
日本在住歴約40年のRon McFarlandと外資系勤務が長い齋藤信幸が、それぞれの海外体験を語ります。

UPDATED - Ron McFarlandの Personal Journey (4-h): 日本語学習そして米国東海岸の旅

2022-12-29 17:54:59 | Ron's Life Story

Who says education is expensive! If you want the knowledge, and not the degree, it can be very close to free. In those days, the popular language was Chinese, as President Nixon just opened diplomatic relations with China. The Chinese classes were packed while the Japanese classes couldn’t gather 10 students. Even though I was not even enrolled in the school, the teachers allowed me to sit in the class as I mentioned, do the drills in class and use the language lab anytime I liked! They were very kind to me. It was all free, was a very productive time in my life and gave me what was to be one of the most powerful skills I have used throughout my career, speaking and using Japanese every day. When I hit Japan, I was off and running.

One month before coming to Japan, I decided to stop studying Japanese and to travel the East Coast of the US, starting in Boston where my aunt lived. Boston is an extremely historic city, and I very much enjoyed seeing the city. Unfortunately, that was in February, so I felt cold temperatures that I had never experienced before. From Boston, I went by bus all the way to Miami where another aunt lived. Those two aunts I had only seen once or twice my whole life with the distance between California and the East Coast. Days after I returned to San Francisco I sold my car, gave my golf clubs away and took off for Japan.







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