
Days of Jazz and Bossa Nova

70年 ジョニ・ミッチェル ロンドンでのライブ映像 "Chelsea Morning, Both Sides Now and More"

2022-11-05 22:00:00 | Joni Mitchell
Joni Mitchell In London 1970 Chelsea Morning California Both Sides Now + more

Chelsea Morning 0:00 (from Clouds, 1969)
Cactus Tree 3:15 (from Song to a Seagull, 1968)
My Old Man 7:56 (from Blue, 1971)
For Free 11:35 (from Ladies of the Canyon, 1970)
California intro 16:25 music 18:15 (from Blue, 1971)
Big Yellow Taxi 22:21 (from Ladies of the Canyon, 1970)
Both Sides Now 25:46 (from Clouds, 1969)

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