二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Delectopecten-Devonia)
Delectopecten (m.) Stewart, 1930, (3): 37, 118, type species (OD) Pecten (Pseudamusium) vancouverensis Whiteaves, 1893, 7(7): 133-134, pl. 1, figs. 1, 1a; Pectinidae. L. delectus, adj. A, p.p. of deligo, to pick, choose, select (Marchant & Charles, 1952); Pecten Müller, 1776: 248. 選ばれたイタヤガイ;イタヤガイ科ハリナデシコガイ属
Pecten (Pseudamusium) vancouverensis Whiteaves, 1893, pl. 1, figs. 1, 1a.
Dendostrea Swainson, 1835: 39, type species (SD Herrmannsen, 1847, 1: 378) Ostrea folium Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 699; Ostreidae. Gr. dendron [dendron], to, a tree (Liddell & Scott, 1935); Ostrea Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 696. 樹木形のカキ;イタボガキ科ワニガイ属
Dendrostrea (f.) Agassiz, 1845: 29; unnecessary emendation of Dendostrea Swainson, 1835: 39. Dendostreaの不要な改綴(文法的には正しいが命名規約上許されない)
Dentipecten (m.) Gray, 1847, pt. 15, for 1847: 200, type species (OD) Pecten plica Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 697; Pectinidae; error for Decatopecten G. B. Sowerby II, 1839, ed. 1: 37 (Habe, 1977: 85). L. dens, dentis, m., a tooth; Pecten Mueller, 1776: 248. 歯のあるイタヤガイ;波部 (1977: 85)はDecatopectenの誤綴という;Decatopecten G. B. Sowerby II, 1839の新参客観シノニムで無効
Dermatomya (f.) Dall, 1889a, 18: 448, 452, type species (OD) Poromya (Dermatomya) mactroides Dall, 1889a, 18: 448-449; 1890, 12(773): 291, pl. 8, fig. 8; Poromyidae. L. derma, atis, n., the skin; mya, from Gr. muax [myax], -acis, shell-fish in Pliny (Woodward, 1868: 489; Tryon, 1884, 3: 137). 皮膚のような二枚貝;スナメガイ科ビワノタネガイ属
Poromya (Dermatomya) mactroides Dall, 1889a sensu Dall, 1890, pl. 8, fig. 8, SL 18.0 mm.
Devonia (f.) Winckworth, 1930, Proc. Malac. Soc. London, 19: 14, pro Synapticola Malard, 1903, 9(7): 344, non Voigt, 1892, 53: suppl. 40-41, Crust. (fide Chavan, 1969b, 2 (of 3): N530; Vokes, 1980: 112, 113), type species (OD) Synapticola perrierri Malard, 1903, 9(7): 344-346; Galeommatidae. Devon; -ius, L. adj. A suff., means “characteristic of”, hence indicates connexion or resemblance, noun base. イングランド南西部のデボン州と関係するもの;ウロコガイ科ヒナノズキンガイ属
Delectopecten (m.) Stewart, 1930, (3): 37, 118, type species (OD) Pecten (Pseudamusium) vancouverensis Whiteaves, 1893, 7(7): 133-134, pl. 1, figs. 1, 1a; Pectinidae. L. delectus, adj. A, p.p. of deligo, to pick, choose, select (Marchant & Charles, 1952); Pecten Müller, 1776: 248. 選ばれたイタヤガイ;イタヤガイ科ハリナデシコガイ属
Pecten (Pseudamusium) vancouverensis Whiteaves, 1893, pl. 1, figs. 1, 1a.
Dendostrea Swainson, 1835: 39, type species (SD Herrmannsen, 1847, 1: 378) Ostrea folium Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 699; Ostreidae. Gr. dendron [dendron], to, a tree (Liddell & Scott, 1935); Ostrea Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 696. 樹木形のカキ;イタボガキ科ワニガイ属
Dendrostrea (f.) Agassiz, 1845: 29; unnecessary emendation of Dendostrea Swainson, 1835: 39. Dendostreaの不要な改綴(文法的には正しいが命名規約上許されない)
Dentipecten (m.) Gray, 1847, pt. 15, for 1847: 200, type species (OD) Pecten plica Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 697; Pectinidae; error for Decatopecten G. B. Sowerby II, 1839, ed. 1: 37 (Habe, 1977: 85). L. dens, dentis, m., a tooth; Pecten Mueller, 1776: 248. 歯のあるイタヤガイ;波部 (1977: 85)はDecatopectenの誤綴という;Decatopecten G. B. Sowerby II, 1839の新参客観シノニムで無効
Dermatomya (f.) Dall, 1889a, 18: 448, 452, type species (OD) Poromya (Dermatomya) mactroides Dall, 1889a, 18: 448-449; 1890, 12(773): 291, pl. 8, fig. 8; Poromyidae. L. derma, atis, n., the skin; mya, from Gr. muax [myax], -acis, shell-fish in Pliny (Woodward, 1868: 489; Tryon, 1884, 3: 137). 皮膚のような二枚貝;スナメガイ科ビワノタネガイ属
Poromya (Dermatomya) mactroides Dall, 1889a sensu Dall, 1890, pl. 8, fig. 8, SL 18.0 mm.
Devonia (f.) Winckworth, 1930, Proc. Malac. Soc. London, 19: 14, pro Synapticola Malard, 1903, 9(7): 344, non Voigt, 1892, 53: suppl. 40-41, Crust. (fide Chavan, 1969b, 2 (of 3): N530; Vokes, 1980: 112, 113), type species (OD) Synapticola perrierri Malard, 1903, 9(7): 344-346; Galeommatidae. Devon; -ius, L. adj. A suff., means “characteristic of”, hence indicates connexion or resemblance, noun base. イングランド南西部のデボン州と関係するもの;ウロコガイ科ヒナノズキンガイ属