昨年おきた 地震にあってしまったフラッフィー君、お家を怖がるようになってしまい、ご家族が、24時間一緒にいることを決断され、今はとても元気になりました。本当に良かったです。
スイスのブリーダーさんが、「7、8歳で何か起こっても乗り越えることができたら10歳は、超える。」 とおっしゃいました。
Today is the birthday of Gennosuke kun, Zenta kun, Fluffy kun, Elma kun, and Elf. Happy Birthday. Fluffy kun is scared to stay home after the earthquake 2 years ago. But now he is OK after his family decided to stay with him for 24hours. We are happy for him. As you become this age, it will be easier for you to get sick. We hope all of you to have the medical check every 6 months. A bleeder in Switzerland said that if they overcome things happens at the age of 7-8, they can make it more than 10 years old. We hope all of them to live long.
誰だか、わかるかな?Do you know who I am?