TLEAいのちの冠福岡教会のHot News ☆ Church's news



2012-06-16 18:27:34 | 海外宣教
The blog,"Two Pastors going to Thailand and Cambodia" is uploaded.
Some pictures can not see only in this blog. Also Ms. Sasaki's pictures are on this. Don't miss it.

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エルサレムの夕暮れ Nightfall in Jerusalem

2012-06-16 18:00:41 | イスラエル

I replaced a picture of nightfall in Jerusalem viewed from at the top of Mt.Olives. Chech it!

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北部九州の教会紹介ーその3 生ける神の望み飯塚教会

2012-06-16 17:42:30 | 教会紹介
飯塚市にある「生ける神の望み飯塚教会」のホームページはこちら→  アットホームで慰めに満ちた教会です。また、いろいろな病気のいやしが起こっています。ブログ「飯塚教会最新ニュース」と、美しい写真のエッセイ「みことばエッセイ」をどうぞ。

A homepage of Living Hope of God Iizuka church which is in Iizuka city is from here. This is a church with a homey atmosphere and filling with comfort.

Enjoy their blog as "The Latest News of Iizuka Church" and an essay "An Essay about the Word of God"

メッセージをされるヨハネ出西牧師 This is Pastor John Denishi who delivering a message.

特別賛美 Special Song Offering

カリスマ聖会 Charisma Meeting
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今日の紫陽花 Today's Hydrangea

2012-06-16 17:41:00 | 教会紹介

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2012-06-16 17:35:17 | 救い
大恋愛の末の幸せな結婚。ところが幸せはそう長く続きませんでした。 「もうどうしようもない」離婚すら覚悟したその時、二人の前に、あるクリスチャンの友人が現れたのです。イエス・キリストを信じる事によって180度変えられた夫と、離婚寸前まで陥った夫婦問題からの解決の証し。ヨハネ森牧師ご夫妻の真実な体験談です。

They had been in love with each other and got married. But their happiness could not last long. When they were on the edge of divorce, a christian friend appeared. This is a testimony of the husband who was totally changed by believing Jesus Christ as the savior and of the restoration of the couple who were about to get divorce. Pastor John Mori and his wife's true story.

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タイ・カンボジアチーム Thailand & Cambodia team

2012-06-16 10:04:15 | 海外宣教

Kyushu members of the team to Thailand & Cambodia returned to Fukuoka Airport safely. Thank you for your prayers. You will be able to hear a testimony of the team at tomorrow's worship service.

いやしのお祈り Praying for healing

日本人集会を終えて After the Japanese meeting.
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今日のみことば Word of God For Today

2012-06-16 09:56:50 | 今日のみことば
聖書は、神が異邦人をその信仰によって義と認めてくださることを、前から知っていたので、アブラハムに対し、「あなたによってすべての国民が祝福される」と前もって福音を告げたのです。そういうわけで、信仰による人々が、信仰の人アブラハムとともに、祝福を受けるのです。 ガラテヤ人の手紙3章6~9節

Just as Abraham"believed God,and it was accounted to him fro righteousness."
Therefore know that only thouse who are of faith are sons of Abraham.
And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, "In you all the nations shall be blessed." So then those who are of faith are blesed with believing Abraham.

Galatians 3:6-9
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