
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Global Interaction : No.52 セールスマネージメント

2016-07-14 23:49:40 | Ron's Life Story




Over the years of travelling abroad, this program has always been the most fun for me. What it entails is how to manage the selling process among a group of salesmen explained in Chapter 8.

There are three reasons why sales people do not sell. (1) They do not know what to do. (2) They do not know how to do it. (3)Something or someone is interfering in the ability or desire to sell.

In order to building a strong sales force, all three of these reasons must be addressed, and they are handled at different times when working with sales people. Addressing the first reason of not knowing the job should be handled right when the person is hired. You have to find the right people who are willing and able to do the job.

<Hiring Salesman and presenting what the job is>

The best time to explain the activities of a sales person’s job is at the point of recruiting. I offered two tools below for determining if a person has the right character to perform the activities required.

<Interview Evaluation for Vehicle Sales Personnel>

Candidate's Name:

Characteristic Not at all  Developmental   Definitely
Empathy and concern for others 1     2          3
Socially outgoing           1     2          3
Leadership ability           1     2          3
Reserved                3     2          1
NOTE: Above are just a few of the characteristics. There are about 20.

After the interview, I would evaluate the person using the above sheet. I would give one, two or three points. Then, I would total them at the bottom. The higher the number is, the higher the chance of success on the job. This evaluation should be done by three people and then averaged to get a ranking.

I used another sheet, which looks at personality traits. Not all people are suited to be a salesman, and the interviewer must know which traits help and which do not help.

<Personality Traits Important in Vehicle Selling>

Factors That Help Sales Success Factors That Hinder Success
Has desire to be productive      Has interest in artistic, creative, or aesthetic originality
Has spontaneity and energy      Has distaste for moving around town
Has believability           Needs to be liked or popular
NOTE: Above are just a few of the traits.

During the interview, the candidate should receive a clear job description of what he is to do on the job activity by activity. This should be in writing not just verbal. For a vehicle salesman, all the selling steps explained in Chapter 8. You want to make sure the person knows what activities he should be involved in and what he need not do. I have heard that some interviewer have successful candidates sign an agreement that they will perform those activities.

If the person has the desire, personality traits and character, to do these activities in the job description as above, he should be hired.




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