
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (8-g): セールスプロセス#6 製品デモ

2023-06-25 04:53:31 | Ron's Life Story

A good demonstration is very important, as confidence is built in the product. Just like buying shoes, a customer is more confident in the shoes if he tries them on and walks around. A demonstration is the same as a product presentation, but features, which cannot be shown when the product is not in use, is presented.


To make an effective demonstration ride for vehicles to be sold in a dealership these rules should apply:

1. The vehicle should be clean inside and out.
2. The salesman should always drive first.
3. The salesman should only drive on a planned route decided by management.
3. The route should go through a number of driving conditions and situations, which shows various vehicle features. (For example, acceleration, off-road driving, grade ability, maneuverability, braking, cornering, interior quietness in a noisy area, etc.).
4. There should be a turnaround point where the customer drives back to the dealership.
6. All potential drivers should drive the vehicle if possible.
7. The demonstration ride should be active and not passive.
8. Going in crowded areas, dangerous areas, or by competing dealerships should be avoided.
9. The demonstration ride should be about 8 ~ 10 minutes long.
10. The salesman should ask a trial close question before returning to the dealership.
11. The salesman should ask the customer to park the vehicle next to his current vehicle to compare the two vehicles. That difference is what you are selling.

Using all the senses will help insure that the product is not easily forgotten.

After I left Isuzu Motors and started working for Unika Company Limited, a Japanese hardware accessories manufacturer, I took that same detailed concept and applied it to cutting tools for the construction industry. My customer in the United States set up a demonstration program for exhibitions throughout the country. Also, with the marketing manager of that company, I developed 3-4 minute videos demonstrating the products. After that and building up customer testimonials which I will talk about later in this chapter, sales tripled and I sold the total production capacity of the company!!





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (8-f): セールスプロセス#5 何をプレゼンするのか。

2023-06-17 23:17:30 | Ron's Life Story

A good product presentation makes negotiation easier. The better the presentation is, the easier the closing. The more value you can create of the product in the presentation, the more the customer will pay, as there is less chance he will ask for a big discount. Not only features should be presented, but also customer benefits should be explained, and the salesman should check to confirm that those benefits are important to the customer.

The salesman should determine what the customer's main decision making criteria are. Is he a person who makes his decisions based on logical data, or is he a person who very strongly bases his decisions on the impact it will have on the people around him?

The presentation should be tailored to the customer's buying motive, and the product should not be presented until the needs, wants, and ability to buy are fully understood. Remember, showing is better than telling, and letting the customer do things is better than just showing him something.

A good presentation takes practice, just like an actor rehearses his lines, or a tennis player practices his serve. It is far better to practice on your own or with a coach than in front of the customer or a person you want to influence. Making mistakes in front of a coach can be very valuable. Making a mistake in front of someone you want to influence can be very harmful.

What I did in my vehicle seminars is first give a slide presentation of the vehicle in the seminar room. Later on in my career, I used PowerPoint presentations on the features of the vehicle. After that, we walked outside to the vehicle, and I walked around the vehicle presenting each feature. I put cards of features and benefits all over the vehicle where those features should be presented to the customer.

Then, I selected six people from the group to participate in a presentation contest. For each presentation one person was the salesman (the presenter), one was the customer (He only listened to the customer.) And the rest of the participants judged the contest with a feature check sheet. At all times, people were learning and hearing the features. As a matter of fact, they heard and saw the features as much as eight times. That exercise has been a huge success, even for the highly skilled, professional sales person. The repetition improved the skill level. You could very easily see it after the third contest presentation.

A salesman is like a teacher, if the customer (student) learns well, more loyalty will be built up, and the chance of selling will improve.





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (8-e): セールスプロセス#4 製品の選択

2023-06-11 01:59:10 | Ron's Life Story

Before you can satisfy a person’s needs, you have got to know what you have to offer. You have got to know the features and user benefits of your product, service or value of your ideas. Therefore, before you can select a product (or make a suggestion on an issue) you have to have the appropriate knowledge. Product knowledge (or appropriate product information) is vital. Also, clearly knowing the requirements of the customer as explained above is vital.

You can never select the right product for a customer if you do not thoroughly know the products' features and user benefits. Studying the product is essential. Knowing the customer through good qualifying and counseling is also vital to make a good product selection. A bad salesman/customer relationship is often created when a salesman selects a product and gets into a presentation before the buyer’s needs, wants and ability to buy is determined.

Knowing the company’s ability to supply the product is also important. This includes knowing what specifications the company is ordering, knowing what is in the company now, knowing what is being delivered soon, and knowing what has been ordered. This is also necessary. Armed with that information you can select the correct product and the features that should be important to the buyer.





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (8-d): セールスプロセス#3 営業のあるべき姿は?

2023-06-04 10:14:20 | Ron's Life Story

Asking questions and listening is extremely powerful! People often think talking, presenting and persuading is power. I think the opposite. We all have opinions we love to talk about. There is always the new theory that someone wants to kick around.

But if a person has the discipline to hold back on his own opinions and theories and get the other person (friend, customer, family member, whatever) talking, it can be very powerful. It gives you the data you need to know to learn what to say, when and how to say it.

Qualifying and counselling is all about determining what the other person wants. In a sales situation, it is determining his needs, wants and ability to buy. This step in the selling process is the most important and where most mistakes are made.

Too many people go right into their product presentation having no idea what the person is looking for, needs or if the person has the ability to pay for it. Sales people love to talk and at this stage, that is the last thing the salesmen should be doing. It does take discipline.

I know of three types of salesmen, the ORDER TAKER, the HARD SELLER and the CONSULTANT. 

The ORDER TAKER(御用聞き営業)treats people like shoppers and will process a purchase if requested. He does not know the customer, his own products that he sells or what the customer’s concerns are. In this case, for a very expensive product, the customer feels insecure. With a lack of information, there is fear that the wrong product is selected, which will badly affect his life or business.

The HARD SELLER(押しの強い営業) treats people like opponents and tries to win the sale at all cost. His only interest is making the sale, not solving the customer’s problem. In this case, the customer feels defensive. When pressure is felt, the customer responds with pressure. Both attack each other instead of solving the given problem.

The CONSULTANT(押しの弱い営業??) treats people like clients, learns their needs and application. The salesman “qualifies” the person as a customer. Then he selects and presents the product, which will satisfy those needs. The result is satisfaction, even if the sale is not made. All effort is placed on solving the problem. This puts the customer at ease and his confidence builds with the information and advice received.

Before making any recommendation or giving a product presentation, first the salesman has to determine the customer’s needs wants and ability to buy.

He determines the customer’s dominant buying motives (the real reason he is there to purchase something). The dominant buying motive is the first response the customer gives when the salesman asks what he is looking for in the product. He may give several reasons, but his first response is usually the most important reason to buy for him.

The sales person should ask open-ended questions (questions which require an explanation to answer, not with a simple “yes” or “no”). By using open-ended questions, he keeps the buyer talking about 80% of the time.

He should listen intently by trying to reduce all internal (other things he’s thinking about) and external distractions (noise, music, view of others, etc.). He should seek the person’s underlying attitudes and hidden motives, avoid premature judgements, give full attention to the person, and look for non-verbal clues to his feelings.

The sales person should determine what the buyer is mentally focused on. Does the person focus on great details or does he/she just want to know the overall concept of the subject at hand (your product, service or simple ideas)?

Armed with the information the sales person gets, he can determine in detail what to suggest or recommend.





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