Rise and shine!
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Today's topic is "Reading a book to get positive energy."
When you are tired because of a hard task at work or private business, you should read “Chicken Soup series” and get some positive energy!!
This series has a variety of versions, for example, Chicken soup for Teenage Soul, Mother’s soul, and so on.
Also, I heard there is a Japanese translated version too.
Why I recommend this Chicken Soup series when you feel tired is that after you’ve read some episodes, you might be able to get some positive energy from the book!!
The English used in each book is not so difficult, so just give it a try!!
You won't regret it!!

毎日のきつい仕事で疲れている時や、個人的なことで疲れている時、“Chicken Soup”という本のシリーズをおすすめします。
例えば、Chicken soup for Teenage Soul, Mother’s soulなどなど。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Take it easy!"

クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します
Thanks for visiting my blog!!
Today's topic is "Reading a book to get positive energy."
When you are tired because of a hard task at work or private business, you should read “Chicken Soup series” and get some positive energy!!
This series has a variety of versions, for example, Chicken soup for Teenage Soul, Mother’s soul, and so on.
Also, I heard there is a Japanese translated version too.
Why I recommend this Chicken Soup series when you feel tired is that after you’ve read some episodes, you might be able to get some positive energy from the book!!
The English used in each book is not so difficult, so just give it a try!!
You won't regret it!!

毎日のきつい仕事で疲れている時や、個人的なことで疲れている時、“Chicken Soup”という本のシリーズをおすすめします。
例えば、Chicken soup for Teenage Soul, Mother’s soulなどなど。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Take it easy!"

クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します