
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (6-e): 会社の日本的な付き合いはどうしたのか。

2023-03-26 00:43:20 | Ron's Life Story
The atmosphere in the personnel department was something new for me. We had our own tennis team that competed in head office and in company-wide tournaments. We went to baseball games together. In the evenings, I would from time to time go out with other members of our group for a drink and dinner. This was all company paid as it came under the heading of building teamwork. In most Japanese companies even today, being able to get along and work as a team member is sometimes more important than your actual job performance. If taken to the extreme, this concept can become a liability for many companies, as they cannot make the difficult decisions as to how to be more efficient, who is needed and who is not needed. Just getting along is not enough.

In those early months in the company, I suffered with language problems again. I didn’t know the financial and managerial terms required in internal business discussions. Also, the offices and meeting rooms were filled with heavy smokers that left me with a headache at the end of each day.

The meetings were twice as long as I thought they could have been and with three to four times more people than was necessary. Decisions were slow in coming and not made without a lot of research. One troublesome area about decisions by committee is that with the continual interaction of a large number of people no one will be finally responsible. Even top management would rubber-stamp what these committees decide and not even know what they are approving. Even if they did, they would not be able to stand up and strongly support the committees’ position.

I would listen to rambling and rambling on subjects of which no one had the required information to make a decision. So, the talking just kept going. Rarely did a meeting end on time. A one-hour meeting could very easily go for three hours. Also, there were people in the room saying nothing and doing nothing. No note taking, nothing. Some, believe it or not, some attendees were sleeping in the meetings. Although, improvements have been made, that characteristic about Isuzu was there even when I left. It unfortunately is a very common problem in many large Japanese companies but to a lesser degree today. The good side is a lot of information comes out. The bad side is that with management by committee no one will take responsibility for the decision and stand behind it.

It was becoming clearer that my goals and dreams for life would start to material greatly working in Isuzu Motors through their international activities. I still had to find out exactly what role I would play in that regard. That started to be answered in the years that followed.





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (6-d): 『FORTUNE』マガジンに載る!

2023-03-19 00:59:42 | Ron's Life Story
In those days, it was extremely rare for a foreign person to work full-time in a large Japanese company. Because of the language, corporate culture and business style, there seemed to be little value. In my case, I was one of a growing number of people taking this career path. It was so rare that along with four other people, I was interview for an article in FORTUNE MAGAZINE. It was in the July 12, 1982 issue. I am still in close contact with one of those people today.

Even in those days, Isuzu Motors was in financial difficulties and had a debt to equity ratio of 85% to 15%. Also, its working capital (current assets to current liabilities) was mostly in the red. Simply, they lived off of bank borrowing. As there were a lot of land and other long-term assets that were heavily undervalued on the books, the banks were always willing to continue to lend to Isuzu.

Most of the shareholders were institutional investors, like GM. Their main concern was related to working with Isuzu more than Isuzu’s profit making. The banks wanted to lend. The trading companies wanted to process overseas sales and lend short-term. GM wanted cheap and good vehicles, which they could not produce themselves. The financial health of Isuzu Motors was a minor concern to almost of the major shareholders. When the company did lose a great deal of money during a business term or because of a product failed, no one at the top management level would be held responsible. There was always a reason other than bad management decisions. That lack of attention and accountability is one of several reasons the company continued to deteriorate during my 21 years in the company.

From the job interview and throughout my career in Isuzu Motors, I had always been able to get agreement on proposals if I said I could do it cheaper than the way it is currently done. There was always a cost cutting program in place, and that got attention.

During the job interview, I said I would bring all language training programs in-house. I would hire teachers directly and set up an in-house testing system. That alone saved millions of Japanese Yen per year. No one was interested in improvements, only how to do the same thing cheaper.





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (6-c): 日本的な社宅のうわさ話

2023-03-12 09:06:03 | Ron's Life Story
On top of that, we were adjusting to living in Isuzu’s company housing. Just six months after I started working for Isuzu Motors, Taeko and I got married. That made me eligible for company housing which was an apartment at extremely low rent. I paid about 15,000 yen (about $100) a month for rent. Along with some freelance work, that allowed us to save a great deal of our income. There were problems though. The apartment was right next to a fire department and sirens were always waking us up in the middle of the night. As all the apartments were filled with Isuzu employee families, there was always gossip about which husband is working the hardest and coming home the latest. I was usually home the earliest, which created a good topic of conversation. On top of that, it was an older building, and we were facing north which was very cold in the winter. But, we got what we paid for and lived there about four years and saved a great deal of money.

During those four years our first daughter, Emily, was born. That was another topic for gossip. Emily started walking at one year and 10 months, very late. Also, speaking was very late. Wives are always comparing children, and ours was one of the slowest. We didn’t know it at the time, but Emily has learning disabilities, and she has been a great challenge for both Taeko and me. Taeko must care for her almost totally. For feeding, bathing, clothing and even brushing her teeth, Emily to some degree needs help. Some things she can do on her own, many things she can’t. It puts a strain on all of us, but that’s what life has given us.





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Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (6-b): Ronさんの結婚

2023-03-04 18:29:36 | Ron's Life Story
My first position was to work in the training section within the Personnel Department. My first function was to set up a range of English classes for the entire company, as well as test staff on their English ability.

While I was adjusting to working in a large Japanese company, I was also adjusting to married life. I had been with Taeko most of my time through graduate school. She’s a Tokyo girl, born and raised right in the center of the city.

The first time she brought me over to her house, I met the whole family, father, mother, two brothers and sister. Taeko is the youngest of the four children.

Taeko’s father ran a carpenter business but was pretty much retired when I met him. The two sons ran the business with the older of the two managing the company, the mother doing the accounting and the other brother doing a lot of the carpentry work.

One week after I met Taeko’s father, he died of a heart attack. Although I know he had heart trouble, I always wonder if by seeing this Californian’s face had an influence on hi passing away.

As I could speak in Japanese quite well and could carry on daily conversations on most subjects, I built a very good relationship with all of Taeko’s family, particularly her mother. Taeko’s oldest brother had three daughters. Taeko’s sister had two daughters. We’ve got two daughters. Taeko’s other brother had a son and daughter. That makes eight nieces and one nephew. I have taken Taeko’s mother, Taeko’s sider and several of the nieces along with me when I took my family to visit my US family and friends in California. I’m very close to Taeko’s family and love having them it town. We get together about twice a year during holidays.

In spite of the cultural, religious, linguistic differences, my marriage with Taeko has been relatively strong over the past 30 plus years. I think I made the right choice, because we respect each other’s differences and accept each other for what we are. I also tend to be a pretty good negotiator and can get people to come to a happy agreement on things. I’m lucky that Taeko and I have not had any major differences on important subjects. On smaller issues, we both have made our sacrifices for the other.





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