
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (9-g): Business Trip - Turkey

2023-09-24 10:31:57 | Ron's Life Story
Turkey training

Two months after the Middle East trip, in June, 1986 I gave my first seminar in Turkey.

I learned they had very old person-to-person sales techniques. There was very little product presentation or feature explanation.

With my presentation and contests among the salesmen, I was able to create a complete new selling step for them which greatly made negotiating easier.

It was a booming success, and I received an open door to provide seminars there anytime I had material I thought would be helpful.

< Turkey Sales Training, June 1987 >

< Yes, he is trying to kiss me. >

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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (9-f): Business Trip - Kuwait

2023-09-18 15:34:07 | Ron's Life Story

From Turkey on my way back to Japan I traveled to Kuwait to give a seminar to the General Motors GMC dealer there. That was my first time to the Middle East, and it was before the ’91 Gulf War. Here again, the General Motors consultant to the Middle East wanted training for his dealers too.

The Middle East is a region as you know, but each country has its own character. In those days, there are the oil/natural gas rich countries with low populations, the oil/natural gas rich countries with large populations, the countries with a small amount of oil, the countries with little oil but an educated labor force, etc. That is still pretty true today I would guess, but the conflicts in the region make everything very complicated.

Well, Kuwait is in the first group, an oil/natural gas rich, and low population country. They import labor for almost everything. In an automotive dealership, the service technicians were usually from Thailand, India, Sri Lanka and The Philippines. The sales people were usually from Palestine (or Israel/Jordan/Lebanon or whatever you want to call them), Egypt, Sudan, India or Pakistan. I have no idea why, but I am very comfortable training the Palestinian’s or Egyptian’s in that region. They seem to be the most interested in expanding their skills and knowledge.

I have a strong feeling that anyone who leaves his home country to make a better life in a different country is very special and not completely like his average countryman. For some strange reason, the Chinese, Japanese, Jewish, Palestinian, Indian, Korean and Egyptian have been able to be successful anywhere they go. Well, the people I train are those very special people, and I’ve enjoyed training them. I guess it is because I am one of them, being an American living outside of the United States over half my life. I left my country at the age of 28 years old and have not returned to live up to this writing.

< Sales Training Group, Kuwait, April 1986 >      

< Salesman-customer role playing. >






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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (9-e): Business Trip - Turkey

2023-09-10 12:42:05 | Ron's Life Story
Toward the end of 1985, around November, I was asked to go to Turkey. Isuzu set up a new distributor and assembly operation there independent of General Motors and wanted to build its own international operation. My function here again was to develop their very fragmented sales operation. What I mean by fragmented, is that vehicles sales are sold to a sales dealer. Parts (for new vehicles) were sold to parts retail stores, and service was done by outside garages. That was known as the “THREE ‘S’s”. That is Sales, Service and Spare parts in one dealership. On that first trip, I only went around the country and interviewed the current dealers. I was to return to give the seminar on the next trip.

Turkey is a wonderful and historic country. That first trip was a real eye opener for me, and I fell in love with the country. I think they fell in love with me too, as I was asked back many times over my 20-year career in Isuzu Motors. I will talk about Turkey in detail later.

< Mosques of Istanbul, November 1985 >

< The Bosporus, March, 1986 >






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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (9-d): Business Trip - East Malaysia

2023-09-03 09:52:05 | Ron's Life Story


East Malaysia ボルネオ島
On my way back to Japan from India, I stopped in East Malaysia on the island of Borneo. The island of Borneo has three countries on it, namely Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. East Malaysia was rich in oil, wood and other raw materials, but it had a low population. The Indonesian and Pilipino always wanted to sneak over the border and work in East Malaysia, but they can be easily recognized and were sent home. That region was a semi-separate country from West Malaysia, the way the British set it up in ’65. Now East and West are joined.

I had a wonderful first seminar there, which laid the groundwork for many to come. The Isuzu operations there was very different from that of West Malaysia, and the two didn’t like each other very much. One was Chinese managed and the other Malay managed. It was like try to mix water and oil, and Isuzu had to set up separate operations for that small country. The operation in East Malaysia is in Kota Kinabalu, right on the northern tip of the island of Borneo. It is a beautiful tourist city, and I always loved to go there. As a matter of fact, I loved it so much that on one of the trips I took my whole family, including my mother-in-law.

First Sales Seminar in Kota Kinabalu, East Malaysia, February 1986






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