二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (Mactrinula-Mactrotoma)
Mactrinula (f.) Gray, 1853, [2], 11(61): 41, type species (M) Mactrinula plicaria Gray, 1853 [err. pro Mactra plicataria Linnaeus, 1767, ed. 12, 1(2): 1125]; Mactridae. (1) Mactrina Brown, 1827: pl. 16, fig. 25, Astartidae, or (2) Mactra Linnaeus, 1767, ed. 12, 1(2): 1125; -ina, pertaining to (Brown, 1956); -ula, diminutive suffix (Brown, 1956). 小さなバカガイ類Mactra;バカガイ科ソリタママキガイ属
Mactrodesma (n.) Conrad, 1869, 4(4): 247, type species (M) Mactra ponderosa Conrad, 1830, 6: 228, pl. 10, fig. 5; Conrad, 1838 in 1838-1845, (1): 25-26, pl. 14, fig. 1, non Eichwald, 1830: 207 [= Mactra subponderosa d’Orbigny, 1852, 3: 100, no. 1873]; Mactridae. Mactra Linnaeus, 1767; Gr. desma, atos, to, a bond, fetter, head-band (Liddell & Scott, 1955), ligament. バカガイ類の靭帯;バカガイ科
Mactra ponderosa Conrad, 1830, pl. 10, fig. 5.
Mactromeris (f.) Conrad, 1868, 3(3), App.: 45, type species (SD Stoliczka, 1871: xvi) Mactra ovalis Gould, 1839, 38(1): 196 [non J. Sowerby, 1817, 2: 136, pl. 160, fig. 5], = Mactra polynyma Stimposon, 1860, 2(6-3): 3]; Mactridae. Mactra Linnaeus, 1767; Gr. meris, medos, to, a part, portion, share, parcel (Liddell & Scott, 1955). バカガイ類の一部をなすもの;バカガイ科ナガウバガイ属
Mactrotoma (f.) Dall, 1894, 8(3): 26, as Mactra (Mactrotoma), type species (OD) Mactra fragilis Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3261, ref. Mactra fragilis, ... (not binominal) Chemnitz, 1782, 6: 236, pl. 24, fig. 235; Mactridae. Mactra Linnaeus, 1767; L. tomus, i, m, Gr. tomh [tome], h, the end left after cutting, a stump (Liddell & Scott, 1959). 切り株のバカガイ;バカガイ科ヒナミルガイ属
Mactra fragilis, ... (not binominal) Chemnitz, 1782, pl. 24, fig. 235.
Mactrinula (f.) Gray, 1853, [2], 11(61): 41, type species (M) Mactrinula plicaria Gray, 1853 [err. pro Mactra plicataria Linnaeus, 1767, ed. 12, 1(2): 1125]; Mactridae. (1) Mactrina Brown, 1827: pl. 16, fig. 25, Astartidae, or (2) Mactra Linnaeus, 1767, ed. 12, 1(2): 1125; -ina, pertaining to (Brown, 1956); -ula, diminutive suffix (Brown, 1956). 小さなバカガイ類Mactra;バカガイ科ソリタママキガイ属
Mactrodesma (n.) Conrad, 1869, 4(4): 247, type species (M) Mactra ponderosa Conrad, 1830, 6: 228, pl. 10, fig. 5; Conrad, 1838 in 1838-1845, (1): 25-26, pl. 14, fig. 1, non Eichwald, 1830: 207 [= Mactra subponderosa d’Orbigny, 1852, 3: 100, no. 1873]; Mactridae. Mactra Linnaeus, 1767; Gr. desma, atos, to, a bond, fetter, head-band (Liddell & Scott, 1955), ligament. バカガイ類の靭帯;バカガイ科
Mactra ponderosa Conrad, 1830, pl. 10, fig. 5.
Mactromeris (f.) Conrad, 1868, 3(3), App.: 45, type species (SD Stoliczka, 1871: xvi) Mactra ovalis Gould, 1839, 38(1): 196 [non J. Sowerby, 1817, 2: 136, pl. 160, fig. 5], = Mactra polynyma Stimposon, 1860, 2(6-3): 3]; Mactridae. Mactra Linnaeus, 1767; Gr. meris, medos, to, a part, portion, share, parcel (Liddell & Scott, 1955). バカガイ類の一部をなすもの;バカガイ科ナガウバガイ属
Mactrotoma (f.) Dall, 1894, 8(3): 26, as Mactra (Mactrotoma), type species (OD) Mactra fragilis Gmelin, 1791, ed. 13, 1(6): 3261, ref. Mactra fragilis, ... (not binominal) Chemnitz, 1782, 6: 236, pl. 24, fig. 235; Mactridae. Mactra Linnaeus, 1767; L. tomus, i, m, Gr. tomh [tome], h, the end left after cutting, a stump (Liddell & Scott, 1959). 切り株のバカガイ;バカガイ科ヒナミルガイ属
Mactra fragilis, ... (not binominal) Chemnitz, 1782, pl. 24, fig. 235.