Anime is one of the first ways a lot of people are exposed to the art of drawing, right around the age when they develop the fine motor skills and critical thinking that enable them to learn to draw well. Before anime became popular outside of Japan it was cartoons, comic strips, or comic books.
Japanese love to draw Anime Like what I noticed in my students. They are good at illustrating and using their imagination. I`m so impressed and surprised that young students can draw Manga like my 6th-grade elementary student. I took a picture of Sara`s drawing because it`s very impressive.
I asked myself before, why Japanese are really good at illustrating. I already figured it out because Japanese people do grow up seeing manga and anime all around them, on TV, in their schoolbooks, in ads on the windows of shops, as decorations on the trains, it’s EVERYWHERE. So that helps too, of course, they tend to see that as THE style of art to emulate. Most Japanese kids want to be illustrators in the future that’s why they keep on PRACTICING. That really shows, because at their young age, they show potential in drawing manga.
I want to learn how to draw Manga like them. I hope It`s not too late for me.