二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Limecola-Lithodomus)
Limecola (f.) T. Brown (ex Leach MS), 1844, ed. 2: 101, type species (M) Tellina solidula Montagu, 1803: 63-64 [= Limecola solidula T. Brown (ex Leach MS), 1844, ed. 2: 101, objective junior synonym] [= Tellina balthica Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 677, syntypes, LSL, 10 specimens in box no. 52, Dance label image ref. S-F 0020035]; Tellinidae. Eng. lime, L. calx, calcium oxide (Sykes, 1976), or L. limus, i, m., slime, mud, mire (Lewis, 1915); L. colo, to dwell in, inhabit (Lewis, 1915), limicola, a dweller on mud (Stearn, 1983).

Tellina solidula Montagu, 1803 sensu T. Brown, 1844, ed. 2: 101, pl. 40, fig. 14.

Tellina balthica Linnaeus, 1758, one of syntypes in LSL (http://linnean-online.org/17253/).
Limopsis (f.) Sasso [Sassi], 1827, 1(5): 476, type-species (M) Arca aurita Brocchi, 1814, 2: 485-486, pl. 11, fig. 9; Limopsidae. Lima Bruguière, 1797, 1: 206; Gr. oyis [opsis]. ミノガイ属Limaに似たもの;オオシラスナガイ科オオシラスナガイ属

Arca aurita Brocchi, 1814, pl. 11, fig. 9.
Liocyma (n.) Dall, 1870, 13: 256, type species (OD) Venus fluctuosa Gould, 1841: 87-88, pl. (3), fig. 50; Veneridae. lio-, Gr. lios, a, on, Lat. levis, smooth; kuma [cyma], atos,to, anything swoln, the swell of the sea, a wave, billow (Dall, 1870, 13: 256; Liddell & Scott, 1955). 滑らかな波;マルスダレガイ科エゾハマグリ属
Lithodomus (m.) Cuvier, 1817, 2: 471-472, type species (SD Herrmannsen, 1847, 1: 611) Mytilus lithophagus Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 705; Mytilidae. Gr. liqodomos [lithodomus], L. caementarius, i, m. (Herrmannsen, 1847, 1: 611), building with stones, a mason (Liddell & Scott, 1955); Gr. liqos, pierre, Dr. dwma, chamber (Chenu, 1847a: 90; 1847b: 170). 石造建築物、或は石工;イガイ科シギノハシガイ属(Lithophaga [Röding, 1798]の客観シノニム)

Chemnitz, 1785, 8: pl. 82, figs. 729-730.
Limecola (f.) T. Brown (ex Leach MS), 1844, ed. 2: 101, type species (M) Tellina solidula Montagu, 1803: 63-64 [= Limecola solidula T. Brown (ex Leach MS), 1844, ed. 2: 101, objective junior synonym] [= Tellina balthica Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 677, syntypes, LSL, 10 specimens in box no. 52, Dance label image ref. S-F 0020035]; Tellinidae. Eng. lime, L. calx, calcium oxide (Sykes, 1976), or L. limus, i, m., slime, mud, mire (Lewis, 1915); L. colo, to dwell in, inhabit (Lewis, 1915), limicola, a dweller on mud (Stearn, 1983).

Tellina solidula Montagu, 1803 sensu T. Brown, 1844, ed. 2: 101, pl. 40, fig. 14.

Tellina balthica Linnaeus, 1758, one of syntypes in LSL (http://linnean-online.org/17253/).
Limopsis (f.) Sasso [Sassi], 1827, 1(5): 476, type-species (M) Arca aurita Brocchi, 1814, 2: 485-486, pl. 11, fig. 9; Limopsidae. Lima Bruguière, 1797, 1: 206; Gr. oyis [opsis]. ミノガイ属Limaに似たもの;オオシラスナガイ科オオシラスナガイ属

Arca aurita Brocchi, 1814, pl. 11, fig. 9.
Liocyma (n.) Dall, 1870, 13: 256, type species (OD) Venus fluctuosa Gould, 1841: 87-88, pl. (3), fig. 50; Veneridae. lio-, Gr. lios, a, on, Lat. levis, smooth; kuma [cyma], atos,to, anything swoln, the swell of the sea, a wave, billow (Dall, 1870, 13: 256; Liddell & Scott, 1955). 滑らかな波;マルスダレガイ科エゾハマグリ属
Lithodomus (m.) Cuvier, 1817, 2: 471-472, type species (SD Herrmannsen, 1847, 1: 611) Mytilus lithophagus Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 705; Mytilidae. Gr. liqodomos [lithodomus], L. caementarius, i, m. (Herrmannsen, 1847, 1: 611), building with stones, a mason (Liddell & Scott, 1955); Gr. liqos, pierre, Dr. dwma, chamber (Chenu, 1847a: 90; 1847b: 170). 石造建築物、或は石工;イガイ科シギノハシガイ属(Lithophaga [Röding, 1798]の客観シノニム)

Chemnitz, 1785, 8: pl. 82, figs. 729-730.