Tomorrow we have a Holy Meeting in Fukuoka. Charisma means gift, there are 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit, like gift of healing, gift of prophecy and so on. There are time of gospel, message from the Bible and also the time of prayer for the sick.
福岡カリスマ聖会&預言セミナー Fukuoka Charisma Holy Meeting & a seminar of prophecy
日時: 6月24日(日) Date: June 24,Sun Time: Training how to use of the spiritual gifts & Holy Meeting 18:00-20:30
18:00~20:30 カリスマ特訓&聖会
会場:中央市民センター・音楽室 Place: Chuou Ward Civic Center Music Room
講師: イザヤ木原真牧師 Pastors: Isaiah Makoto Kihara, Israel Megumi Kosuda
連絡先: 092-732-7362(教会) Contact:092-732-7362 (church)
A picture is Pastor Isaiah Makoto Kihara preaching a message at a commemorative of Pastor Akihito Taira Holy Meeting.
Tomorrow we have a Holy Meeting in Fukuoka. Charisma means gift, there are 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit, like gift of healing, gift of prophecy and so on. There are time of gospel, message from the Bible and also the time of prayer for the sick.
福岡カリスマ聖会&預言セミナー Fukuoka Charisma Holy Meeting & a seminar of prophecy
日時: 6月24日(日) Date: June 24,Sun Time: Training how to use of the spiritual gifts & Holy Meeting 18:00-20:30
18:00~20:30 カリスマ特訓&聖会
会場:中央市民センター・音楽室 Place: Chuou Ward Civic Center Music Room
講師: イザヤ木原真牧師 Pastors: Isaiah Makoto Kihara, Israel Megumi Kosuda
連絡先: 092-732-7362(教会) Contact:092-732-7362 (church)
A picture is Pastor Isaiah Makoto Kihara preaching a message at a commemorative of Pastor Akihito Taira Holy Meeting.