東京港区田町芝浦の英語学校English Plus英語講師arataのブログ

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英語学校起業に向けた川崎市空き店舗活用創業支援事業 - 二次審査

2011-02-16 07:04:07 | 英語学校設立・創業
Good morning, and thanks a lot for visiting!
I submitted an application form on January 31st to apply for a subsidy which supports me to start my English school business in the shopping street in Kawasaki.
*For more related story, please visit these 2 episodes:
"about handing in the form"
"about the result of the first stage"
Yesterday, I went to Kawasaki to have the second stage "interview" and told four business counsultans and several city hall staff members about my business plan.
The interview consisted of "5-minute presentation & 10-minute question/answer" sections.
I got nervous a little bit during my presentation, but thanks to Mr. Takeuchi, who happened to be one of the business counsultans attending my interview and his existence made me feel at ease!!
The interview was not perfect, but I thought I was (at least) able to tell them how much I want to start my business!!
Anyway, what I can do is just wait to hear the result on Feburary 28th!!
Hopefully, I can hear good news!!


本日は“英語学校起業に向けた川崎市空き店舗活用創業支援事業 - 二次審査”です。


*関連記事2“英語学校のための空き店舗補助金の申し込み - 1次審査結果”はこちら:






それでは今日の英語での一言:"The more effort you make, the closer you'll get to your dream!!"

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