【サッカー】「性奴隷にされたサッカー選手」7名が救出される…人身売買組織が関与 同性愛者向けに売春強要 [久太郎★] (135)
芸スポ速報+ 2020-06-12 13:57
芸スポ速報+ 2020-06-12 13:57
Seven 'sexually enslaved footballers' rescued... human traffickers involved, forced into prostitution for gays
Seven 'sexually enslaved footballers' rescued... human traffickers involved, forced into prostitution for gays
2020-06-12 13:57
この人ら やっぱ人身売買に関係してるよな?
These guys are connected to human trafficking, aren't they?
【日西】天皇陛下がスペイン国王と外務省を通さず極秘電話会談 パンデミックの解決に向け協力について話し合う [04/18] (144)
His Majesty the Emperor speaks to the King of Spain by phone without the Foreign Ministry to discuss cooperation in resolving the pandemic.
Sexual and Physical Harm. Is this to be considered rape?
You don't like the King of Spain, do you? That's why the rape case was uncovered.
日本の天皇は偽者と海外では知ってるんだろう だいぶ前から
The Japanese Εmperor is an impostor, and they've known it for a long time.
That entertainment person isn't someone I'd go out with, so it's something I'd originally ignore.
That entertainment person isn't someone I'd go out with, so it's something I'd originally ignore.
I'd be in agony if I published the original. I thought this was the reality. How did you come up with the timing? I knew it was because I wrote Obamagate?
Even though sexual play is free, there are many issues that are mostly abused.
Even though sexual play is free, there are many issues that are mostly abused.
Can I make a brave accusation here?
However, I'm sure you'll find out about the religious concepts and even the lies of the state that you believed in. If you still want to.
1久太郎 ★2020/06/12(金) 13:57:05.49ID:F0MBknDR9>>20>>47
1Kutaro ★ 2020/06/12(Fri) 13:57:05.49ID:F0MBknDR9>> 20>47
Seven footballers who were turned into sex slaves by a vicious scam have been rescued in Spain, according to a report by Marca.
According to "Marca", this time they were rescued by Guardia Civil, the Spanish security guard. Seven of the rescued players were from South America, including one who was underage.
Seven footballers who were turned into sex slaves by a vicious scam have been rescued in Spain, according to a report by Marca.
According to "Marca", this time they were rescued by Guardia Civil, the Spanish security guard. Seven of the rescued players were from South America, including one who was underage.
They were promised by one organization a "well-paying job and a club where they could play" in Spain. They were being taken away, he said.
But when they arrived in Spain, the organization stripped the players of their passports and their personal belongings, money and other items. Confiscation.
But when they arrived in Spain, the organization stripped the players of their passports and their personal belongings, money and other items. Confiscation.
He had them live in a small room in the city of Prado del Rey, in the province of Cadiz, in a small room for homosexuals. He said he was forced into prostitution.
They were apparently forced to live together in a room for three or four people.
According to the report, the organization threatened the players with "telling their families what you are doing now if they disobeyed".
Guardia Civil said the trafficking ring was busted on Wednesday and three people were arrested, according to the report.
According to the report, the organization threatened the players with "telling their families what you are doing now if they disobeyed".
Guardia Civil said the trafficking ring was busted on Wednesday and three people were arrested, according to the report.
If it's soccer, do you have any contact with the Iranians? Do you think it came out along those lines? The victim was a South American who was trafficked to Spain, where he was sold, and the Spanish authorities have ruled it a case. this means
So the move from South America to Spain is a football based recruitment?
Just because it's South America, I immediately think of the Vatican Pope, but nothing that comments on this and I don't think so. I've been defending my homosexuality.
Is the crux of this issue that there are crimes that have been taken advantage of to recruit football organizations, or is it a football organization issue?
Just because it's South America, I immediately think of the Vatican Pope, but nothing that comments on this and I don't think so. I've been defending my homosexuality.
Is the crux of this issue that there are crimes that have been taken advantage of to recruit football organizations, or is it a football organization issue?
The specific problem is that at the time of the initial solicitation, we're recruiting people knowing the consequences of being a sex slave under house arrest. Whether. I think it probably is.
Furthermore, the point where they continue to force and frighten non-homosexual men into having the same sex as homosexual people.
Further, the continued coercion is continuous rape, and who benefits from being placed in an environment from which they cannot escape?
Furthermore, it's normal people who don't want their families to know that they have been victims of it. That even though some people make a lot of noise about acknowledging homosexuality, it is still considered to be an aberrant sexual habit.
Furthermore, the point where they continue to force and frighten non-homosexual men into having the same sex as homosexual people.
Further, the continued coercion is continuous rape, and who benefits from being placed in an environment from which they cannot escape?
Furthermore, it's normal people who don't want their families to know that they have been victims of it. That even though some people make a lot of noise about acknowledging homosexuality, it is still considered to be an aberrant sexual habit.
A group of people who can travel between South America and Spain and have acquaintance routes are involved in human trafficking. It's not just a matter of being forced into labor, but permanent house arrest for the purpose of sexual play. Of course, the basis for determining that it's permanent is that it's the equivalent of punishment if the outside world finds out about it, so the absolute victim escapes. It was determined that they would be prevented from being used.
Acknowledge homosexuality! And the people who have accused me of this have been asking me to admit my sexuality. This could be said to be self-inflicted. What kind of play, if imagined, would be acceptable to the public in general? Because these extreme play incidents occur in the shadow of those who have sued, the content of the play is absolutely exposed over and over again. It can be
And you knew that, didn't you, when you claimed to be homosexual?
And you knew that, didn't you, when you claimed to be homosexual?
The fact that this story has come out of Spain this time is an event that is not accepted by some in Spain. Admittedly. If you get to the point of sex slavery by house arrest, you will lose your menswear as a man. Once the act is out, you've already been victimized, and if it happens again and again after that, you think it's too late. It will be. It's not wrong to resist the damage once it's done so that it doesn't fall there. For example, if you can't get away with the cost collateral because they paid for your travel expenses, then the first thing you'll have to do is solicit Call attention to certain things and don't get into the conversation. There must be a lot of people in that kind of mediation business if you're not good at it.