二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Lutraria-Lyrodesma)
Lutraria (f.) Lamarck, 1799, 1: 85, type species (T) Mactra lutraria Linnaeus, 1767, ed. 12, 1(2): 1126, syntype, one specimen, LSL box no. 84, Dance label image ref. G-M 0010235; Mactridae. ①lutum, vase (Chenu, 1847a: 52; 1847b: 132); lutraius, qui vit dans la vase; ou lutra, lutre (Fischer, 1887: 1118), ②L. lutra, ae, f., an otter; -aria, L. adj. suff., indicates connection or possession (Stearns, 1983). 川獺(カワウソ)に似たもの;バカガイ科モシキオオトリガイ属

Mactra lutraria Linnaeus, 1767, syntype, LSL G-M 0010235 (http://linnean-online.org/17060/).
Lyonsia (f.) Turton, 1822: xvii and 34, type species (M) Mya striata Montague, 1816, 11: 188, pl. 13, fig. 1, A [= Mya norwegica Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3222, ref. Chemnitz, 1788, 10: 345, pl. 170, figs. 1647-1648]; Lyonsiidae. Dédié à W. Lyons, naturaliste (Fischer, 1887: 1162). 英国の博物学者ウイリアム・ライアンズWilliam Lyons (1766-1849)に因む;サザナミガイ科サザナミガイ属

Mya striata Montague, 1816, pl. 13, fig. 1, A.

Chemnitz, 1788, pl. 170, figs. 1647-1648.
lyra Gr. lura [lyra], h, L. lyra, a lyre, a Greek musical instrument like the kiqara [cithara], invented by Hermes, with seven strings (Liddell & Scott, 1955).
Lyrocardium (n.) Meek, 1876, 9: 173, footnote, type species (SD Dall, 1900, 3(5): 1076) Cardium lyratum G. B. Sowerby II, 1840 in G. B. Sowerby I & II, 1832-1841, (177): 6 (a catalogue of Recent species, no. 77), fig. 40; Cardiidae. Gr. lura [lyra]; Cardium Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 678. 竪琴、七絃琴のようなザルガイ類;ザルガイ科ギンギョガイ属

Cardium lyratum G. B. Sowerby II, 1840, (177): fig. 40.
Lyrodesma (n.) Conrad, 1841, Ann. Rep. New York Geol. Surv., 5: 51 (fide Vokes, 1980: 96), type species (M) Lyrodesma planum Conrad, 1841, Ann. Rep. New York Geol. Surv., 5: Assembl. no. 150 (fide Sherborn, 1929, pt. 20: 5018); Lyrodesmatidae. Gr. lura [lyra]; Gr. desma,atos,to, a band, fetter, a head-band (Liddell & Scott, 1955). 殻頂下の鉸歯が放射状に広がる様から、七絃琴のヘッドバンド;Lyrodesmatidae
Lutraria (f.) Lamarck, 1799, 1: 85, type species (T) Mactra lutraria Linnaeus, 1767, ed. 12, 1(2): 1126, syntype, one specimen, LSL box no. 84, Dance label image ref. G-M 0010235; Mactridae. ①lutum, vase (Chenu, 1847a: 52; 1847b: 132); lutraius, qui vit dans la vase; ou lutra, lutre (Fischer, 1887: 1118), ②L. lutra, ae, f., an otter; -aria, L. adj. suff., indicates connection or possession (Stearns, 1983). 川獺(カワウソ)に似たもの;バカガイ科モシキオオトリガイ属

Mactra lutraria Linnaeus, 1767, syntype, LSL G-M 0010235 (http://linnean-online.org/17060/).
Lyonsia (f.) Turton, 1822: xvii and 34, type species (M) Mya striata Montague, 1816, 11: 188, pl. 13, fig. 1, A [= Mya norwegica Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3222, ref. Chemnitz, 1788, 10: 345, pl. 170, figs. 1647-1648]; Lyonsiidae. Dédié à W. Lyons, naturaliste (Fischer, 1887: 1162). 英国の博物学者ウイリアム・ライアンズWilliam Lyons (1766-1849)に因む;サザナミガイ科サザナミガイ属

Mya striata Montague, 1816, pl. 13, fig. 1, A.

Chemnitz, 1788, pl. 170, figs. 1647-1648.
lyra Gr. lura [lyra], h, L. lyra, a lyre, a Greek musical instrument like the kiqara [cithara], invented by Hermes, with seven strings (Liddell & Scott, 1955).
Lyrocardium (n.) Meek, 1876, 9: 173, footnote, type species (SD Dall, 1900, 3(5): 1076) Cardium lyratum G. B. Sowerby II, 1840 in G. B. Sowerby I & II, 1832-1841, (177): 6 (a catalogue of Recent species, no. 77), fig. 40; Cardiidae. Gr. lura [lyra]; Cardium Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 678. 竪琴、七絃琴のようなザルガイ類;ザルガイ科ギンギョガイ属

Cardium lyratum G. B. Sowerby II, 1840, (177): fig. 40.
Lyrodesma (n.) Conrad, 1841, Ann. Rep. New York Geol. Surv., 5: 51 (fide Vokes, 1980: 96), type species (M) Lyrodesma planum Conrad, 1841, Ann. Rep. New York Geol. Surv., 5: Assembl. no. 150 (fide Sherborn, 1929, pt. 20: 5018); Lyrodesmatidae. Gr. lura [lyra]; Gr. desma,atos,to, a band, fetter, a head-band (Liddell & Scott, 1955). 殻頂下の鉸歯が放射状に広がる様から、七絃琴のヘッドバンド;Lyrodesmatidae