
この人 blog を書くのだろうか?


2005-12-24 15:39:59 | FreeBSD
<blockqupte>To: freebsd-stable @ freebsd.org
Message-ID: <43AC7611.7040104@interbgc.com>
Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2005 00:11:29 +0200
Subject: Making a data DVD with 4.10 and dvd+rw-format

Did you try with growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/cd0*a* -J -R ?
I had the same problem but , i tried with this device (cd0_a)_ and it
</blockqupte>これってただのデータを焼くだけの様に思えるんですが、mpeg2 な映像データ(或いは RIP した vob ファイルとか)を焼くにはどうすれば良いんでしょうねぇ。
誰か教えて。DVD まで膝蹴りしたら泣くに泣けない...

NetBSD 3.0 Release

2005-12-24 12:12:14 | *BSD
NetBSD 3.0 が Release されました(アナウンス)。2月にブランチが切られ10ヶ月。まぁ、あ NetBSD はあまりスケジュールを立てないのでそういうものかも知れません。(だから、Release 版だけしか使わないと可成りふるい物を使い続けることになってしまいます)足下にある NetBSD は 1.6.2 だし、そろそろバージョンアップしないとなぁ。
また、公式ページによると ftp://ftp2.jp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD/ というサーバも稼働してい

System families supported by NetBSD 3.0

The NetBSD 3.0 release provides supported binary distributions for the following systems:

* NetBSD/acorn26 Acorn Archimedes, A-series and R-series systems
* NetBSD/acorn32 Acorn RiscPC/A7000, VLSI RC7500
* NetBSD/algor Algorithmics, Ltd. MIPS evaluation boards
* NetBSD/alpha Digital/Compaq Alpha (64-bit)
* NetBSD/amd64 Computers with x86_64 capable CPUs
* NetBSD/amiga Commodore Amiga, MacroSystem DraCo
* NetBSD/arc MIPS-based machines following the Advanced RISC Computing spec
* NetBSD/atari Atari TT030, Falcon, Hades
* NetBSD/cats Chalice Technology's CATS and Intel's EBSA-285
evaluation boards
* NetBSD/cesfic CES FIC8234 VME processor board
* NetBSD/cobalt Cobalt Networks' MIPS-based Microservers
* NetBSD/dreamcast Sega Dreamcast game console
* NetBSD/evbarm ARM evaluation boards
* NetBSD/evbmips MIPS-based evaluation boards
* NetBSD/evbppc Evaluation boards and appliances with PowerPC CPUs
* NetBSD/evbsh3 Evaluation boards with Hitachi Super-H SH3 and SH4 CPUs
* NetBSD/evbsh5 Evaluation boards with Hitachi Super-H SH5 CPUs
* NetBSD/hp300 Hewlett-Packard 9000/300 and 400 series
* NetBSD/hp700 Hewlett-Packard 9000 Series 700 workstations
* NetBSD/hpcarm StrongARM based Windows CE PDA machines
* NetBSD/hpcmips MIPS-based Windows CE PDA machines
* NetBSD/hpcsh Hitachi SH3/4 based Windows CE PDA machines
* NetBSD/i386 80x86-based IBM PCs and clones
* NetBSD/ibmnws IBM Network Station 1000
* NetBSD/iyonix Castle Technology's Iyonix ARM based PCs
* NetBSD/luna68k OMRON Tateisi Electric's LUNA series
* NetBSD/mac68k Apple Macintosh with 68k CPU
* NetBSD/macppc Apple Power Macintosh and clones
* NetBSD/mipsco MIPS Computer Systems Inc. family of workstations
and servers
* NetBSD/mmeye Brains mmEye multimedia server
* NetBSD/mvme68k Motorola MVME 68k SBCs
* NetBSD/mvmeppc Motorola PowerPC VME SBCs
* NetBSD/netwinder StrongARM based NetWinder machines
* NetBSD/news68k Sony's 68k-based "NET WORK STATION" series
* NetBSD/newsmips Sony's MIPS-based "NET WORK STATION" series
* NetBSD/next68k NeXT 68k "black" hardware
* NetBSD/ofppc OpenFirmware PowerPC machines
* NetBSD/pmax Digital MIPS-based DECstations and DECsystems
* NetBSD/pmppc Artesyn's PM/PPC board
* NetBSD/prep PReP (PowerPC Reference Platform) and CHRP machines
* NetBSD/sandpoint Motorola Sandpoint reference platform
* NetBSD/sbmips Broadcom SiByte evaluation boards
* NetBSD/sgimips Silicon Graphics' MIPS-based workstations
* NetBSD/shark Digital DNARD ("shark")
* NetBSD/sparc Sun SPARC (32-bit) and UltraSPARC (in 32-bit mode)
* NetBSD/sparc64 Sun UltraSPARC (in native 64-bit mode)
* NetBSD/sun2 Sun 2
* NetBSD/sun3 Sun 3 and 3x
* NetBSD/vax Digital VAX
* NetBSD/x68k Sharp X680x0 series

Ports available in source form only for this release include the following:

* NetBSD/amigappc PowerPC-based Amiga boards
* NetBSD/bebox Be Inc's BeBox
* NetBSD/pc532 The NS32532-based PC532 computer
* NetBSD/playstation2 SONY PlayStation 2