仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

Fast Food

2025年01月31日 | ★STARRY★

When we hear `fast food,` the first things that come to mind are burgers, fried chicken, tacos, pizza, and French fries. It`s delicious, right? Like me, most of us are guilty of loving the food that we can buy in any fast food chain.

But as we grow up and the environment that we live in, it will change. Your love for fast food will change because you are now conscious of your appearance and most especially your health. As we all know eating fast food has many bad effects like having problems with the heart, high cholesterol, and obesity.

When I went to the US, fast food was everywhere. One can find a McDonald’s, a Chick-fil-A, a Taco Bell, a Wendy’s, a Dunkin’ or a Domino’s, and IN-N-OUT just to name a few of the most popular chains, in towns and cities across the United States and around the world.


As we toured the U.S. we couldn`t help to eat in a fast food chain because it`s convenient and literally fast and the serving was enormous. We ate at Jack in a Box, IN-N-OUT, Wingstop.com, and some local burritos and taco shops. As the days went by, I noticed that we always eat in a fast food chain and I was fed up. I was used to eating REAL food with rice, main dish, and soup. That’s why there was a day that I didn’t eat anything and if my family asked me what I wanted to eat I just directly told them I didn`t want fast food I`d rather have some rice with soup. That’s why we went to a Vietnamese restaurant to have Phoa and some Asian cuisine that serves real food.


Burgers, fried chicken, french fries, and pancakes are good to eat if it is not on a daily consumption. Food that is rich in vitamins is still the best with proper diet and exercise. But maybe I will eat burgers this weekend somewhere in Matsushima. It`s been a month since I ate burgers.



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