
百戦錬磨 もう百戦越えてますけど その先に何があるのか

嘘つき改ざん者 これいつ書いてた? W2戦勝国だ?年中嘘つく人間は他人を壊すんで処刑対象だけど

2020-06-27 23:57:28 | 時事



連合国 (第二次世界大戦) - Wikipedia

ja.wikipedia.org › wiki › 連合国_(第二次世界大戦)


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Allied powers (World War II) - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org ' wiki 'Allied Nations_(World War II)'
After World War I, representing the five major powers of Britain, France, the Empire of Japan, the United States, and the Kingdom of Italy. The victorious nations, including the United States and Russia, strengthened their cooperation with each other to build a new security system. The establishment of the League of Nations, an experiment in large-scale national cooperation, was part of this effort.



敗戦国だ ずっと自分が生まれた時から

戦勝国扱いするな 誰だやったのは

There's no point in giving money to the UN.

I don't know how much of a disaster it would be if the hatred for black people was spewed out.

It's a losing nation, always has been, since the day I was born.
And the murderous Koreans have been recruiting children and young people for the Holocaust and reading cult textbooks, and they've been using them as the basis for their own personal attacks.
Those were the Japanese with the bamboo spears looking up at the sky, right?

Don't treat us like a victorious nation. Who did this to you?

ほんで 国史な 書いたのコイツ?というヤツを見つけた
中国人だ 黃遵憲

So, this guy who wrote national history? I found this guy.
He's Chinese. Zunken Huang.

黄 遵憲は、清朝末期の詩人・外交官・政治改革者であり、また知日家としても知られる。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 1848年5月29日
生まれ: 中華人民共和国 宝鶏市 眉県
死亡: 1905年3月28日, 中華人民共和国 梅州市 梅県

Huang Zunqian was a poet, diplomat, and political reformer of the late Qing dynasty, as well as a well-known intellectual. Wikipedia.
Date of birth: May 29, 1848.
Born: Mei County, Baoji City, People's Republic of China
Died: 28 March 1905, Plum County, Meizhou, People's Republic of China

何が国史だ 馬鹿野郎
カルトまみれじゃないか もう

It's national history, asshole!
This is a cult.





The surname 黃 comes up again and again in the field of plagues.
This last name is probably in Osaka or Fukuoka.

In addition, one of the members at the Wuhan Institute in Corona had this last name

I just looked at the patterns, and they seem to be obsessed with Japan.
From my point of view, I'm Chinese, no matter how far I go.

Japanese national history? I thought you said it was faked in China.
I made this and this in Kansai.




And the Asakanomiya.
You worked for the Imperial Household Agency?

I have a book on Asaka. I've been writing for years about what it means.

It's probably the textbook of the time.

朝鮮と客家 さらにモンゴル
貴族ぶってたんだろうな 地獄に落ちたらいい

Korea and Hakka. And Mongolia.
He was playing the highborn. I hope he goes to hell.


2020-06-27 22:41:34 | 時事
And this time, the black agitation in the U.S. is being carried out by Hisashi Owada's relatives, the UN, the Koreans, the Chinese and the Africans.




朝鮮人 いや韓国人と中国人



Theodoros is hardly irrelevant.

In Ghana, "You can come back!
It won't take long to find them.

Koreans... or Koreans and Chinese.

The UN is after Mr. Pan, right, Tedros? Pan-kun himself is Korean.

Ghana is a milk chocolate Ghana.
That's Korea!


Trump most recently said he was going to get out of the UN. Actually, I was the one who was making a big deal about the UN being out of the UN a long time ago. I forgot.




そんなの 混合してるんだもの

Long overdue. The title "United Nations" is confusing, isn't it? Hisashi Owada and his daughter are involved in this. Is that where the withdrawals from China are on par with the US?
If you can't handle human rights issues, then leave! And it was a long time ago.

The deliberate title, "Black Lives Matter," is a deliberate title.
I despise it if it's not good enough.
As an added bonus, you're having a locust attack in Africa. We could have more tragedies.

It's as if the Koreans from the tribe are crying out for their rights. I know I'm putting this out there before, but if you're going to say it's a black racist America, you're going to have a black man as president or an officer of the United Nations. can you be a captain of a military unit or a government official? The demographic that's screaming about discrimination.

Or that Americans can't see you because you're black.
It's a mixture of things.
You wouldn't know what to do if they didn't say so.
I can't help it if I'm mixed with someone who is from Africa but is American.
I think there's a part of it. How do you explain it to people who have been in the US for a long time and don't even know how to tell them apart? Yes?



つまりW2戦勝国の傘下で動いてるんだ 多国籍で。

So, you know what's funny?
The original title, Trump discriminated against blacks
The original black racism was Biden.
A lot of people know this because they know this doesn't match the meaning of Trump's exclusivity with the Black Lives Matter movement in America. !!!

Koreans and Chinese get along with each other
Or it's an operation, driven by a crazed Japanese population. And apparently there are some Indians in the mix.

The only thing you guys have in common is that you're both destroying Trump's policies.
So it's working under the umbrella of the W2 winners, multinational.


バイデン氏の性暴行告発者、「大統領選撤退を」 要求強める - BBC ...www.bbc.com › japanese
2020/05/08 - バイデン氏が上院議員時代にスタッフの助手だったタラ・リード氏(56)は7日に公開されたインタビューで、バイデン氏に「前に進み出て責任を取ってください」、「大統領に立候補すべきではない」と話した。

ミッシェルではなくマイケル?The Obama Conspiracy (Part 1 ...blog.goo.ne.jp › nasaki78
2016/11/17 - それでAlexがオバマはホモセクシュアルだと取りあげているのですね。二人のお嬢さんたちはミッシェルの実の子供達ではないということになりますね。興味深いアメリカですね。それとも代理母に ...


This is the kind of guy that was Obama's assistant, Biden.

Biden's sex-assault accusers step up demands to 'withdraw from the presidential race' - BBC ... .www.bbc.com ' english '
2020/05/08 - Tara Reid, 56, who was a staff assistant to Biden when he was a senator, told Biden in an interview published on May 7 that he should "step forward and take responsibility" and that he should not run for president.

In addition, Obama
Michael, not Michelle? the Obama Conspiracy (Part 1 . .blog.goo.ne.jp ' nasaki78
11/17/2016 - So Alex is taking up the idea that Obama is homosexual! Hey. So the two girls are not Michelle's biological children. Interesting America. Or maybe the surrogate mother ...

Trump can say he's clean on these sexual issues.
Is there something wrong with my eyes?

そう 韓国人と北朝鮮人



Yes, the Koreans and the North Koreans.
Some of them are Russian agents.
And the Chinese have their own agents.

When you have a lot of military personnel, you end up being more and more isolated, homosexual or lesbian. A long time ago, when I mentioned the Vatican's layer of clergy, I said that they were going to be homosexuals.
He indicated that it was time for him to resign when he felt he was about to mess with a child.

People who get into religion seem to be a bit flawed.
From my point of view. When you realize that, I think you have to work on yourself and accept the tide of the job.

胡散臭いよ もう

アジア系アメリカ人「俺たち(黄色人種)は黒人を差別していた。 でも、ジョージ・フロイドの死で変われたんだ」 [412864614] (32)
ニュー速(嫌儲) 2020-06-27 17:49

聖人と言えるだけの捏造をやってる アンタ達



I don't smell good.

Asian Americans: "We (yellow people) were discriminating against blacks. But that changed with the death of George Floyd." [412864614] (32)
Newsflash (hate) 2020-06-27 17:49

The treatment of the saint is crazy in reverse.
You guys are faking it enough to be called saints.
Last time I saw him, he had a record too, right?

Sure, there are deep-rooted problems with the police, but they could have made a scene during Obama and Clinton's time, even during Bush's time.
Plus, the police wife who put her hands on that deceased man and the Asian who was allegedly standing there.
Neighbor trouble? There was a rumor that it was.
Ignore that too.

What are you hiding? There are going to be a lot of them.


これ当たってるのかな? だからインド人が増えてる場所がある?

黒人騒ぎ 接点は中国人と韓国



ガーナのアメリカ大使館偽物だった、10年に渡りビザ発行業務を行う [無断転載禁止]©bbspink.com

二重国籍とか三重国籍とか ほんとあり得ない

Also, Native American Indians?
Are you from India?
When translated, the letters are misspelled.

Am I right about this? So there are places where the number of Indians is increasing?

What's up with the nigger fiasco? Chinese and Korean.
I looked up at the top of it and there it was, Asian + Black in the UN.

It's going to add to the UN hate.
Even if it's a police problem, there's a problem about Ghana's departure from the country.
Birth certificates?

what the hell is this?

US Embassy in Ghana was a fake, a visa issuing operation for 10 years [All rights reserved]© bbspink.com
Local criminal organizations, issuing birth certificates, bank statements, and even education certificates.
Did you use the CIA to help you get in?
We just uncovered a Chinese citizenship case the other day.
It's the same with this one.

What is this, dual citizenship?
There's no such thing as dual or triple citizenship.
It's a free country, America, and celebrities, celebrities, celebrities who say it's the land of the free and their own unbridled.
You've been selling them.

モンゴルと客家とヒロヒト一家 客家は面長か。あと情報どのくらいあるんだろう。

2020-06-27 20:39:11 | 皇室問題

Mongolia, Hakka and Hirohito's family. How much more information do we have?

香港006新界 〜新旧の出合う「香港郊外」 - Google ブック検索結果
books.google.co.jp › books
客家の本籍地は黄河中流域にあると言われ、面長の北方の顔をしているほか、言葉や食などで古い時代の中原の文化を今に伝えている。客家の南方への移住は、4~5世紀の東晋の時代からはじまり、唐末から宋にかけての9~10世紀、金やモンゴルが侵入 ...「アジア城市(まち)案内」制作委員会 - 2016 - ‎Travel

Hong Kong006 New Territories - Google Book Search Result books. google.co.uk ' books.
It is said that the Hakka's permanent residence is in the middle of the Yellow River, and they have a northern face with a long face, as well as a language and food. The culture of the ancient middlelands has been passed down to the present day. The migration of the Hakka to the south began in the 4th~5th century during the Eastern Jin dynasty, and continued until the late Tang and Song dynasties (9~10th centuries). In the 19th century, gold and Mongols invaded ...
A Guide to Asia City" Production Committee - 2016 - Travel


A Korean who was considered the Taisho emperor if he had a long face.
And Chichibuibu Palace.
Prince Chichibu and Akihito have been put out for a long time that their faces are similar.






チンギス・カンはそのイェスゲイの長男として生まれ、テムジン(ᠲᠡᠮᠦᠵᠢᠨ、Temüǰin、 鉄木仁もしくは鉄木真)という名を与えられた

テムジン 仁という当て字をわざと使用してたな?

Akihito's face is not Shimadzu's face.
Mostly boys look like their mothers, and most girls look like their fathers.

Hirohito's face, who is considered to be Akihito's parent, certainly looks like Tokugawa's when he was younger and not as long, and his wife has a round face.

The lineage of the universal lineage is a big lie told in secret sex procreation hidden from the public, and that's what the college-educated It is nothing more than a religion that is uttered collectively by the agents of And it's a crime, something that should not be uttered by professors at public universities.

Hirohito's face is round, and the Emperor Taisho, who is considered his father, has a long face.
The woman who allegedly gave birth to the child is rarely mentioned.

Furthermore, why does Naruhito, who is said to be Akihito's son, have such a Mongolian face?
His name is Temujin.

Genghis Khan was born the eldest son of that Yesgay, and was given the name TemüLl_1F0in, or Ironwood Jin or Ironwood Shin.
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%81%E3% 83%B3%E3%82%AE%E3%82%B9%E3%83%BB%E3%82%AB%E 3%83%B3

Temujin, you deliberately used the nickname "Jin"?


中国全土? 中央アジア
イラン 東ヨーロッパを征服した



徳仁の親つまりアキヒトや美智子 その外野で東京大学や中国共産党や中華

In a single generation, he united the nomadic tribes of Mongolia, which were divided into large and small groups that fought each other, and conquered China, Central Asia, Iran, and Eastern Europe one after another, eventually establishing the foundations of the Mongol Empire, the largest world empire in human history, which ruled over half of the world's population at the time.
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%81%E3% 83%B3%E3%82%AE%E3%82%B9%E3%83%BB%E3%82%AB%E 3%83%B3

I mean, as you can see here.
All of China? Central Asia
Iran. It conquered Eastern Europe.

Some people are expecting this to be done by that Tokujin with that face.

We've had Iran on alert, but Italy figured it out last time, didn't they?

Trying to get Naruhito to do that job of unification is probably a good idea.
I'm talking about Naruhito's parents, namely Akihito and Michiko, and on the outside, Tokyo University, the Chinese Communist Party, and China.
Did you expect that? British Royal Family
Huawei's line thwarted by Masayoshi Son.
Masayoshi Son and Obama have a lot in common, even with the word "Hawaii.

北海道だ ジンギスカン

ほら見ろ やっぱり大正時代前後
捏造の見返りに輸入させたんだろ 桃や林檎と一緒で
確かに伊達も捏造犯だ あと移民した人達

なぜ北海道でジンギスカンが広まったのか|カイ×アルキタ まち ...kai-hokkaido.com › town_vol35_takikawa01
北海道で羊肉が食べられるようになったのは大正時代。 農家の副業として江部乙村で5頭の羊が飼育され始めたのは1913(大正2)年。 滝川町では1915(大正4)年に13頭の飼育記録が残っている。 数ある羊肉料理の中から、なぜジンギスカンがこれほど ...

Then I found it.
Hokkaido, Genghis Khan.

Look, it's the Taisho era.
You made them import it in return for a fake one, along with peaches and apples.
You faked it in Hokkaido.
Yes, Date is a trumpeter, and the other immigrants.

Why Genghis Khan Spreads in Hokkaido|Kai x Archita Town ... .kai-hokkaido.com ' town_vol35_takikawa01
It was in the Taisho era that lamb was first eaten in Hokkaido. In 1913, five sheep were first raised in Ebe Oto-mura as a sideline to farmers. In Takigawa Town, there are records of breeding 13 sheep in 1915. Among the many lamb dishes, why is Genghis Khan so popular?

1917年(1917 ねん)は、西暦(グレゴリオ暦)による、月曜日から始まる平年。 大正6年。
1917年 - Wikipedia

ジンギスカンが北海道の名物になった理由は? - ライブドアニュースnews.livedoor.com › article › detail
2015/05/25 - ジンギスカンが北海道名物になった理由に迫っている。東京新聞は、洋服を着る日本人が増え始めたためと伝えている。1917年に100万頭の羊を飼う計画を立案され、北海道に種羊場が設置された.

伊達含む、あと松浦だな たぶん
見ろ 大型輸入の段取りしてるじゃないか 大正時代に

The year 1917 is a normal year, according to the Western calendar (Gregorian calendar), beginning on Monday. The year 1917.
1917 - Wikipedia

How did Genghis Khan become a specialty of Hokkaido? - Livedoor News news.livedoor.com ' article ' detail
May 25, 2015 - We're getting closer to the reason why Genghis Khan has become a Hokkaido specialty. The Tokyo Shimbun reports that it's because more and more Japanese people are starting to wear the clothes, and in 1917, one million sheep were A plan was drawn up to breed sheep and a breeding farm was established in Hokkaido.

That would include Date, and then Matsuura, maybe.
Look, they're setting up a big import shipment, the Taisho era.


そんなものを江戸に持ち込んだ うちと無関係の相撲


騎馬という名目で。ああ 大嫌い。

If the Mongolian Hakka and Korean Hakka lineages are long, then Emperor Taisho's face is a perfect match.

You wouldn't know it in another country, but I'm researching and uncovering fake history. There would have been Mongolian bias since then.
At what point in time did you start to have Mongolian prejudice? The Edo period?
Like a free-for-all sport? No, it was probably just a game.
You brought that thing to Edo. A sumo match that had nothing to do with us.

Maybe the history of wrestling is bullshit.
I think they're making a leap from the Nagano sumo chart and connecting it to the present. The movement to say it is equivalent to the national sport is also Mongolian bias.

It is only in the past few years that shrines related to sumo have had an unhappy festival. Because they are particular about Mongolia, the horses come out.
In the name of cavalry. Oh, I hate it.

麻原彰晃とか大西健丞 徳仁
石破の顔 モンゴルくさい


Mongolian face.
Shoko Asahara, Kenjo Ohnishi, Tokujin
Maybe even stonewalling?
Mongolians have a plump face like Asashoryu.
Ishiba's face smells like Mongolian.

So you don't like it.

あの男の顔 モンゴルと朝鮮臭いかな。

扶余族ってモンゴルと朝鮮か つまり。
だだ、道教臭くはないな 馬臭い感じはあるけど。

I remember. The son of Izumo Taisha also smells Mongolian. He married Hisako's daughter, and then they separated and whatnot.
That guy's face stinks of Mongolia and Korea.

So the Fuyu are both Mongolians and Koreans, right?
Himiko is just a shaman.
Dude, it doesn't smell like Taoism. It's got a horsey feel to it.

【速報】インド、滅亡秒読み。「中国 + コロナ + 雷 + バッタ」の合従軍により5000年の歴史に終止符へ⬅

2020-06-27 00:37:17 | 日記

【速報】インド、滅亡秒読み。「中国 + コロナ + 雷 + バッタ」の合従軍により5000年の歴史に終止符へ [399583221] (105)
ニュー速(嫌儲) 2020-06-26 22:27 (22 res/h) 

India's annihilation seconds away. The combined forces of "China + Corona + Lightning + Grasshopper" will put an end to 5,000 years of history [... 399583221] (105)
Newsflash (hate) 2020-06-26 22:27 (22 res/h)





Where I'm naming names, one after the other.

China and India are both big continents.
You have the resources.
Some of them are wealthy.

If this pattern goes to Russia now...

On the other hand, local people don't get the job.


Billions and trillions of dollars flying in the blink of an eye.

中国は、地雷踏んだ結末 飛蝗・大雨・ヒョウ・決壊あるだろうな アフリカに備蓄もあぶないよ

2020-06-27 00:23:06 | 時事
China will end up with land mines, locusts, rain, hail, and a catastrophic failure, and they can't afford to stockpile anything in Africa.


中国・北京、とんでもない雹(ヒョウ)が降る。 中国のネット上では雹がコロナウイルスの形に似てると話題に [799215407] (18)
ニュー速(嫌儲) 2020-06-26 20:38 

Beijing, China - Outrageous hailstones fall. The hailstorm resembles the shape of the coronavirus [799215407] (18)
Newsflash (hate) 2020-06-26 20:38

これが翻訳の限界 これを改良し正確性求めるのが世のイットの仕事

You don't say "leopard" as hylstones, do you?
This is the limit of translation. It's the IT job of the world to improve upon it and make it more accurate.

イットって高齢層が言うの? 見て笑った

hailstonesで良いのか? わからないなー

雹とは積乱雲から降る直径5mm以上の氷粒。直径5mm未満の氷粒は霰と呼ぶ。雹が降ることを降雹と表現する。 ウィキペディア 

Hailstones are icicles with a diameter of 5 mm or more that fall from thunderclouds. If it is smaller than 5 mm in diameter, it is called hail. Hailstones are called hailstones. Wikipedia.

【水害】 中国各地で洪水、土砂災害が発生 [06/26] [荒波φ★] (456)
東アジアnews+ 2020-06-26 16:54 (46 res/h) 

Floods and landslides in China [06/26] [Rough seas] (456)
East Asia news+ 2020-06-26 16:54 (46 res/h)