
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (1-d) : 「上を向いて歩こう」

2022-04-16 20:26:44 | Ron's Life Story


Right up and through high school, I was just floating and wander along with no idea where my life was going. Outside of basic mathematics subjects, I was pretty poor in the three “R’s” (Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic). One thing I could do was talk. I used to collect Bill Cosby stand-up comic records and memorize the stories. Then, I would go to school and literally present the recording verbatim to the girls in the school to make them laugh. Even in those days, I thought I had a skill of motivating people and changing moods. Other than that, coming out of high school in 1966 and was an academic loser and with the Vietnam War raging. I really had to start deciding what I would do with my life.

Bill Cosbyは、アメリカを代表するコメディアン。日本ではあまりなじみがないかもしれません。

In those days in high school, I didn’t know very much about Japan. At that time, the song “Sukiyaki” became popular all over the world and I loved it. It is very rare for Japanese songs to be that popular, but that one was.

米国のBillboard誌では、1963年6月15日付においてHot 100、週間1位を獲得、同誌の1963年度年間ランキングでは第10位にランクイン。

Also, around that time I saw the movie, “Sayonara” which was about US soldiers in Japan during the Korean War. That movie also, got me thinking about Japan. I never could dream of going to Japan though in those days.


From that point on I started eating with chopsticks and learned how to use an abacus.


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