
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (1-a) : サンフランシスコで生まれ、グラスバレー、そしてサクラメントへ。

2022-03-27 19:06:49 | Ron's Life Story

1948 年、米国カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ生まれのRon McFarlandは、いすゞ自動車やユニカで海外営業として、世界中で営業活動を行うとともに、

このブログの「Ron McFarlandのPersonal Journey」では、そのRon-sanが70年の人生を振り返っています。




In this book, I would like to take you through a global journey, my journey over the past four decades. It is a journey not only of travel, but human interaction and understanding. If we can better understand each other, we can learn ways we can be helpful to each other. If we help each other of issues that are greatly needed a great deal can be achieved. If we try to be helpful in areas where there is no need, nothing will be achieved. In some cases, it could even be counter-productive.

Therefore, I dedicate this book, any my life for that matter, to this going of expanding global interaction and understanding.


Starting life like any other child, I was born in San Francisco on March 1, 1948. I was there a tune of six months, as the family then moved to Grass Valley, California. My father worked for Bank of America at that time, and he was transferred to a bank branch there.

That is really where life started for me. We had a nice house, big yard and bigger German Sheppard dog, Skipper. We were in Grass Valley only about four years, but some memories always come back of my time there. One was my strong desire to wonder in the woods behind our house. I would be playing in the backyard and for no reason at all would wander out the back gate and toward the woods. There was a large pond up the unpaved street in the back of our house, and I loved going up there and watch the ducks and birds play around the pond. After going up there repeatedly, I gradually learned the terrain quite well. After a certain period of time had passed, Skipper and I would widen our domain a little further into the woods. As time passed, I had a good feeling of all the nice little hid-outs and play areas in the hills around our home. I would scare my mother to death when she would lose track of me. Many times, with Poison Oak all over my arms and legs, I would wander home after exploring the area. I was no more than four years old at the time, and that desire to explore is something that has stayed with me all of my life. For me, those adventures were always more valuable than materials things. The desire to explore has led to me to travel the world over from the US to Europe, to Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. It is something I have never tired of. Now, I’m in my 70s and am so happy I had all those adventures. Although many of those trips would be over one month long and very tiring, the experiences I had have been very worth it.

At the age of about 3-4 years old, my father, whose Air Force Reserves unit was activated, went off to Japan during the Korean War. Interestingly, he went to Mizawa Air Base in the Northern part of Japan. I visited that exact area three decades later.

When he came back, things were never the same. My parents divorced, and my mother, sister and I moved from Grass Valley to Sacramento, California. My father was transferred to Sacramento and my mother wanted us to be close to our father.

The divorce terms were not financially good for my mother, sister and me. So, to make ends meet, she took a secretarial job at the State of California right in Sacramento. From that point on, I knew that we had to live financially very carefully. Interestingly, I was able to play and enjoy myself without needing a lot of money. I used to go down to the local grocery store, take cardboard boxes out of the garbage cans and make things, like pretend castles, forts and tunnels and other things that I could play in. I guess you could say I would use my imagination to find ways I could have fun and play.

Elementary School Picture
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Ron McFarlandのPersonal Journey (44) : サウジアラビア

2022-03-20 10:21:26 | Ron's Life Story








Saudi Arabia

This time to Saudi Arabia I had a good chance to see Jeddah. I think it is the nicest city in the Kingdom (The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).

Pick up sales training in Saudi Arabia

The way it turned out, the 1970’s was a time for me to learn basic language skills and business concepts. The 1980’s was a time of business professionalism and expertise that I could call my own. The Japanese language skills were coming together, and I was been rewarded both professionally and privately. The sales skills were advancing. The training skills were being refined, and the international understanding and management know-how had become first-class. The growth in that period paved the way right into year 2000 and beyond.

I was in high gear in those years of achieving my global goals and dreams for life, and it would be just the beginning of my journey.



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Ron McFarlandのPersonal Journey (43) : キプロス、ってどこに?

2022-03-12 23:56:42 | Ron's Life Story









Cyprus キプロス共和国(英語読みではサイプラス)

In June of 1988, I traveled with a General Motors executive who spent his career in Buick. He was very helpful in not only setting up training programs, but taught me a lot about sales training. We traveled to UAE, then to Cyprus and finally to Saudi Arabia to give training on a pickup truck. On many occasions we role-played together having me be the salesman and him the customer. That was a lot of fun, for both the participants and the two of us.

Cyprus was at that time a divided country with Turkey occupying the northern half of the island. The island has a long history with England, Greece and Turkey. I think it was caught up in the many Turk-Greek wars through history. Today, the Greek Cypriot territory is mainly a tourist economy.

Pick up sales role-playing in Cyprus, June 1988


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Ron McFarlandのPersonal Journey (42) : 香港(ホンコン)

2022-03-05 22:20:20 | Ron's Life Story


Hong Kong was one of the big markets for Isuzu Motors. They had a very high commercial vehicle market share there. Also, the distributor there had a division, which sold into China. Interestingly, vehicles on the road in Hong Kong were very different than those in China. Hong Kong was right-hand drive. China was left-hand drive. Hong Kong’s emission laws were very strict. China’s were not. Now, with Hong Kong being part of China, the two should be coming closer and closer all the time hopefully for the betterment of both.

With the stress of living in such a small place, the salesmen in Hong Kong are very professional and aggressive. There was very little I could teach them about salesmanship. I could only teach them the features of the vehicles, which was my greatest success there. Other than that, they didn’t need me.

Heavy-duty truck training in Hong Kong, March 1988

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