【NHK】北方領土 ロシア「自国領で調査行う主権ある」 日本に反発 [蚤の市★] (29)
ニュース速報+ 2020-06-26 22:24 (72 res/h)
2島返還は何だったのかな?2島だけ 半分で協議始めた記憶すらないのかな?
Russia "has the sovereignty to conduct an investigation in its own territory".
Breaking News + 2020-06-26 22:24 (72 res/h)
What was the deal with the two islands, just the two islands, and you don't even remember starting the talks on half of them?
プーチンか ピカチュウか?
Shame on you.
Time to vote?
Putin or Pikachu?
I was in charge, so why don't we just get the process out?
First of all, in the northern effort, we can give back two of the four islands we have.
This is how it was presented. Long time ago.
At a time when the return of two of the four islands was being shelved, an ex-islander offered to visit his old grave, and we asked him to do so.
Then the Japanese government asked the Russians to make a visit to the tomb, and it was decided that it would be possible.
However, an article appeared in the press one time that former islanders had to fly up to the island to visit the tomb, but due to bad weather conditions they were unable to make an emergency landing, so the trip ended with a misfire.
When I saw the article, I was furious and made a lot of noise on my blog.
Isn't it strange that they couldn't make an emergency landing because of bad weather? And. I often wondered why they let me use the plane if they expected bad weather.
Incidentally, this visitation schedule was also coordinated by the government and various agencies. I can't listen to bad weather.
A few days after he lost his temper.
The grave visit was rescheduled with a re-adjustment, which may be why
There was no talk of being treated very badly.
It was around the time of the ex-islanders' graveside visit and the return of two islands.
After that? Do you want to do a joint venture in the northern area? The story of the At the time, I mentioned that there would be few Japanese who could immigrate and live in the area, and the use of the I did agree to the Then there was the Japanese government's willingness to invest in the joint venture.
It was to operate a part of the dead area.
And while there may have been some opposition to it, well, there was no fuss about it. There seemed to be a lot of complaining, though.
But that time period was also predicated on the return of the two islands.
And about two years ago? He said he was going to build a military outpost in the north in Russia. And furthermore, a year or so after that? He recruited Russians to emigrate to the north.
People who brought textbooks and reference books with a Japanese cult name.
When they entered Russian territory, the books were confiscated in Russia.
He wrote about this, saying that if you brought in the cult's books and did missionary work and vigilance there, they deserved to be taken. But!
Bringing in textbooks and proselytizing, and that's before the shady people.
I was just putting out the story I was talking about in the return of the two islands the other day.
Now you say it's all Russian?
It's like talking to China. Are you going to get amnesia if you don't have the nerve to produce the whole thing in court documents?
I also mentioned that I wanted a rare metal.
Do you think there are rare metals on the two islands of return?
He wrote.
Did you forget this one too?
断ってる事を勝手にやるな まず
Once the two islands are returned, a site survey will be conducted.
I think it was written.
Now, there is no return of the two islands and it is our right to investigate the two islands?
We don't need Faraway to go through and we don't need power sales.
Don't do what you're refusing to do, first.
121不要不急の名無しさん2020/06/26(金) 23:15:15.24ID:XDCZx3jE0
121 Unnecessary name 2020/06/26(Fri) 23:15:15.24ID: XDCZx3jE0
Yeah, it's Russia now.
In accordance with Article 7 of the Potsdam Declaration and Paragraph 1 of the General Order, the Kuril Islands came under Soviet occupation.
On January 29, 1946, GHQ issued a directive (SCAPIN-677) to determine the administrative area of Japan and the This order will be followed by the following. The order formally excluded the Kuril Islands, Hodomai and Shikotan from Japan's administrative limits.
In 1951, Japan ratifies the Treaty of San Francisco. Article 2C of the treaty reads: "Japan pledged to the world that it would renounce the Kuril Islands.
"The State of Japan does not surrender its sovereignty over the Kuril Islands and the Japanese nation's sovereignty as a result of the Treaty of Portsmouth of September 5, 1954. Renounce all right, title and claims to the part of the Sakhalin Islands acquired and to the islands adjacent thereto. .'
There is no clear statement in the treaty as to which of the Kuril Islands Japan abandoned, but in October of that year the House of Representatives held a meeting of the House of Representatives Mr. Kumao Nishimura, Director General of the Treaty Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that the abandoned Kuril Islands include the southern Kuril Islands (Kunashiri and Etorofu). The abandonment of Kunashiri and Etorofu was clearly declared both at home and abroad. (Note: The Japanese government at the time stated that the islands of the Kumai Archipelago and Shikotan were part of Hokkaido and not included in the Kuril Islands. (Explanation.
Supplementing the rationale for the return of the two islands.
Note: The Japanese government's explanation at the time was that the islands of the Hodomai Archipelago and Shikotan were part of Hokkaido and not included in the Kuril Islands.
Now, Trump's negotiated amount will be consulted and he will continue to outsource the U.S. military presence in the country.
The outside world is creating more and more reasons for U.S. military presence in the country.
Plus, what should U.S. troops do in Japan?
I'm starting to think about it more and more.
Trump is probably in charge.
変に利用されないよう 生きていくには大変。
厳密に言えば途絶えるくらい難しいはず ほんとに力あれば。
そうやって古代も墓場まで持っていったんだ 力ある人は。
古墳あります 宮殿ありますって誰かの遺産で金を宗教か武力で
Even though he was briefed on the nuclear-armed weapons offered by the U.S. defense, he refuses to do so.1 Is it more than a year old?
So they haven't been pushing it in the US.
Maybe I'm writing a craft in 5chan, but at least they dealt with it as it was after I said no.
It's just that the Russian and Chinese gobbledygook continues, in a way.
It makes you think about what it means to have U.S. troops in the country.
It's unfortunate to be so close.
The closer you are to them, the less you think you'll get.
On the blog, yes.
But even my personal life is plain and my social life is extremely small, I am.
It's hard to live without being taken advantage of.
What were you thinking? And I can't tell you even if you think it's a good idea.
And if I do, I don't want that person to become an informant.
I'm a thief enough to talk about royalty and get exposed.
Strictly speaking, it should be hard enough to break off, if you're really strong.
That's how ancient times took it to the grave, too. If you're strong.
There's a tomb, there's a palace, there's a tomb, there's a palace, there's money from someone's inheritance, by religion or force.
It's a legacy of the people who collected it.
The same is probably true of ancient Chinese texts. My books and swords are treated as gods in a stranger's place.
As it has been.