Passed on millions to play MLB ASAP. Broke his elbow. Picked up bat. Raked. Hit to a 34 HR pace, a .925 OPS & pitched a low 3 ERA, all while leaving everything he’s ever known to live in a new country. Shohei Ohtani’s potential is inconceivable. So yeah, Rookie of the Year, man.
— Greatest Show on Dirt Baseball Podcast (@greatestondirt) 2018年11月15日
SHOTIME!Congratulations to Shohei Ohtani on winning the American League Rookie of the Year Award! 大谷翔平選手アメリカン・リーグ新人王受賞おめでとうございます!
SUPERFRACTOR SHOHEI OHTANI! I’m over trying to pull the golden ticket, so I just went ahead and made it. 20” x 28”; Cut baseball cards.
FOX Sports WestにUPされた「Never Miss A Sunday Sho!」の動画
【中山成彬 議員国会質疑動画2013年3月8日-従軍慰安婦編(英語字幕付き)】
Nariaki NAKAYAMA_2013.3.8-2_Narration
『This was not truth that comfort women were yanked forcibly 』