Yassie Araiのメッセージ


Asanikki 210214 Mr.Mori Resigned, letter communicated with American friend

2021-02-14 14:29:46 | 自分史

Asanikki 210214 Mr.Mori Resigned, letter communicated with American friend

Today's picture are two; Woman with guitar and Primavera

'sWoman with guitar



  This is continued from the following Asanikki;

Asanikki 210212 Mr. Mori who is head of 2020 Olympic game project here Japan. He resign


 Tsurezure koto column;

     Mr.Mori Resigned, letter communicated with American friend


It is too bad your friend resigned his position. My interpretation of what you were asking me is what were my thoughts on gender in women’s sports, not necessarily only in the Olympics but women’s sports. I do not feel it fair to women or girls to have to compete with transgender males or men who have chosen to become women by hormone injections and often surgical procedures. To me it should not be allowed for them to compete in women’s sports. They still have the physical stature and strength of a male and therefore not fair for them to compete against in women’s sports. Most women have trained for years but to no avail to have to compete with transgenders. We are going through the same thing here and of course the Biden administration has approved it. That has upset many here, parents as well participants. They are also allowed to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms. It just isn’t fair to the girls or women. Our world is changing for the worse in my opinion and doesn’t even make sense. Have been watching the Appeachment trial the last few days. Trumps defense team did an excellent job today and feel confident he will be acquitted. Will know probably by Monday or perhaps before. Just another political game because they are afraid of him running again and of course win. Everyone is upset about all Presidential Orders he has written undoing most everything President Trump put in place. Very bad for America and the World. If this is not the information you wanted about gender please let me know. The art was beautiful as usual and very much appreciated. Each one seems to be more lovely.



Thank you,Beth for beautiful and lovely message of gold trimmed card. I am appreciating it,very much. It circulately posted for friends of mine. Thank you again for happy Valentines.


Beth, I have a thank you for your very significant comment which I ,with here people have learning what we are facing to have a difficult and must resolved matter. Yes, it is appreciating message to me. Our side of this state of matter. is simply that Mr. Mori, the same of age as me, but he is not direct acquentaced, and he is not my kind of men, though neither hate nor disgrace of him. Refering to yesterday's The Japan News, "The president of the Tokyo Games organizing committee,Yoshio Mori,83, announced Friday that he would resign from the post to take responsibility for an appropriate remark that has been widely interpretated as sexist." This was of quite shock over this country, while five moths later before the game is to be carried out. What I talked at the previous post is meant of something political correct matter.

You sent Today at 12:48 PM

Mr.Mori was alleged ,initiated mainly by media here, he violated the principle of gender equality by remarking of disgracing female gender. Let me talk a little more. his remark was simple directed to female board members behavior . "Women have a strong sense of competition. If one person raises a hand and says something, others probably feel they have speak well. So everyone starts speaking out. Following the previous speaker, they freely have their say one after another." So, afterthen, twice of time as long as setting limit. Mr.Mori hated this atomsphere under no controllable, then twitted in short tongue, such as women is so and so. It has made the opposite side of Mr. Mori, laud and blaming him as sexist. The main media, such as NHK( public TV), and other commercial TV were quickly release it which is different semantic content which Mr. Mori meant. They work to address the big sponsor, NBC, and domestic big company such as Toyota.

You sent Today at 1:12 PM

I think this occasion is not in favor to myself, but has a chance on publicly wide recognition on what is the state of affairs and resolution-goal on gender equality ,especially to that of female. I am quite pessimistic not on this way of improvement and advance. As for transgender problem, it is quite imminent matter close to that of female. Something different in present social attitude from America what you meant. My impression people here sounds to have a feeling of embarrassment on taking it on open place for discussion. It is very naive sense ,including myself. Quit passive, and sense of following the other, like you.

You sent Today at 1:56 PM

I am interest on your side of social problem, especially initiated from you,Beth, and at the same time, curious to read on your side view on our present Japan. It reminds me of some present critics like Ruth Benedict of The Sword and Chrysanthemum .

You sent Today at 1:59 PM

Regarding President Trump. "Have been watching the Appeachment trial the last few days" Yes, it's me too.



The Democrats tried with their professionally clipped films that cut off rest of President Trumps statements that completely changed the meaning of what he said. But his attorneys did an excellent job of showing films of them speaking of the riots continuing and were not going to stop stated by VP Kamala Harris picture and all and much more. Lies and twisted m interpretations were told by the Democrats but attorneys called them out . Do wish you could see the trial somehow. Anyway Trump was acquitted which was very important for him to be able to run again. Everyone misses him and don’t know what we will do with four years of Biden administration. Must stop now, neck is very bad and have to put ice on it. Talk soon. If you can get Epoch Times newspaper it is very good and published weekly. Talk soon



  This is continued from the following Asanikki;

Asanikki 210212 Mr. Mori who is head of 2020 Olympic game project here Japan. He resign



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2 コメント

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エポックタイムズ (友人の八木原さん)
2021-02-14 17:12:43

Unknown (Beth Gordon)
2021-02-16 21:25:04
Beth Gordon
Beautiful art

