
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Ron McFarlanの Personal Journey (7) - ベトナム戦争と徴兵の恐怖、そして友の死

2021-03-28 23:01:00 | Ron's Life Story



As the Vietnam War was still raging, we were all susceptible to go to fight. Then, came the US Army Enlistment Lottery, which was the newest selection method for drafting men to enter the US Army, be training as solders and sent off to Vietnam to fight. In the system, there were 365 numbers, one number for every day of the year. The higher the number, the less likely you would be called up to go into the military.

Well, I got 108, a number sure to be drafted. That was a real blow, as I hated fighting and hated even the smallest of guns. So, I joined whatever military reserve unit I could get into for six years. I felt that would be much better than two years in the active Army and a chance of being killed.

Anyway, I found an Army Reserve training unit right in San Jose. I signed up for whatever specialty they had available, and there was only one assignment open to me, drill sergeant! So, I could peacefully, carry on with my studies, do my security guard job and go to my monthly US Army Reserve meetings without being killed.

Then, disaster struck. One day, I came in late from my security job at the refrigeration plant to be surrounded by policemen and a lot of sad, crying faces. I think it was Bill Minkel, another roomer who gave me the bad news. Bill Minkel, Ken Holden, David Koppel and several others in the house were also from Mountain View. On weekends, Ken Holden would hitchhike home to be with his family. Well, evidently a murderer picked him up and was brutally killed. His body was found in the mountains in the area. That was my last semester just before graduation, and I was going through final tests at the time.

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Ron McFarlanの Personal Journey (6) - シェアハウスの住人達

2021-03-21 01:55:58 | Ron's Life Story

Also, there was Sam Fisk. He was a graduate from UC Berkeley and extremely smart. He was in San Jose in a Master’s program in Psychology. He later dropped the program and decided to transfer to San Francisco State University and pursue a Masters in mobility and orientation for the blind. I meet up again with him years later in Hawaii.

Another person in the R & W House was Tom Tang. He was from Hong Kong, and we were not that close, but one summer a friend of his studying in the UK came to visit. His name was Jimmy Chan, also originally from Hong Kong. He went away to a British boarding high school, and then continued on for university and graduated school in mathematics in London. Well, we became the best of friends from that first meeting in the R & W House and are still in contact today, 40 years later. He now makes his home outside of Toronto, Canada. I visited him in Canada several times over the years, as well as meeting in both Hong Kong and Japan.

Then, there was Ken Holden’s. He was the #1 drug user in the R & W House and majored in Art. As a matter of fact, his class twice hired me as a nude model! I sat nude for an hour and was paid extremely well.

I learned many things living in the Roger Williams House through the other occupants, but something also sticks out among all others. We all had our problems of one sort or another, and we learned to care and accept each other as we were. That is something most of us did not get in our respective homes. We in a sense became a family.


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Ron McFarlanの Personal Journey (5) - シェアハウスにて

2021-03-14 00:37:21 | Ron's Life Story



ちなみに、この年の洋楽のヒット曲No.1は、ロバータ・フラックの「愛は面影の中に(The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face)」でした。この曲を聴きながらお読みください。

I lived in the cheapest place I could find, the Roger Williams (R & W) House which was right on the campus of San Jose State University. I was owned by Grace Baptist Church. In that house I started out by sharing a room with another student on campus and gradually got my own room when one became available. The house was so old that it literally swayed in the wind. I think shortly after I moved out, the house was condemned and torn down. I meet people in that house that impacted on me very greatly.

First there was David Koppel. He was from Mountain View, just up the San Francisco Peninsula heading north. He has a Jewish guy that loved to cook. He was one of the “Head Chefs” at R & W House. He specialized obviously in all the Jewish seasonal foods. He majored in environmental health, graduated, got a job in Ukiah, CA as a sanitation inspector for the county up there. He married a Christian girl from Grace Baptist Church who later converted. They bought some land up there, and in the early years, they lived in a trailer that was parked on the property. Slowly, board-by-board, piece-by-piece, they built their own home, just the way they wanted it. After completing the house, they started producing the children.

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Ron McFarlanの Personal Journey (4) - サンノゼ州立大学での学生時代

2021-03-07 12:08:12 | Ron's Life Story




After three years at American River Junior College in Sacramento, I transferred my credits to a big 4-year school, San Jose State University. My confidence was still quite low as to me surviving in a 4-year school, so I decided to go down to San Jose and take a few summer school classes to reduce the shock of adjusting to a higher level of education.

From the age of 16 years old starting with a newspaper route, I always had part-time jobs here and there. But, to insure my survival at San Jose State University, I decided to use up savings and do nothing but study that summer as well as my first semester there.

Well, not only did I survive, I learned that the worst was behind me, as I was starting to love the subject matter and my discipline to study started to come more second nature.

The only problem was physical inactivity. I got fat, had headaches and my savings in the bank was going down all the time.

So, I decided to go out and get some kind of part-time job, which would keep me active and stabilize my finances. I got a job as a security guard at a refrigeration plant. You can’t get a more boring job than that! For insurance reasons and safety, this refrigeration facility needed security guards around the clock as a person from the local bar may wonder over to a freezer (which is the size of whole warehouses in which fork lifts can drive in and out of) walk in and freeze to death. I had to walk around the facility once an hour and had to clock-in at various locations. It took about 15 minutes per hour. There was also a weigh scale in the facility for trucks to weigh their produce, as they brought it into the storage areas. So, I weighed trucks the rest of the time.

I worked from four in the afternoon to mid-night, and really had nothing to do about 45 minutes of every hour. The average person who took a job like that was about 60-65 years old. It was a mindless job, but for me, it was ideal, as I could study and get paid at the same time! I did that for about two years and came out of college with not only a degree, but also a bank account that was relatively healthy.  


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