Hi, and thank you for reading my blog!!
Today, I'd like to write about "How to raise your motivation to learn English."
Whatever we learn something, the most primary and important thing is motivation!!
Needless to say, keeping your motivation is very important when learning English.
Therefore, how to motivate yourself is the key, and here are some hows:
1.“Set a goal and make efforts towards it!”
In this case, you have to set the goal with "By when”
(e.g. Get TOEIC 730 by this July.)
2.“Go abroad!”
Going abroad is one of the best ways to motivate to learn English!
3.“Have a good rival to improve your English"
When I was in Toronto learning English, I met a Brazilian guy and I was very impressed by his English.
I secretly decided that I'd catch up with him someday!!
Personally, I've used all of these methods, and they worked!!
When your motivation is low to learn English, why don't you try one of the methods above?
1.目標・ゴールを定め、努力すること ― “いつまでに達成するのか”を決めることが重要”
2. 海外に行くこと ― 旅行でもビジネスでも英語を使うことでモチベーションが上がります
3.英語学習でのライバル(目標)を探すこと ― 自分はカナダ・トロントで英語を学んでいた時、同じく英語学習者のブラジル人の上手な英語を聞いて驚きました。その時以来、自分の心の中で、彼は“追いつけ、追い越せ”の良い意味での英語のライバル(目標)になりました。
それでは今日の英語での一言:“Try to keep positive motivation!!”
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Today, I'd like to write about "How to raise your motivation to learn English."
Whatever we learn something, the most primary and important thing is motivation!!
Needless to say, keeping your motivation is very important when learning English.
Therefore, how to motivate yourself is the key, and here are some hows:
1.“Set a goal and make efforts towards it!”
In this case, you have to set the goal with "By when”
(e.g. Get TOEIC 730 by this July.)
2.“Go abroad!”
Going abroad is one of the best ways to motivate to learn English!
3.“Have a good rival to improve your English"
When I was in Toronto learning English, I met a Brazilian guy and I was very impressed by his English.
I secretly decided that I'd catch up with him someday!!
Personally, I've used all of these methods, and they worked!!
When your motivation is low to learn English, why don't you try one of the methods above?
1.目標・ゴールを定め、努力すること ― “いつまでに達成するのか”を決めることが重要”
2. 海外に行くこと ― 旅行でもビジネスでも英語を使うことでモチベーションが上がります
3.英語学習でのライバル(目標)を探すこと ― 自分はカナダ・トロントで英語を学んでいた時、同じく英語学習者のブラジル人の上手な英語を聞いて驚きました。その時以来、自分の心の中で、彼は“追いつけ、追い越せ”の良い意味での英語のライバル(目標)になりました。
それでは今日の英語での一言:“Try to keep positive motivation!!”
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します