
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。


2021-06-27 16:20:13 | 雑記





浮かび上がる。最新の「iPhone 12 Pro Max」(データ容量は512gb)は日本人の平均月収の約45%。一方、米国は25%にすぎない。iPhoneの性能向上に伴う単価の上昇が、賃金が伸びない日本に重い。





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Ron McFarlandのPersonal Journey (10) - イスラエルからギリシャへ。異文化の中、変化する自分に気づく。

2021-06-20 02:57:38 | Ron's Life Story
先ずは、Ronさんの最新の記事をご紹介します。Red Hatが運営するopensource.comへの投稿記事です。

A more sustainable future should be a more open future



From Israel, I was off to Europe and on my own for the first time. Up until that time, all my international travel had been with friends and family. Now, I was totally on my own and heading for unfamiliar, languages, customs and territories.

I flew from Israel to Athens, Greece with my Euro Train Pass, guidebooks on cheap hotels and cheaper youth hostels. In Greece, I got the first real impact of how deep that regions’ history is. The Acropolis, in the center of Athens, fascinated me. Just sitting with an espresso looking at people going about their day gave me a great deal of peace all by itself.

Athens, Greece

From Athens, I took a ferry toward Brindisi, Italy with a night stopover on the island of Corfu. On Corfu, I enjoyed observing the simple life of local fishermen. I also learned for the first time that there are long lunches around the Mediterranean. People go home for lunch at 12:00 usually. They have a light lunch and then go to bed for about two and a half hours. They wake up at 3:30 or 4:00, open their shops and such and go back to work. Usually workday ends at 8:30pm or 9:00pm in the evening. Well, the dumb American woke this poor fellow up at 1:00 PM to make me lunch. That was also the first time I went into a fish restaurant and selected among many fish on a plate, which one I wanted.

The next day, I carried on to Italy, immediately got on a train and headed for Rome. On that train, I met three American girls who were heading for Naples. We had such a good talk on the train that we decided to meet up in Rome at the Fountain of Trevi two days later.

In Rome, I was running all day long and right into the night. I stayed at a youth hostel and went around the city with other people who were staying in the hostel. I was stunned by the art and architecture. When the three American girls came in, I was literally sleeping on the ground by the fountain. They started taking pictures of me lying there on the pavement. As soon as one girl tried to prop me up to take a picture of me with my arm around her I woke up. I should have just stayed asleep. I spent two wonderful days with those girls and played the role of their official chaperon and guardian.

When in Rome, I met up with an American Architecture student from Notre Dame University in the United State that was studying one year in Florence. He said, if I needed a place to stay, they could put me up, as most of his roommates where traveling. So, I had a place to go to in Florence. One interesting thing I learned about myself when on my own is that I’m more open to people and my surroundings. When I am with someone or even in a group, my attention is mostly on them and less on the surroundings. Being alone, I was opened to all kinds of things. It was a new awareness for me.


In Rome and Venice

Florence was to me even more impressive than Rome. The art and history left pictures in my mind that have not gone way in more than three decades. That was equally true in Venice where I went next.

From Venice, I took an overnight train to Vienna, Austria, which to me was the city of classical music. I went to concerts almost every day. When I was in the junior college in Sacramento, I was forced to take an art related class. I selected “Music Appreciation” and went to classical music concerts in Sacramento. In Vienna, I learned where most of that music came from.

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Ron McFarlandのPersonal Journey(9) - 初めての長期海外旅行、イスラエルとヨーロッパへ。ヒッピー?

2021-06-15 17:06:41 | Ron's Life Story
しばらく私の雑談が続いたのでRonさんのPersonal Journeyに戻ります。



Shortly after returning from Mexico, I traveled to Israel and Europe for the first time. Those were the days when college students would hitchhike from country to country with a pack on their back. So, I borrowed a pack, bought a discount air ticket and a 1-month Euro-pass train ticket, and I was ready to go.

First, I flew to London and spent four days with Jimmy Chan whom I mentioned in Chapter #2. He was at the London School of Economics at that time working on a PhD in Mathematics. I remember taking a bath in the smallest bath I’ve ever seen in my life in his apartment in London. Also, he gave me good directions on what to see and how to get around on the “Tube” or “Underground” as they say. For us, it’s a subway. In those days my international English usage vocabulary was improving too. I learned what a “WC” was. I learned that “being pissed,” means being drunk not angry and many other important terms.

In London with Jimmy Chan, a lifelong friend

From London I flew to Israel to visit my sister, Bonnie. When I was studying in San Jose, Bonnie decided to save up her money and live on a Kibbutz in Israel to learn more about the Jewish religion and Hebrew. She went to work on a Kibbutz that specializes in teaching the religion. Kibbutz is Israel’s way of setting up protective communes. The Kibbutz’s set up businesses (mostly agricultural and manufacturing operations), have schools, dormitories, cafeterias, medical clinics, and a wide range of recreational facilities. There are sports teams, social activities and a wide range of studies. Depending on the type of business they are in, there are rich Kibbutz and poor Kibbutz. The one thing common among all of them is that the pay is very low, but you have all the necessities of life. Some Israelis love that type of life, some hate it. This concept has even been exported with Israelis going overseas, setting up businesses and asking their home Kibbutz to lend them contract workers. Here again, the overseas operation takes care of everything, but the pay is very low, quite often below minimum wage. The Chinese have done similar types of activities to get cheap labor in their restaurants in many countries outside of China.

On my sister’s Kibbutz, they produced grapefruit for export to Europe, milk (They had a dairy farm.), and grindstone. My sister worked in the clothing and seamstress section. She made towels and mended work clothes. Years later, I had seen them at exhibitions around the world as their grindstone operation has expanded into a wide range of grinding tool accessories.

Bonnie met her husband (Julian) there on that Kibbutz. He was from South Africa and worked in the dairy. So, Julian would wake up at 03:00 AM to go milk the cows.

I was a month in Israel, about two weeks in the Kibbutz and the rest of the time traveling around the country. I had no idea at that time that I would have the chance to make repeated trips to the country for work. I saw the Golan Heights in the north and all the way down to Sharma Shek in the south. I found the country fascinating.

Sharma Shek and Jerusalem, Israel
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グローバル化 - 打って出るか、待ち構えるか?

2021-06-06 00:10:53 | グローバル人材育成

Here is my second article on sustainable development. I discuss human suffering. I also give a presentation at the end of the article.

Ron in Tokyo











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