New Happy-life☆


How should I make them stop.

2019-08-03 14:29:35 | 日記

Today, I will write this blog by Japanese.

Cause the Japanese are too shit.

Mainly old people from after 45.

They are so much liers around this town.

They make such a trobles to me and my work familys.

They don't know they have to stop about bullys.

I never say to any people they can bully me.

How many psychopaths are in Japan?

They do again again again...

God...  They have to learn.

How they can learn about it.

Let me know about it, please.

I really really really hate these neighborhoods and town people.

I really really really hope they goes to huge hells...

I can't belive their mistakes so much that bloody educations...

I really really really want say to them "die now".

I didn't want have the grudge to them but they making that their own.

It's their actions from.

I want say with my all of worlds friends to them "FUCK OFF".

Thank you for reading today too, even no good blogs...




You should remeber.

This is you guys results. see?


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