二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Ctenamusium-Ctenoides)
Ctenamusium (n.) Iredale, 1929, 17(4): 164, type species (OD) Amusium thetidis Hedley, 1902, 4: 304-305, fig. 49; Pectinidae. Gr.kteis [cteis],h, gen. ktenos [ctenos], a comb, weaver’s comb, a rake, harrow; Amusium [Röding, 1798], (2): 165. 熊手のような顕著な内肋を持つツキヒガイ属Amusium;イタヤガイ科クマドリツキヒガイ属
Amusium thetidis Hedley, 1902: 305, fig. 49.
Ctenocardia (f.) H. & A. Adams, 1857, 2: 459, as Hemicardia (Ctenocardia), type species (SD Dall, 1900, 3(5): 1075) Cardium hystrix Reeve, 1844, 2: Cardium pl. 8, figs. 40a-b (non [Lightfoot, 1786]: 116, item 2550) [= Fragum (Ctenocardia) symbolicum Iredale, 1929, 9(3): 264]; Cardiidae. Gr. kteis [cteis],o, gen.ktenos [ctenos], a comb, weaver’s comb, a rake, harrow; Cardium Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 678, Gr. kardia[cardia],h, the heart (Liddell & Scott, 1953). 櫛のような条のある心臓形のもの(ザルガイ);ザルガイ科イガザルガイ属
Cardium hystrix Reeve, 1844, Cardium pl. 8, figs 40a-b.
Ctenoides (m.) Mörch, 1853, (2): 56, type species (SD Stoliczka, 1871, 3: xxii, 413) Ostrea scabra Born, 1778: 96, ref. [? Lister, 1770, pl. 3, fig. 13] and Knorr, (1757-1772), 1(6): 73-74 (?1772); 2(6): pl. 38, fig. 5 (1757); Limidae. Gr. kteis [cteis], o, gen. ktenos [ctenos], a comb, weaver’s comb, a rake, harrow; -oides, in Gr. comp., like, resembling, having the form or nature of (Stearn, 1983). 櫛に似たもの(動物の命名規約では男性、植物では女性扱い);ミノガイ科ハネガイ属
Knorr, 1757, pl. 38, fig. 5.
Ctenamusium (n.) Iredale, 1929, 17(4): 164, type species (OD) Amusium thetidis Hedley, 1902, 4: 304-305, fig. 49; Pectinidae. Gr.kteis [cteis],h, gen. ktenos [ctenos], a comb, weaver’s comb, a rake, harrow; Amusium [Röding, 1798], (2): 165. 熊手のような顕著な内肋を持つツキヒガイ属Amusium;イタヤガイ科クマドリツキヒガイ属
Amusium thetidis Hedley, 1902: 305, fig. 49.
Ctenocardia (f.) H. & A. Adams, 1857, 2: 459, as Hemicardia (Ctenocardia), type species (SD Dall, 1900, 3(5): 1075) Cardium hystrix Reeve, 1844, 2: Cardium pl. 8, figs. 40a-b (non [Lightfoot, 1786]: 116, item 2550) [= Fragum (Ctenocardia) symbolicum Iredale, 1929, 9(3): 264]; Cardiidae. Gr. kteis [cteis],o, gen.ktenos [ctenos], a comb, weaver’s comb, a rake, harrow; Cardium Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 678, Gr. kardia[cardia],h, the heart (Liddell & Scott, 1953). 櫛のような条のある心臓形のもの(ザルガイ);ザルガイ科イガザルガイ属
Cardium hystrix Reeve, 1844, Cardium pl. 8, figs 40a-b.
Ctenoides (m.) Mörch, 1853, (2): 56, type species (SD Stoliczka, 1871, 3: xxii, 413) Ostrea scabra Born, 1778: 96, ref. [? Lister, 1770, pl. 3, fig. 13] and Knorr, (1757-1772), 1(6): 73-74 (?1772); 2(6): pl. 38, fig. 5 (1757); Limidae. Gr. kteis [cteis], o, gen. ktenos [ctenos], a comb, weaver’s comb, a rake, harrow; -oides, in Gr. comp., like, resembling, having the form or nature of (Stearn, 1983). 櫛に似たもの(動物の命名規約では男性、植物では女性扱い);ミノガイ科ハネガイ属
Knorr, 1757, pl. 38, fig. 5.