The French Medical Teamの続きです。
The next day, I woke up very refreshed. I had X-rays of my leg and a scan done on it. There was a worry about a second operation needed, but that was determined not needed. I must keep my leg in traction for 3-4 weeks, and it will take about 1-2 months after that before I can stand, walk and put any weight on the leg, as I did before the accident. The good thing that I learned then was that I would completely recover.
One day, as I lay in the bed, a complete stranger came to my room and said, "You are an ANGEL FROM HEAVEN, sent to our family, as you saved my sister’s life". I immediately went into tears, as I have never had such a complement in my life before. It was Rani’s older brother from Bangalore, India.
Then, in came the press. For the first two days I was in the hospital, the press and government officials visited me. The governor of Reunion from France interviewed me for the local press. That visit, I think, was more for him than for me.
No one knew where I was for about two days after the plane crash. Isuzu Motors staff was looking for me. Itohchu, the larger Japanese trading company, was looking for me. And, even the FBI was looking for me for a time. Once I got to Reunion, both my family in the United States and Japan knew where I was and the news spread around.
Other people visited me, like the Isuzu dealer on Mauritius, a nearby island. I met him once at a conference in Tokyo. A staff member from the Itochu office (Alain) from Madagascar also visited me. Finally, two Isuzu employees (Matsui-san and Ishii-san) brought my wife Taeko from Japan to visit me. Also, Akatani-san from Itohchu’s Nairobi Office visited me.
The American Embassy staff, particularly Bonnie Bissonette from the Mauritius Embassy had given a great deal of information to me and moral support, which was greatly appreciated as I just laid there helplessly in the bed. Years later, she visited me in Japan and I should her, her sister and daughter around Tokyo one day.
On top of that, I received telephone calls from many family members and friends (Sarie Kaplan, Sal Osagueda, Bonnie Kaplan, my Mother, Norman Grant, Roger Deanne), and even the FBI. Also, a lot of local people visited me just to wish me well. Even my Father called me when I was in the hospital. That is something he had never done before. In all my years in Japan, my father never called, but he called me at my bedside while in Reunion.
故郷のサクラメントのラジオ局やNBC DATELAINEからもインタビュー。
Also, two radio stations from my hometown, Sacramento, CA, interviewed me by telephone. I was also, interviewed on camera for an “NBC DATELINE”, which was aired on December 1st, 1996.

The next day, I woke up very refreshed. I had X-rays of my leg and a scan done on it. There was a worry about a second operation needed, but that was determined not needed. I must keep my leg in traction for 3-4 weeks, and it will take about 1-2 months after that before I can stand, walk and put any weight on the leg, as I did before the accident. The good thing that I learned then was that I would completely recover.
One day, as I lay in the bed, a complete stranger came to my room and said, "You are an ANGEL FROM HEAVEN, sent to our family, as you saved my sister’s life". I immediately went into tears, as I have never had such a complement in my life before. It was Rani’s older brother from Bangalore, India.
Then, in came the press. For the first two days I was in the hospital, the press and government officials visited me. The governor of Reunion from France interviewed me for the local press. That visit, I think, was more for him than for me.
No one knew where I was for about two days after the plane crash. Isuzu Motors staff was looking for me. Itohchu, the larger Japanese trading company, was looking for me. And, even the FBI was looking for me for a time. Once I got to Reunion, both my family in the United States and Japan knew where I was and the news spread around.
Other people visited me, like the Isuzu dealer on Mauritius, a nearby island. I met him once at a conference in Tokyo. A staff member from the Itochu office (Alain) from Madagascar also visited me. Finally, two Isuzu employees (Matsui-san and Ishii-san) brought my wife Taeko from Japan to visit me. Also, Akatani-san from Itohchu’s Nairobi Office visited me.
The American Embassy staff, particularly Bonnie Bissonette from the Mauritius Embassy had given a great deal of information to me and moral support, which was greatly appreciated as I just laid there helplessly in the bed. Years later, she visited me in Japan and I should her, her sister and daughter around Tokyo one day.
On top of that, I received telephone calls from many family members and friends (Sarie Kaplan, Sal Osagueda, Bonnie Kaplan, my Mother, Norman Grant, Roger Deanne), and even the FBI. Also, a lot of local people visited me just to wish me well. Even my Father called me when I was in the hospital. That is something he had never done before. In all my years in Japan, my father never called, but he called me at my bedside while in Reunion.
故郷のサクラメントのラジオ局やNBC DATELAINEからもインタビュー。
Also, two radio stations from my hometown, Sacramento, CA, interviewed me by telephone. I was also, interviewed on camera for an “NBC DATELINE”, which was aired on December 1st, 1996.
