

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Electroma-Eltopera)

2018-05-31 08:02:37 | 日記
二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Electroma-Eltopera)

Electroma (n.) Stoliczka, 1871, 3: 391, type species (M) Avicula smaragdina Reeve, 1857, 10: Avicula pl. 12, fig. 45, Moluccas? [= Meleagrina ovata Quoy & Gaimard, 1835, Zool., 3(2): 459-460, pl. 77, figs. 12-13]; Pteriidae. Gr. hlektron [electron], , and hlektros [electros], o or h, a metalic substance; -ome, N.L. suffix denoting condition, having the nature of (Brown, 1956). 金属の性質を持ったもの;ウグイスガイ科シマウグイスガイ属

Avicula smaragdina Reeve, 1857, Avicula pl. 12, fig. 45.

Eleutherospondylos (m.) Dunker, 1882: 245, type species (SD Cox in Hertlein & Cox, 1969: N378) Spondylus regius Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 690, ref. Rumphius, 1705: 156, n. 8 and Argenville, 1742: 318-319, pl. 23, fig. G; Spondylidae. Gr. eleuqeros [eleutheros], a, on, or os, on, free (Liddell & Scott, 1955); Gr. spondulos [spondylos], vertèbre, the name of shell-fish given by famous doctor Galien in Greece (Fischer, 1887: 938). 自由なウミギクガイ類;ウミギクガイ科ショウジョウガイ属

Argenville, 1742, pl. 23, fig. G.

Elliptotellina (f.) Cossmann, 1886, 21: 70, type species (OD) Donax tellinella Lamarck, 1805, 7(38): 138, Velin, no. 31, fig. 1, Eocene, Grignon, France; Tellinidae. L. ellipticus [Gr. elleiptikos], adj. A, elliptical (Jaeger, 1959; Sykes, 1976; Stearn, 1983); Tellina Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 674. 楕円形のニッコウガイ類;ニッコウガイ科チヂミヒメザラガイ属

-ellus, -a, -um L. suff. adj. A, used to form diminutives (Jaeger, 1959; Stearn, 1983). 縮意語尾、“姫”、“小”

Eltopera (f.) Iredale, 1939, 5(6), Moll.: 372, 377, type species (OD) Spondylus pacificus fortior Iredale, 1939, 5(6), Moll.: 377, Recent, Australia, ref. Spondylus pacificus Reeve, 1856, 9: Spondylus pl. 1, fig. 1, Lord Hood’s Island [= Spondylus anacanthus Mawe, 1823: 48, pl. 11, fig. 3]; Spondylidae. elto-, derivation unknown; Gr. phra [pera], h, a leathern pouch, a wallet, L. pera. elto-語源不詳、pera皮製の小銭入れ;ウミギクガイ科チイロメンガイ属
a: Spondylus pacificus Reeve, 1856, pl. 1, fig. 1. b: Spondylus anacanthus Mawe, 1823, pl. 11, fig. 3.