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実際にカナダの人が読む記事でTOEIC Part7の読むトレーニング

2011-01-07 06:55:23 | TOEICテスト対策
Hi, how are you doing?
On January 30th, this year's first official TOEIC test is held.
This means there are only 24 days to go!!
I hope everyone takes some time every day to prepare for the TOEIC test, and does the best!
Today, I'd like to introduce an article that actual Canadians read, and let's do some reading training for TOEIC Part 7.
*Here is the topic and link of "The Most Popular New Year's Resolutions":
After you've read the article, here are 3 TOEIC Part 7 like Questions...
1. What's the most popular New Year's resolution of 2011?
2. How many people joined this online poll?
3. What did 266 people vote to?
Maybe I don't need to show the answers, but just in case, the answers are...
1. lose weight 2. 5000 3. take a photo every day for a year
What is your personal New Year's resolution?
*The related subject of "Hottest toys for 2010" is here:


本日は“実際にカナダの人が読む記事でTOEIC Part7の読むトレーニング”です。



さて、今日は実際にカナダの人が読むオンライン記事を使って、TOEIC Part7用の読むトレーニングを紹介したいと思います。

記事は"The Most Popular New Year's Resolutions"(最も人気のある新年の抱負)で、リンク先はこちら:


1. What's the most popular New Year's resolution of 2011?
2. How many people joined this online poll?
3. What did 266 people vote to?


関連記事の“今年のカナダの人気クリスマスプレゼントは? - TOEIC Part 7用トレーニング”はこちら:

それでは今日の英語での一言:"Daily effort produces results!"

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します