After three years at American River Junior College in Sacramento, I transferred my credits to a big 4-year school, San Jose State University. My confidence was still quite low as to me surviving in a 4-year school, so I decided to go down to San Jose and take a few summer school classes to reduce the shock of adjusting to a higher level of education.
From the age of 16 years old starting with a newspaper route, I always had part-time jobs here and there. But, to insure my survival at San Jose State University, I decided to use up savings and do nothing but study that summer as well as my first semester there.
Well, not only did I survive, I learned that the worst was behind me, as I was starting to love the subject matter and my discipline to study started to come more second nature.
The only problem was physical inactivity. I got fat, had headaches and my savings in the bank was going down all the time.
So, I decided to go out and get some kind of part-time job, which would keep me active and stabilize my finances. I got a job as a security guard at a refrigeration plant. You can’t get a more boring job than that! For insurance reasons and safety, this refrigeration facility needed security guards around the clock as a person from the local bar may wonder over to a freezer (which is the size of whole warehouses in which fork lifts can drive in and out of) walk in and freeze to death. I had to walk around the facility once an hour and had to clock-in at various locations. It took about 15 minutes per hour. There was also a weigh scale in the facility for trucks to weigh their produce, as they brought it into the storage areas. So, I weighed trucks the rest of the time.
I worked from four in the afternoon to mid-night, and really had nothing to do about 45 minutes of every hour. The average person who took a job like that was about 60-65 years old. It was a mindless job, but for me, it was ideal, as I could study and get paid at the same time! I did that for about two years and came out of college with not only a degree, but also a bank account that was relatively healthy.
After three years at American River Junior College in Sacramento, I transferred my credits to a big 4-year school, San Jose State University. My confidence was still quite low as to me surviving in a 4-year school, so I decided to go down to San Jose and take a few summer school classes to reduce the shock of adjusting to a higher level of education.
From the age of 16 years old starting with a newspaper route, I always had part-time jobs here and there. But, to insure my survival at San Jose State University, I decided to use up savings and do nothing but study that summer as well as my first semester there.
Well, not only did I survive, I learned that the worst was behind me, as I was starting to love the subject matter and my discipline to study started to come more second nature.
The only problem was physical inactivity. I got fat, had headaches and my savings in the bank was going down all the time.
So, I decided to go out and get some kind of part-time job, which would keep me active and stabilize my finances. I got a job as a security guard at a refrigeration plant. You can’t get a more boring job than that! For insurance reasons and safety, this refrigeration facility needed security guards around the clock as a person from the local bar may wonder over to a freezer (which is the size of whole warehouses in which fork lifts can drive in and out of) walk in and freeze to death. I had to walk around the facility once an hour and had to clock-in at various locations. It took about 15 minutes per hour. There was also a weigh scale in the facility for trucks to weigh their produce, as they brought it into the storage areas. So, I weighed trucks the rest of the time.
I worked from four in the afternoon to mid-night, and really had nothing to do about 45 minutes of every hour. The average person who took a job like that was about 60-65 years old. It was a mindless job, but for me, it was ideal, as I could study and get paid at the same time! I did that for about two years and came out of college with not only a degree, but also a bank account that was relatively healthy.