East Malaysia ボルネオ島
シャープが合弁で半導体工場(後の1st Silicon)を造るという話があり訪問。アジア通貨危機後で現地には韓国から来たエンジニアが沢山いました。
訪問時、ジャングルだったところには2年後には、しっかりした工場ができていました。もちろん私も半導体製造装置の販売に成功し、1st Siliconの最初の協力会社の一つとして表彰されました。
では、私の訪問よりも更に一昔前の1986年の訪問したRon McFarlandの話を読んでみましょう。
On my way back to Japan from India, I stopped in East Malaysia on the island of Borneo. The island of Borneo has three countries on it, namely Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. East Malaysia was rich in oil, wood and other raw materials, but it had a low population. The Indonesian and Pilipino always wanted to sneak over the border and work in East Malaysia, but they can be easily recognized and were sent home. That region was a semi-separate country from West Malaysia, the way the British set it up in ’65. Now East and West are joined.
I had a wonderful first seminar there, which laid the groundwork for many to come. The Isuzu operations there was very different from that of West Malaysia, and the two didn’t like each other very much. One was Chinese managed and the other Malay managed. It was like try to mix water and oil, and Isuzu had to set up separate operations for that small country. The operation in East Malaysia is in Kota Kinabalu, right on the northern tip of the island of Borneo. It is a beautiful tourist city, and I always loved to go there. As a matter of fact, I loved it so much that on one of the trips I took my whole family, including my mother-in-law.

First Sales Seminar in Kota Kinabalu, East Malaysia, February 1986
Uploaded by Nobi Saito(齋藤信幸)
シャープが合弁で半導体工場(後の1st Silicon)を造るという話があり訪問。アジア通貨危機後で現地には韓国から来たエンジニアが沢山いました。
訪問時、ジャングルだったところには2年後には、しっかりした工場ができていました。もちろん私も半導体製造装置の販売に成功し、1st Siliconの最初の協力会社の一つとして表彰されました。
では、私の訪問よりも更に一昔前の1986年の訪問したRon McFarlandの話を読んでみましょう。
On my way back to Japan from India, I stopped in East Malaysia on the island of Borneo. The island of Borneo has three countries on it, namely Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. East Malaysia was rich in oil, wood and other raw materials, but it had a low population. The Indonesian and Pilipino always wanted to sneak over the border and work in East Malaysia, but they can be easily recognized and were sent home. That region was a semi-separate country from West Malaysia, the way the British set it up in ’65. Now East and West are joined.
I had a wonderful first seminar there, which laid the groundwork for many to come. The Isuzu operations there was very different from that of West Malaysia, and the two didn’t like each other very much. One was Chinese managed and the other Malay managed. It was like try to mix water and oil, and Isuzu had to set up separate operations for that small country. The operation in East Malaysia is in Kota Kinabalu, right on the northern tip of the island of Borneo. It is a beautiful tourist city, and I always loved to go there. As a matter of fact, I loved it so much that on one of the trips I took my whole family, including my mother-in-law.

First Sales Seminar in Kota Kinabalu, East Malaysia, February 1986
Uploaded by Nobi Saito(齋藤信幸)