仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

Christmas Party

2024年11月22日 | ★STARRY★

Christmas is the time of year when everyone gathers to celebrate the holidays. Speaking of gatherings during holidays. I remember one of my most anticipated events during Christmas is the School Christmas party. This year, we will be holding a student Christmas party. I have so much to write about this. When I was young, I always looked forward to school parties, and I had many good memories of this kind of event.


Christmas Party is my favorite school event. Aside from being a good excuse to buy new clothes, it marks an important event in the school calendar—the start of Christmas vacation. Each grade level in our school in the Philippines is divided into sections. It is expected that Christmas parties in other sections are different than the others. It depends on how the class carefully prepared the program, exchanged gifts, and other activities within that day. The head teacher assigned students who will perform, may it be singing, dancing, or narrating poetries written by dead people and also playing party games.


Since most of the schools in the Philippines are wearing school uniforms, we are not allowed to wear casual outfits during regular school days. They were very strict. That`s why Christmas Party is our way to express ourselves when it comes to wearing our favorite clothes. I remember wearing clothes that my mother and I bought. Usually, these clothes were out of style or never my style. I don't have that much choice with my wardrobe. We always go for what’s cheap and what my mom thinks is the best for me. I can`t argue with my mom because “mama knows best.


Lastly, exchanging gifts is my best core memory because when I received a gift that I didn’t expect, I cried a lot . I cried because the gift that I prepared was way better than what I received . Of course, I was young back then, I didn’t have the idea of the saying Be grateful for what you received. But now, even the smallest or simplest gift I received means a lot to me.

Christmas is not just an event. It is the season that engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love and unity.



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