Happy New Year!!
Thank you for reading my blog!!
The first day of 2011, I’d like to write about my New Year’s resolution in 2011!!
First of all, as an English teacher, I’ll offer a practical, fun, and useful lesson!!
Also, I hope I can help each of my students achieve their goals or dreams related to English.
Second of all, as an English learner, I’ll get the perfect score - 990 in TOEIC!!
Last but not the least, as a person, I’ll take a step by step to make my dream (to establish my English school) come true!!
2011 will probably become one of the most significant years in my life, so I’ll always be positive and take a step forward towards my dream!!
“英語を学ぶ学習者としての新年の抱負”は、“TOEICテスト満点 - 990点獲得!!”です。
それでは今日の英語での一言:“ What’s your new year’s resolution?”

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Thank you for reading my blog!!
The first day of 2011, I’d like to write about my New Year’s resolution in 2011!!
First of all, as an English teacher, I’ll offer a practical, fun, and useful lesson!!
Also, I hope I can help each of my students achieve their goals or dreams related to English.
Second of all, as an English learner, I’ll get the perfect score - 990 in TOEIC!!
Last but not the least, as a person, I’ll take a step by step to make my dream (to establish my English school) come true!!
2011 will probably become one of the most significant years in my life, so I’ll always be positive and take a step forward towards my dream!!
“英語を学ぶ学習者としての新年の抱負”は、“TOEICテスト満点 - 990点獲得!!”です。
それでは今日の英語での一言:“ What’s your new year’s resolution?”

クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します