TLEAいのちの冠福岡教会のHot News ☆ Church's news


いのちの冠 The Crown of life

2012-08-30 15:17:42 | 今日のみことば
また、スミルナにある教会の御使いに書き送れ。『初めであり、終わりである方、死んで、また生きた方が言われる。「わたしは、あなたの苦しみと貧しさとを知っている。──しかしあなたは実際は富んでいる──またユダヤ人だと自称しているが、実はそうでなく、かえってサタンの会衆である人たちから、ののしられていることも知っている。あなたが受けようとしている苦しみを恐れてはいけない。見よ。悪魔はあなたがたをためすために、あなたがたのうちのある人たちを牢に投げ入れようとしている。あなたがたは十日の間苦しみを受ける。死に至るまで忠実でありなさい。そうすれば、わたしはあなたにいのちの冠を与えよう。 黙示録2章8~10節

And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write, "These things says the First and the Last, who was dead, and come to life: "I know you works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and Iknow the lbasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.Do not fear any of those things which you are about to surffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be testd, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, an Iwill give you the crown of life.

Revelation 2:8-10

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奇蹟の歌声 A miracle voice

2012-08-29 23:43:08 | いやしの証し

This is a film of Eshurun, who won the first prize at Gospel Contest For Elementery shcool students or under, She has been cured from serious autism through singing gospel song. Don't miss it.

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家庭祈祷会 Home prayer meeting

2012-08-29 22:23:07 | 


Today, we had a prayer meeting at the Kimoto's. God blessed our prayer very much.
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今日のお花 Today's flower

2012-08-29 17:58:18 | 


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嬉しい再会 (26日のこと) Happy Reunion

2012-08-29 17:56:29 | 

A certain person who moved to Kansai area visited Fukuoka and attended Sunday Service last time, we enjoyed happy renunion. Thank you, Lord!
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2012-08-29 17:45:13 | 今日のみことば
さて、ペテロはあらゆる所を巡回したが、ルダに住む聖徒たちのところへも下って行った。彼はそこで、八年の間も床に着いているアイネヤという人に出会った。彼は中風であった。ペテロは彼にこう言った。「アイネヤ。イエス・キリストがあなたをいやしてくださるのです。立ち上がりなさい。そして自分で床を整えなさい。」すると彼はただちに立ち上がった。ルダとサロンに住む人々はみな、アイネヤを見て、主に立ち返った。 使徒の働き9章32~35節 写真は阿蘇

Now it came to pass, as Peter went through all parts of the country, that he also came down to the saints who dwelt in Lydda. There he fond a certain man named Aeneas, who had been bedridden eight years and was paralyzed. And Pter said to him, "Aeneas, Jesus the Christ heals you. Arise and make your bed." Then he arose immediately. So all who dwelt at Lyddda and Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord. Acts 9:32-35
This picture is Aso.

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2012-08-28 23:29:23 | 孤児院

NPO The Cornerstone Orphanage and The Fukuoka Partner Association will be held an exhibition using panels entitled “Request for Support to Build a Children’s Care Center in Fukushima” at Fukuoka Airport from 5 through 28 September. We will show a needy for building a children’s care center as well as The Cornerstone Orphanage in action supporting orphanages in all the world. We wish many people will visit at the exhibition.

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大川賞 Ohkawa Award

2012-08-28 23:13:46 | J-ゴスペル

This is a song,"The Future" by Ulanos who was given Ohkawa Award, for the voice gave hope to listeners.

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こころごすぺるダイジェスト映像 An abridged version of Kokoro Gospel Concert Movie

2012-08-28 23:06:08 | J-ゴスペル

An abridged version of Kokoro Gospel Concert Movie is uploade. Enjoy this movie.

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唐津の海 Sea of Karatsu

2012-08-28 20:45:23 | 



For a typhoon, it was no so good but I love sea of Karatsu.

this is a picture that was taken before.
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