東京港区田町芝浦の英語学校English Plus英語講師arataのブログ

東京田町の小学生~大人まで『基礎英語力』習得を目指す英語学校English Plus英語講師の英語・日本語表現ブログ

English Plusレッスン受講生にお聞きした【English Plusのいいところ】


2011-01-21 07:35:08 | ビジネスでも使える英語&英語表現
Hi, everyone!
It's been chilly, hasn't it?
Please take care of yourselves!!
Today, I'd like to write about "Giving Advice at work."
*The related episode of "what to say to busy co-workers" is here:
Whatever your job is, I guess you may have some opportunities to give advice at work.
Sometimes people at work might ask you for some advice about his/her work or something related to business.
What kind of advice do you give to your subordinates or to co-workers?
Here are some expressions when giving advice!
・I'd suggest that you (take a little break.)
・I'd advise you to (check the document first.)
・You might want to (finish the paper.)
・Why don't you (call your client to let them know?)
・What/How about (taking a few days off from work?)
You'll never know when you give advice in English, so just be prepared!!








・I'd suggest that you (take a little break.)(少し休憩を取ることをお勧めします)
・I'd advise you to (check the document first.)(まず書類をチェックすることをお勧めします)
・You might want to (talk to him.)(彼に相談するといいかもしれません)
・Why don't you (call your client to let them know?)(クライアントにお知らせしたらどうでしょうか?)
・What/How about (taking a few days off from work?)(何日か仕事を休まれたらどうですか?)

上記の表現がアドバイスとして使えますので check them out!!

それでは今日の英語での一言:"You'll never know when you give advice in English, so just be prepared!!"

P.S. 中小企業診断士の竹内幸次先生のブログでご紹介いただきました。

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
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英語講師からの視点 - 英語レッスンでのフリートークの良さと悪さ

2011-01-20 05:06:20 | 英語講師の日記
Good morning, and thank you for your time to stop by!
Today, I'd like to write about "Pros and Cons of free-talk-style English lesson" from English teacher's point of view.
I sometimes see English teachers give English lessons at a cafe.
Several times I've overheard those lessons and found out that the English teachers gave his/her students free-talk-style lessons.
I understand that each English teachers' lessons is different, and maybe the students are satisfied.
However, if I can point out some pros and cons of free-talk-style lesson, there will be like this…
Pros: Students can pick up their favorite subjects and can talk about them.
Cons: There is little students can learn. Free-talk-style lesson is not really a lesson based on my teaching philosophy because teachers don't prepare for the lesson, and there are NO teaching points.
So, overall, I don’t recommend Free-talk-style lesson for Beginner level learners.
If you are “high intermediate” or “advanced” level students and know what points you want to learn, I recommend free-talk style lessons.
So, when you choose an English school or English teacher, you should check their teaching style along with price and atmosphere!
Find the best one for yourself!!


本日は“英語講師からの視点 - 英語レッスンでのフリートークの良さと悪さ”です。









それでは今日の英語での一言:”Find the best one for yourself!”

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英語学校起業のためのステップ - ホームページ作成中&ドメイン取得中

2011-01-19 07:59:45 | 英語学校設立・創業
Good morning, and thank you for reading my blog!!
When I had a business consultant in December, I got advice from Mr. Takeuchi about making a homepage, and putting up my homepage as soon as possible!!
So, currently I’ve been making my homepage for my English school, and at the same time, I’ve been searching for a domain for my business.
Although I’ve been checking my favorite domain for my homepage, the fact is that all of my favorite ones have already been taken.
Actually, I had had a kind of reluctant idea that I would be able to get my favorite one easily, before I seriously searched for the one, but it turned out that getting domain is one of the hardest tasks before launching business.
So, if you are interested in launching your own business, you should get your favorite domain as soon as you you decide to do your business!!
Anyway, what I can do now is that I’ll search and get the best one for my English school!
Whenever I have time, I’ll check for the one, get it, and put up my homepage!!


本日は“英語学校起業のためのステップ ホームページ作成中&ドメイン取得中”です。






それでは今日の英語での一言:"Never give up!"

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2011-01-18 07:11:47 | 英語学校設立・創業
Hi, how are you doing?
I once completed the curriculum of the Business English course last year, however, the other day, I had a chance to review the course again and added 4 more lessons to the course.
So, now, the course has become a 4-month course in total.
This Business English course can help students master some Business English expressions, also it can allow students to talk more about their ideas about job and work.
It's become not only more practical but also more fun!!
So, if you are interested in Business English, please try after I establish my own English school!!

Tokyo Tower






それでは今日の英語での一言:"Enjoy English every day!!"

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英語講師の留学経験 (カナダ エドモントンで遊覧飛行挑戦 編)

2011-01-17 08:30:00 | 英語講師のカナダ・トロント留学経験
Good morning.
Today's topic is about “my study abroad experience in Canada - my first flight in Edmonton!!”
*The related episode of "my trip to Edmonton" is here:
When I visited my friend in Edmonton, Canada in 2008, I had an incredible & unforgettable experience!!
That was a sightseeing flight!
The plane we took was small and we were flying not too high, so I could see the beautiful scenery of Edmonton very clearly!!
During the flight, I was sitting in the front and suddenly the pilot asked me if I wanted to fly the airplane.
I said, "Yes" and I flew the airplane for about 5 minutes!!
It was the moment that one of my childhood dreams came true!
Of course, it was my first time to operate an airplane, but the instructor was very kind and told me about how to fly a plane very carefully, and I was able to enjoy it!!
Needless to say, when I operated the plane, the instruction was given all in English.
So, if you can communicate in English, you may have a chance to fly an airplane!!

The plane we took

Some instruments in front of me

Scenery of Edmonton


本日は“英語講師の留学経験 (カナダ エドモントンで遊覧飛行挑戦 編)”です。

関係記事の“英語講師の留学経験 (カナダ・エドモントン 編)”はこちらをクリック:









それでは今日の英語での一言:"Practice English and your dream may come true!"

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
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最近得た情報の中から - Globishについての英語講師の視点

2011-01-16 08:19:01 | 英語講師の日記
Hi, everyone!
Thank you for reading my blog!!
Today, I’d like to write about my point of view about "Globish."
Nowadays, in some magazines and on TV, I often hear “Globish - Global English”in Japan.
The idea of “Globish” is that people whose native language is not English use only 1500 basic vocabulary words with simple grammar to communicate.
In my opinion, I think the idea of Globish is great because it’s trying to simplify grammatically difficult sentences with 1500 vocabulary and simple grammar, and then everyone can communicate in English easily.
However, at the same time, I wonder if 1500 words can really cover what I really mean to say.
Also, it's sometimes difficult to simplify, for example, when we want to say "nephew", in Globish, we have to say "the son of my brother."
(I guess it's easier to memorize nephew though...)
Therefore, as my conclusion, Globish is a good first step to learn English.
I mean the very basic 1500 words is fundamental to communicate in English, but not enough; so, after mastering 1500 basic Globish words and the way to simplify expressions, you need to learn the next 1501, 1502, 1503…words to communicate more efficiently!


本日は“最近得た情報の中から - Globishについての英語講師の視点”です。





例えば“甥=nephew”という言葉を説明したい場合、グロービッシュでは“The son of my brother”と置き換えることになります。




それでは今日の英語での一言:"Learning English is a lifelong journey."

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想像力を使ったTOEIC Part 2対策トレーニング

2011-01-15 07:02:07 | TOEICテスト対策
Good morning!
Today, let’s do the training to get a better TOEIC score as well as to improve your English skills.
*The related blog of "the training to improve your TOEIC Part 1 score" is here:
Today's training I'll recommend is easy to carry out and it takes just a couple of minutes!
You can do this training anywhere, anytime!
First, Look at the picture below!
Then, use your imagination to form a 4-sentence dialogue, but the dialogue should include at least 1 Affirmative, 1 Negative, 1 Question sentences.
(For Example)
Man: Is there anywhere you’d like to go today? (Question)
Woman: Not really. (Negative) How about yourself?
Man: Well, I was thinking about going to Shibuya. (Affirmative) How does it sound?
Woman: Sounds great!!
Finally, check the dialogue you’ve made (and read it out loud if possible.)
The point is you should make it interesting!
You can do this training anywhere, anytime because what you need is your imagination to create a dialogue!!
When you see some people’s interesting interactions, try to imagine their dialogue in your brain!!


本日は“想像力を使ったTOEIC Part2対策トレーニング”です。

関連記事の“この場でできる! 3分勝負のTOEIC Part 1 実践トレーニング”はこちらをクリック:





Man: Is there anywhere you’d like to go today? (疑問文)
Woman: Not really. (否定文) How about yourself?
Man: Well, I was thinking about going to Shibuya. (肯定文) How does it sound?(疑問文)
Woman: Sounds great!!



なお、写真は著作権フリーのLink Styleさんからいただきました。

それでは今日の英語での一言:”Practice your English every chance you get!”

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
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英語学校起業に向けた一歩 - かっぱ橋商店街の旅

2011-01-14 06:10:39 | 英語学校設立・創業
Thank you for stopping by!!
Before a lesson yesterday, I went to Kappabashi Dougu Street, which is famous for selling miscellaneous goods to check some stuff for my future business.
*For more information about the blog related to Kappabashi Dougu Street", click here:
There were a lot of stuff out there that I wanted to get, for example, a sign to put up outside.
It was a good chance to check the price and what I need in the future!
With the price information I got yesterday, I need to recheck my financial simulation again for the presentation!!
I’ll have to do my best to reach my dream, to establish my English school!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


本日は“英語学校起業に向けた一歩 - かっぱ橋商店街の旅”です。






それでは今日の英語での一言:"Have a wonderful weekend!”

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2011-01-13 10:25:43 | 英語学校設立・創業
Good morning & thank you for taking time to stop by!!
Yesterday, finally I finished making my business plan to participate in the business plan competition in Kawasaki!
*Here is the link of the related blog:
Though it took quite long to complete my business plan because I’d changed and checked it again and again, I’m satisfied with it!!
It’s finally over now that I have to prepare for the slide show for the next step "presentation"!!
After submitting my business plan, I met some friends, who I met in the business seminar in Kawasaki, to talk about how each person’s business idea is going!
I was glad to hear that some people have been taking the next step!!
Their story made me think I’ll take a step forward toward my dream more!!



*関連リンクの“英語学校設立に向けて - かわさき起業家オーディションに挑戦”はこちら:






それでは今日の英語での一言:”Let’s take a step forward!”

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
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2011-01-12 09:25:40 | 英語学習のポイント&アドバイス
Hi, and thank you for reading my blog!!
Today, I'd like to write about "How to raise your motivation to learn English."
Whatever we learn something, the most primary and important thing is motivation!!
Needless to say, keeping your motivation is very important when learning English.
Therefore, how to motivate yourself is the key, and here are some hows:
1.“Set a goal and make efforts towards it!”
In this case, you have to set the goal with "By when”
(e.g. Get TOEIC 730 by this July.)
2.“Go abroad!”
Going abroad is one of the best ways to motivate to learn English!
3.“Have a good rival to improve your English"
When I was in Toronto learning English, I met a Brazilian guy and I was very impressed by his English.
I secretly decided that I'd catch up with him someday!!
Personally, I've used all of these methods, and they worked!!
When your motivation is low to learn English, why don't you try one of the methods above?






1.目標・ゴールを定め、努力すること ― “いつまでに達成するのか”を決めることが重要”

2. 海外に行くこと ― 旅行でもビジネスでも英語を使うことでモチベーションが上がります

3.英語学習でのライバル(目標)を探すこと ― 自分はカナダ・トロントで英語を学んでいた時、同じく英語学習者のブラジル人の上手な英語を聞いて驚きました。その時以来、自分の心の中で、彼は“追いつけ、追い越せ”の良い意味での英語のライバル(目標)になりました。



それでは今日の英語での一言:“Try to keep positive motivation!!”

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