Good morning.
How are you doing?
Today, I’d like to express my opinion about why making mistakes while speaking is important.
Through my teaching experience, most Japanese people are afraid to make mistakes when speaking English.
I mean we consciously or unconsciously try to make grammatically correct sentences before speaking English.
So, it takes some time to form "correct" sentences in our brain before we output English; therefore, I sometimes hear my students say they lose a chance to say his/her opinion in the conversation.
However, once you go to Canada, you’ll realize that no one including native English speakers is speaking “grammatically perfect English.”
Actually, even native English speakers make grammatical mistakes - e.g. I heard a native English speaker say “This style is more cheaper.”
In fact, nobody cares about grammatically PERFECT English.
(*I don't mean to stress grammar is not important. Grammar IS important.)
So, take it easy when you speak English!!
(例えば・・・”This style is more cheaper”)
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Take it easy when you speak English!"

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How are you doing?
Today, I’d like to express my opinion about why making mistakes while speaking is important.
Through my teaching experience, most Japanese people are afraid to make mistakes when speaking English.
I mean we consciously or unconsciously try to make grammatically correct sentences before speaking English.
So, it takes some time to form "correct" sentences in our brain before we output English; therefore, I sometimes hear my students say they lose a chance to say his/her opinion in the conversation.
However, once you go to Canada, you’ll realize that no one including native English speakers is speaking “grammatically perfect English.”
Actually, even native English speakers make grammatical mistakes - e.g. I heard a native English speaker say “This style is more cheaper.”
In fact, nobody cares about grammatically PERFECT English.
(*I don't mean to stress grammar is not important. Grammar IS important.)
So, take it easy when you speak English!!
(例えば・・・”This style is more cheaper”)
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Take it easy when you speak English!"

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