
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

ハイジャックそしてクラッシュ!Ronさん、九死に一生(4)- 生々しすぎるケガの状況

2024-02-18 12:04:37 | 旅の安全



Around that time, I saw one of Rani’s ankles. It was completely broken and was only attached by skin. Finally we reached the boat, and the crew helped Rani on the speedboat first, as she was the more injured. Then, they lifted me aboard.

The boat traveled at a very high speed, and it was very painful for both Rani and me, but we could not communicate in French to slow down which was the language of the people speaking.

When we got to the beach, many people from the island (Grand Comore) carried us and others off the boat and to a 9-seat multi-purpose bus, which took us to a small hospital or doctor’s office. At that point, I lost contact with Rani. It took about 15 minutes to get to the clinic and was a very painful ride. I could not move my left leg, and it had to be kept in a bent position leaning toward my right leg or the pain would be too great. A young boy from the island helped keep my leg in place, as it kept falling outward and that created a great deal of pain for me. I was so grateful to the boy, that I gave my watch to him. He seemed to be so grateful for such a simple gift that it made me feel very good in giving it to him, and I was more assured that he would take better care of me until I arrived at the hospital. He could not believe that I was giving him the watch, and he tried to give it back to me, but I insisted that he kept it. (子供の方からすると盗んだと思われるのが嫌だったのだと思います)

In that little clinic I noticed a lot of medical people in swimming suits. It turned out 20 doctors from France were on vacation and saw our plane crash from the beach. They went directly from sun bathing to work on us.

From the vehicle, we were taken to a slightly larger hospital in a pick-up truck, as far as I could tell.

The clinic was filled with activity, and I was told that I was one of the least injured and to please wait until more critical patients were tended to first. So, I started waiting.

Around me were two English ladies who did not want to stop talking and a greatly injured Indian lady on my right. One of the English ladies left the room, and the other lady had no one to talk to, so I started talking to make her feel better, as she did not seem in that great of pain.

The Indian lady was in a great deal of pain and was not conscious most of the time. When she asked for the doctor no one could understand her as her voice was very low, and she could only speak English. I tried to help her by calling out for a doctor on her behalf. Finally a team of doctors came and examined her. They examined her right in front of me, and I could see her from head to toe completely naked, as we laid in beds side-by-side and very close. All I could think of was her pain, as I could see her suffering terribly. It turned out she had over 17 bones broken and would have to be in a full body cast for over six months.

From a faraway room, I heard a voice calling my name. “Ron is that you?” She heard my voice calling for the doctor for the Indian lady next to me. It was Rani. I had found her again, and we were once again in contact with each other. I thought I would lose contact with her forever this time, so I had my business card sent to her. Then, she could contact me when we all recovered. She also gave me a note of her address.

Finally, it was my turn to have my leg x-rayed. It was learned that I had definitely had a separated hip and may have broken bones in the hip as well. The x-ray was extremely painful, as I had to roll over on the injured spot.

It had to be operated on immediately, as the bone would set in the wrong place, and there would be damage later. I was given general anesthesia. During the operation, I thought I was in a fairy tale with a lot of gray and white kaleidoscopic designs. The leg was set back into the socket of my hip.

The next thing I knew, I was looking up at a lot of doctors and people. They were all looking at me as if I was a newly born baby. The doctor said I was all right now, and I noticed my leg was straight again.

When I got back to my bed, I noticed that I had a cast on my left ankle even though I knew my ankle was not injured. I learned later that it was there to keep my leg straight.

The British lady across from me seemed to want to talk some more. She said her and her friend were on a world tour when this tragedy occurred. She said she worked for MTV for many years. We also shared experiences of the flight, as she was in Economy Class in the back with the smokers, and I was in business class in the front. She had a punctured lung, and I did not want to tire her too much. So, I kept my words short, simple and cute. She and that friend with her later on wrote a book about the flight.

Photograph of the crash

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ハイジャックそしてクラッシュ!Ronさん、九死に一生(3)- 燃料切れ、そしてクラッシュ

2024-02-11 20:50:56 | 旅の安全


Next, the pilot in a clear voice said we have run out of fuel, and one of the engines has stopped operating. We must make a crash landing in the Indian Ocean.

My partner Rani and I put on our life vests and studied the emergency landing procedures in the seat pocket in front of us. I assisted Rani where I could, as I know a little about truck barrier tests and their impact on passengers in a crash.

I looked out the window and saw the water coming closer and closer. Interestingly, the closer we came to the water, the more peaceful I felt, as I am a water lover and felt very safe. When the water became very close, Rani and I went into the crash position we had practiced moments earlier. To my knowledge, there were two impacts. The first was very light, but the second tore the airplane apart and into pieces.

I found myself in a lot of debris, like plastic and foam (more than likely insulation foam of the aircraft). It was in my face and my eyes, so I tried to clear my vision. I was above the water, which was a good thing as I could breathe easily. That was not the case for many people in economy class to my understanding.

Rani’s seat and my seat had broken away from the airplane. My left leg was caught on something, and I noticed I could not remove it, as it would not move at all. I released it by pulling it by my pant leg trousers with my hands. After that, I inflated my life preserver and disconnected myself from my seat. When I released myself, I fell directly into the water. I wanted to swim out into the sea and away from any debris that might cut me. After getting into the water, I started to swim away from the plane. Then, Rani called to me and said, “Please take me with you”. I said I wouldn’t leave without her. So, I swam back to her. When I got close, I asked her to grab my vest and pull me toward her. Then, I inflated her vest, disconnected her seat belt, and she just fell on me. I had her grab my neck, and we swam together out to sea. The buoyancy of the life preservers stunned me. Your face is well above the water surface, so you don’t even get your nose wet.

As I mentioned, I wanted to get out of all of the debris, which was all around us. The water was warm and comfortable and at that time I was in no pain but my left leg was locked, and I couldn’t move it. With Rani holding my neck, I swam backward out to sea. Rani’s asked me if anyone knew where we were and would we be rescued. At that time, I saw the beach and knew I could get to the coast. As I had no chest, arms or right leg problems, I could swim pretty well and had plenty of propulsion to get to the beach if need be.

Then, I spotted a boat nearby, and after that saw several more. Rani simply wrapped her arms around my neck in the front and held on while I swam as fast as I could to the nearest rescue boat. As she was facing forward and I was facing her, she gave me directions until I looked over my shoulder to see where we were going. While swimming I could see the pieces of the plane behind me. It was a real mess, believe me. It was split into three main sections. Therefore, my impression that an aircraft could withstand a water landing was soon shattered.


Photograph of the crash

I saw another person near the plane. He said to me, “We are the lucky ones”. Up until that time, I did not see any dead persons but know they must have been around.
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ハイジャックそしてクラッシュ!Ronさん、九死に一生(2)- 鮮明な機内の情景

2024-02-04 19:53:06 | 旅の安全



A minute or two after that, the attendants started serving the welcome drinks, and three men broke out of the bathrooms and headed for the cockpit, taking one of the bottles of whisky from the cart in front of me. After that, some time passed, and there was an announcement over the intercom saying that we have had a change of directions. From then on I could only see the terrorists walking around in the front of the plane, as I was in the second row of seats in Business Class.

As you probably know, First Class is in the front of the plane, and Business Class is the second group of seats. Finally, in the rear is Economy Class. So, from my vantage point, I had a pretty good view of the front of the plane and the cockpit.

One of the terrorists seemed to be carrying something, which looked like a fire extinguisher. It was later announced that it was a “bomb”, but I did not believe it. He was holding it like an American football running back would hold the football, and he had his hand on the handle or nozzle.

The second terrorist, which I saw very clearly was a short man and wearing an “ENERGIZER” baseball hat. This man was continually walking in and out of the cockpit. Sometimes he was in sight and on other times he was out of sight. I could see in inside the cockpit if the door was open, but most of the time it was closed.

The third man I only saw one or two times and only for a few seconds or two. To me, he was an angry man with a black mask and black facial hairs. All three were of African descent. This third man seemed to have evil written on this face and was threatening the pilots and all of the crew.

I could only see this man one or two times, and I hope to never see that face again. He was harsh, thin and tall. I noticed the terrorists did not know what they wanted to do, as they were continually looking at maps and seemed very confused.

Rani seemed to notice that one terrorist seemed very relaxed in spite of this terror, and that we would probably be safe because they seemed safe. To add to that, none of us believed there was a bomb on the plane. So, with that in mind, what could they do?

As we just sit there helpless a lot goes through our mind. I also thought I might die, and this would soon be the end of my life. I reflected a lot of the experiences I had over the years. At that time, for the first time, I thought for a few minutes that it could happen that I would die, but I realized I had lived a wonderful life and maybe it was time for me to pass on.

That thought was for only a few seconds though. Most of the time, I thought we would be safe, as aircraft these days can land on water very easily, just like a speedboat or a surfboard gliding along the top of the water.

Rani, the lady setting next to me, asked if we would live and I said “definitely yes”, and the terrorists were weak. Also, I love to swim in the ocean and in waves.

In spite of that, we grasped hands and prayed together (God only knows which religion, but it seemed to work, and God took care of us.)

I had no feeling of regret if I died, because I have gone around the world teaching sales people and managers, which I loved. I had been to over 60 countries at that time, and have met 1,000’s of very interesting people. So, maybe that is enough for one lifetime.

In spite of my general confidence, Rani and I grasped hand again.

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