're supposed to be spending a lot.

Same with Israel.

We're at war with these people. What did China do with the recent floods?
Locusts are coming, too. And the sabertooth vipers are coming, too?
It's typhoon season, okay? Earthquakes and explosions?
Birds fly in the air, bears come down from the mountains.
The wild boar crosses the sea and the deer plucks the bark from the mountains.

I'm perfectly normal... again.