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Travis' NEW YEAR Vacation

2016年01月08日 | ★STARRY★

                                     New Year Update from Travis  


 Happy New Year everyone 

I hope everyone had a fun New Year countdown with loved ones. What did you do   Where did you go   If you come and tell me, I will give you 2 shinny stickers 

I spent 7 days of my New Year vacation at an orphanage ( 孤児院  ). It was so fun About 6 children live in the house I stayed. We ate traditional Japanese New Years' eve meal and New Year morning meal. I watched Johnny’s Countdown on TV with the children and did New Year crackers

It had been many years since I ate traditional Japanese New Year dishes in a Japanese home. I love Japanese food so much  

I didn't make any New Year resolution because I make one every morning in my quiet time. Did you make a New Resolution? Tell me about it. I look forward to hearing about you New Year break..

Much love.... Travis 




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