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Christmas Lantern " Parol "

2022年12月09日 | ★STARRY★

15 more days before Christmas and I am really excited. This season is my most awaited holiday season of the year because its is not just for being merry and jolly. It is also time for giving and receiving gifts. Just kidding. For me Christmas is a wonderful and memorable holiday season to me. When I was a child, making a Christmas lantern is one of my hobby aside from putting up a Christmas tree. We are making Christmas lantern and we put in on the wall or even hang it on our trees outside our house.

Filipinos call the local version of the Christmas lantern “parol”. The traditional lantern is a five-point star made of bamboo sticks and colored Japanese paper or cellophane. Originally, people place a lighted candle inside during nighttime but due to fire accidents, they switched to LED twinkling lights.

I will give you some quick info about the “Parol”.The Parol represents the star of Bethlehem that the Three Kings used as their guide on their way to find the Child Jesus. Filipinos often hang it outside of windows, in balconies and over a belen. They either buy a parol or have the children of the family make it.

The parol has evolved over the years and one can find a wealth of different designs. They now range from fancy design giants made of Capiz shells to simple stars fashioned from recycled material. Schools, church groups and companies hold contests to encourage the participants’ creativity in making the iconic star. They also promote the use of recycled and indigenous materials.

Of course time changes, Modern technology is often used in making the parols for the festival. Makers use software to program the light sequence and colors to make sure they “dance” to the tune of a pre-selected Christmas song. Don’t forget to bring a camera if you’re planning to witness this event.

For Filipinos living aboard like me, the Parol represents a piece of “HOME”. They still hang it outside their homes, a signal that within lives a festive Filipino family. The parol remains the star that leads believers home.


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