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ビジネスでの英語の電話対応 (メッセージを取る・かけ直してもらう・かけ直させる場合 - 応用編)

2011-02-22 08:27:50 | ビジネスでも使える英語&英語表現
Good morning and thank you for reading my blog!
Today, let’s continue learning some other telephone expressions that you can use in your business.
*About "the basic business telephone skills", please click here:
In the previous episode, we learned some basic telephone expressions "to call up, answer the phone and put through" and today, let’s continue to learn some other expressions!!
We learned that answering the phone and putting a caller through to one of your co-workers in the previous episode,; however, if your co-worker is not available to answer the telephone, what will you say?
The first thing you have to say is...
・I’m afraid that (Mr. Depp) is not available right now.
= I’m afraid that he/she is out of the office right now.
*About "telling other reasons for not being able to answer" is here:
After that...
"If you ask a caller to call again, you can say..."
・Would you mind calling him/her later?
= Could you please call him/her back again later?
"If you get your co-worker to call back, you can say..."
・I’ll ask him/her to call you back if you would like.
= May I have him /her call you back?
"If you take a message, you can say..."
・Could I take a message?
= May I take a message?
= Can I take a message?
= Would you like to leave a message?
Also, these expressions must help you when answering the phone...
・Could I tell him who is calling?
・Could I have your phone number please?
Master these telephone expressions and you'll have confidence to answer the phone!!


本日は“ビジネスでの英語の電話対応 (メッセージを取る・かけ直してもらう・かけ直させる場合 - 応用編)”です。

*関連記事の“ビジネスでの英語の電話対応で困っている方必見(電話をかける・受ける・つなぐ - 基本編)”はこちら:


・I’m afraid that (Mr. Depp) is not available right now.
= I’m afraid that he/she is out of the office right now.

*関連記事の“ビジネス英語 - 電話で不在を伝えるひとこと”はこちら:

・Would you mind calling him/her later?
= Could you please call him/her back again later?

・I’ll ask (Mr. Depp) to call you back if you would like.
= May I have him /her call you back?

・Could I take a message?
= May I take a message?
= Can I take a message?
= Would you like to leave a message?

・Could I tell him who is calling?(お名前お伺いしてもよろしいですか?)
・Could I have your phone number please?(電話番号よろしいでしょうか?)


それでは今日の英語での一言:"Practice before you answer the phone!"

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